Reviews For The Other Woman
Reviewer: whitney Anonymous Date: 07/18/04 - 09:41PM Title: Chapter Six: The Joys of Pregnancy

Wow Jace needs to work on timing

Author's Response: lol. thanks for your review :o) *Kate*

Reviewer: Danyelle Anonymous Date: 07/17/04 - 05:52PM Title: Chapter Five: Attitude Adjustment

Yeah lynn put Justin in his place!!

Author's Response: Yay! I love that you come back and read it. That makes me so happy!! Plus, i love that you take time to comment on it, Thank you so much. *Kate*

Reviewer: Danyelle Anonymous Date: 07/14/04 - 07:58AM Title: Chapter Four: The Right Thing

Awwww..that is so cute so far. I hope he shapes up and makes the right decision. :)

Author's Response: Thank you so much for your review. I am so glad you like the story so far and i hope you visit it again to see how it goes. I might upload another chapter later this week. Thanks again, *Kate*

Reviewer: whit Anonymous Date: 07/13/04 - 04:02PM Title: Chapter Four: The Right Thing

aww may have started out shaky...but i have hope they'll make it

Author's Response: Aw, Thanks for reviewing. :) I really appreciate it. *Kate*

Reviewer: Gigi Anonymous Date: 07/08/04 - 08:25PM Title: Chapter Two: Confessions

This story is good!

Author's Response: Thanks!! I hope you continue to read it and let me know what you think! *Kate*

Reviewer: Danyelle Anonymous Date: 07/08/04 - 07:27AM Title: Chapter One: The Call

OOooo good start! I like the concept, kinda like a song i once heard! ;) Cant wait to see what happends next!

Author's Response: Thanks!! You are absolutely right... it is based on a song. In case you were wondering, it's based on the song "Confessions" (both part one and part two) by Usher. I really liked the concept of the song and thought I'd write a story about it. *wink* lol okay, well thanks for your review!! *Kate*

Reviewer: NconspicUous1 Anonymous Date: 07/07/04 - 08:31PM Title: Chapter One: The Call

I liked that! Very good!

Author's Response: Aw, thanks for taking time to review. I really appreciate it! *Kate*

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