Reviews For Can't Let You Go
Reviewer: Raven Anonymous Date: 05/20/04 - 09:03PM Title: All I Need

DAYUM. Aww JC isn't gonna do him like that is he?! Girl, I gotta know what's next. And why can't Chris ever get the girl LOL. Update SOOOOON!

Reviewer: unknown Anonymous Date: 05/20/04 - 08:52PM Title: All I Need

whoaaa. DRAMA !

Reviewer: aimee Anonymous Date: 05/20/04 - 12:19AM Title: For The Love of You

awwwww girl!

Reviewer: aimee Anonymous Date: 05/19/04 - 05:11PM Title: Bugs and Babs


Reviewer: Brittney Anonymous Date: 05/18/04 - 11:01PM Title: Bugs and Babs

They're so freakin cute! :o) That's so sweet that he's going to blow that pic up. Awwww! And Maya got shut down! That's what she gets. I love Justin and Chelle so much together...they're just so....cute! lol Good job! Update soon! :o) Oh! And I absolutely love "Mesmorized" by John Mayer. :o)

Reviewer: Diana Anonymous Date: 05/18/04 - 10:51PM Title: Bugs and Babs

cute chapter and another great update. the whole babs and bugs idea was so adorable. i was like 'aww'. keep it up hun

Reviewer: unknown Anonymous Date: 05/18/04 - 08:47PM Title: Bugs and Babs

awww how cute. he's gonna make the picture of her kissin her nose bigger.

Reviewer: Brittney Anonymous Date: 05/18/04 - 02:10PM Title: Six Flags, Six Friends

I agree with Raven. Take Maya out and the story would be perfect. lol But those EZ Passes are the bomb! They have them @ Disneyworld and they are great! :o) I'm so happy that the fam loves him. It's just...wonderful ya know? I'm scared that something is going to happen soon to burst my bubble because everything is pretty much going really good. Anyway, I sure wouldn't mind having a hamburger or chicken sandwhich. lol Update soon! :o)

Reviewer: Raven Anonymous Date: 05/18/04 - 12:37PM Title: Six Flags, Six Friends

Absolutely too cute for words. Just take out Maya and this would be perfect!

Reviewer: aisha Anonymous Date: 05/18/04 - 09:21AM Title: Prologue

whoo! i love justin takin' control like that. i agree chelle ... very sexy lol. i loved that chapter. maya needs to get hit though lol. lovin' it. can't wait for moer!

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