Reviews For Obsessed
Reviewer: Sindi Signed Date: 11/22/06 - 03:06PM Title: One

That cow and Justin doesnt seem like a victim in this, well yet. Hm!

Reviewer: vessy Signed Date: 11/22/06 - 06:35AM Title: One

interesting story, can't wait to read more

Reviewer: LoveYou2 Signed Date: 11/21/06 - 11:50PM Title: One

I like this :D I hope you update often. Cheaters suck! I hope she finds out and slaps his fool behind!

Reviewer: LuLu Signed Date: 11/21/06 - 11:44PM Title: One

Bad Justin!

I hope when Victoria finds out, like I'm sure she will, that she slaps him like Johnny Depp was slapped in PotC, lol.

Reviewer: TruBleu Signed Date: 11/21/06 - 11:38PM Title: One

dmn dog!!

I hope she goes Mad Black Woman on his arse

Reviewer: chelsia Signed Date: 11/21/06 - 11:31PM Title: One

oooo this is interesting. I'm liking it so far. Good job!

Reviewer: Gigi Signed Date: 11/21/06 - 11:15PM Title: One

Alaina needs to be shot.

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