Reviews For Walking Tall
Reviewer: Vincenza Anonymous Date: 06/02/05 - 08:45AM Title: Leaving Leads to Lonely

Oh my god, that was great. I have a question, will Mackenzie be able to walk again? Please write more soon.

Author's Response: You'll have to wait to find out if Mackenzie will be able to walk again. You'll find out soon enough....just keep reading. :) Thanks for the review!

Reviewer: Hollie Anonymous Date: 06/02/05 - 07:24AM Title: Leaving Leads to Lonely

Enrique kinda creeps me out - not with being gay, just his alarming persistence *lol* As usual though, fantabulous chapter

Author's Response: LOL! You know you would be just as persistent if you were that close to JT. ;) Thanks so much for reviewing!

Reviewer: Helena Anonymous Date: 06/02/05 - 06:45AM Title: Leaving Leads to Lonely

"Justin was kissing me and rubbing me and…whoo! I feel all tingly." ROFLMAO! I love enrique more with every day that passes! I hope Justin's absense doesn't make Mackenzie (and Enrique fore that matter lol) lose it. Great update!

Author's Response: Thanks so much for reviewing and sorry it took me so long to respond. Glad your loving Enrique so much. I loved writing from his POV.

Reviewer: Lola Anonymous Date: 06/02/05 - 05:26AM Title: Leaving Leads to Lonely

That was good, Update soon

Author's Response: Thanks!

Reviewer: Gigi Anonymous Date: 06/01/05 - 11:54PM Title: Leaving Leads to Lonely

Girl you crazy with that dream sequence there you had me for minute.LOL.

Author's Response: LOL! Mission accomplished. Thanks for reviewing!

Reviewer: Teeny Anonymous Date: 05/20/05 - 12:50AM Title: Call Me Mr. Bubbles

So sweet and romantic, great job! Of course, I was completely UNjealous when she slipped into that tub with Justin, only separated by a thin pair of shorts....;)

Author's Response: Yay! You reviewed. You know how much I love it when you review. Anywho, I never thought for a minute that you would be jealous when Mackenzie slipped in to the tub with Justin--note my sarcasm--LOL! Don't worry I was jealous too. Thanks a bunch for reviewing!

Reviewer: Vincenza Anonymous Date: 05/19/05 - 03:27PM Title: Call Me Mr. Bubbles

That was so sweet. That just shows how much he loves her.

Author's Response: Thanks!

Reviewer: Danyelle Anonymous Date: 05/19/05 - 11:31AM Title: Call Me Mr. Bubbles

Aww that was to cute for words. That was way to cute of Justin. And the humor in it too is fun! Great job more soon I love readin this story

Author's Response: I'm so glad you love reading this story. I love writing it. Thanks so much for always reviewing!

Reviewer: Helena Anonymous Date: 05/19/05 - 04:55AM Title: Call Me Mr. Bubbles

I want a bubble bath with Justin... :( Good update!

Author's Response: Don't we all.....don't we all....

Reviewer: Hollie Anonymous Date: 05/19/05 - 02:54AM Title: Call Me Mr. Bubbles

That's so sweet... and might i add, the chapter title cracked me up!!!

Author's Response: This is my favorite chapter title so far. I had a different one originally but changed it at the last minute right before I posted. It just came to me as I was proof reading for errors. Glad you like!

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