Reviews For Can't Let You Go
Reviewer: Diana Anonymous Date: 05/30/04 - 12:51PM Title: Details

another great update. keep it up. you know whats odd, i thought the public knew they were a couple already. oh wells. cant wait for more

Reviewer: Brittney Anonymous Date: 05/30/04 - 10:42AM Title: Details

I'm not so sure I'm liking this thing as her as the publicist. lol Maybe I'll change my mind later, but right now I don't. lol Anyway, he ready to go public! wow! They've been going together for a while though so yeah...that's sweet though that he wants the world to know that that's his girl and he loves her. Update soon! :o)

Reviewer: wh|t Anonymous Date: 05/30/04 - 10:15AM Title: Details

shoot if he is ready then I am too--lets go public ;b

Reviewer: aimee Anonymous Date: 05/30/04 - 09:03AM Title: Details

keep it up

Reviewer: Victoria Anonymous Date: 05/25/04 - 10:55PM Title: Yo Timb-Man, It's the Jump Off

Yayyy! Basketball! That was a great chapter. I love the chapters where we get to see the two of them bonding. Though I'm a little worried about Chelle and this job. She's taking it a little too seriously. Have fun girl!

Reviewer: Raven Anonymous Date: 05/25/04 - 12:11PM Title: Yo Timb-Man, It's the Jump Off

I agree too. Justin without the cockiness is like... JC. LOL! What a beautiful basketball game. I love how he pulled her onto the court in a skirt. Great update hun.

Reviewer: Brittney Anonymous Date: 05/24/04 - 03:24PM Title: Yo Timb-Man, It's the Jump Off

That was tha bomb! lol I love JT and his cockiness too! That was a great chapter. Chelle did her thang too! lol But I can already see how her being his PR os not going to work. She's so concerned about publicity, etc. She needs to remember what he wants too. Like all she was thinking about was publicity at the game. Can she take a break for a day and just cheer her man on? anyway, I don't think this was a good move. Update soon! :o)

Reviewer: aimee Anonymous Date: 05/24/04 - 02:02PM Title: Yo Timb-Man, It's the Jump Off

keep it up girl

Reviewer: aisha Anonymous Date: 05/24/04 - 09:37AM Title: Yo Timb-Man, It's the Jump Off

yay, what a great chapter! i love b-ball so that was a treat. justin and his cockiness on the court are hilarious. and yay for their vma nominations! more please!

Reviewer: aisha Anonymous Date: 05/23/04 - 06:47PM Title: Ain't No Sunshine. He's Gone.

oh lord, i hope this works out for them. it seems like it could get scary.

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