Reviews For The Project
Reviewer: vessy Signed Date: 03/18/07 - 05:21AM Title: Chapter 17: A Broken Heart, All Over Again

that was amazing! i love it, i can't belive justin did that, can't wait for more!

Author's Response: Yay!!  I'm glad you liked the chapter.  Justin definitely doesn't know how to deal with a broken heart.  But thank you so much for the review!!  Have a great night!  :)

Reviewer: vessy Signed Date: 03/16/07 - 10:58AM Title: Chapter 16: Just Hayden

great chapter, can't wait for more!

and to answer your question, yeah i will see him in june and i can't wait :)

Author's Response:

Thank you very much for the review!!!  I'm glad you liked it! 

You're going to have a blast in June...I'm jealous!!!  hahaha!  Talk to ya later!!

Reviewer: Moose Signed Date: 03/16/07 - 07:44AM Title: Chapter 16: Just Hayden

That was so bittersweet.  I hope Hayden can work everything out with Justin, they were too good together to just let go like that.  Good stuff :)

Author's Response:

Thank you!!  Right now is definitely a bittersweet time for Hayden...she's really trying to figure out who she is.  She needs to be happy with herself before she can make anyone else happy, even if that means losing Justin.  Thank you sooo much for the review, I'm glad you liked the chapter!  Have a good one!!!

Reviewer: SexualCoco Signed Date: 03/12/07 - 04:25PM Title: Chapter 15: A Break

WTH??!! This cannot be happening. I wish Hayden would just try a little bit harder and I wish Justin would have fought a little bit harder for her too. I hope it gets better and I can't wait for the next chapter. Great job!

Author's Response: Justin was too shocked to really fight for Tyler said Hayden can be difficult and if you really want to be with her, you better fight for her.   Hayden was just mentally exhausted from it all...she didn't know what more she could possibly do.'ll be a good next couple of chapters!  Thank you soo much for the reviews!!  Have a good one!

Reviewer: d_simplicity Signed Date: 03/12/07 - 03:41PM Title: Chapter 15: A Break

NO!!! this is unacceptable! Why?! I knew this would happen but why!? :-D. Damnit i want the meida to burn. Is there anyway u can make all of them end up in the same place and die in a fiery explosion. hahah ok that's bad wishful thinkin on my part. But why!?!?!? Man, i feel depressed now. I want them back something to fix it...anything! Please? :-D

Anyway can u believe i've never seen justin live in concert...sad i know. But enjoy though! I'm monitoring when he comes back to orlando so i can buy me sum tickets...hehe.

Author's Response:

Haha you put a smile on my face!  I feel the same way...stupid media.  They drove apart a perfectly good relationship.  We'll see about fixing it.  Hayden needs time to just be herself, away from the craziness and figure out what she wants.'ll be a fun next couple of chapters..


p.s.  You have absolutely got to see him in Concert!  You'll love it!!  I think I've seen Justin, oh lord around 10 times now (if you count my *Nsync memories)  But I highly recommend him in concert, it's a blast!

Reviewer: alimera Signed Date: 03/12/07 - 10:46AM Title: Chapter 15: A Break

oh no!  no no no!  FIX THIS!

have fun at justin's's f-ing AWESOME! :D

Author's Response:

I know...I didn't like writing that part.  Poor Hayden and Justin!  We'll see though right?!

p.s.  Justin's concert was freakin' amazing!!!  Although I got my cameras taken away...that sucked!!  Considering I was able to take pictures in Minneapolis..but in everyone was getting their stuff taken away.  Best of all I got to touch Justin and meet Johnny Wright!!  It was the best!

Reviewer: vessy Signed Date: 03/12/07 - 04:27AM Title: Chapter 15: A Break

great work, update soon!

Author's Response: Thank you!!!  I'm hoping to get the update out later this week!  Thank you for all of the's awesome to hear from you guys! :)  Have a good one!!  Talk to ya later!

Reviewer: anabelle21 Signed Date: 03/11/07 - 11:34PM Title: Chapter 15: A Break

oh man cant wait for the new chapter..


Author's Response: Thank you!!  I'll be working on it here soon,so look out for it :)  Thank you for the reviews...I love reading them!  Keep them coming :)  Have a good one!

Reviewer: JoJo Signed Date: 03/11/07 - 11:01PM Title: Chapter 15: A Break

i love this story but that was soooo sad!! i was kinda wondering when she would just get fed up! now i'm sad...can't wait for more though!

Author's Response: I was sad writing that part...I like them together but Hayden can only put up with so much.    Thank you for all of the reviews!!!  I truly appreciate it!  I'm working on the new update here soon!  Talk to you later :)

Reviewer: alimera Signed Date: 03/02/07 - 09:31AM Title: Chapter 14: The Media

oh dear...not good.  i hate the media!  update again soon...

Author's Response: Doesn't the media suck?!?!  Perfectly good relationship is done!!  :)  Thank you for the review!!  I'll be working on the next chapter here soon!  Thank you again!!!  Talk to ya later

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