Reviews For Walking Tall
Reviewer: Gigi Anonymous Date: 02/23/05 - 12:02AM Title: The Healing

I just knew he was going to do that.

Author's Response: Damn, *snaps fingers* I was hoping it wasn't that obvious. Am I getting too predictable? Maybe I'll have to make somthing terrible happen that will throw ya off. lol! Thanks for reviewing.

Reviewer: Dakota Anonymous Date: 02/22/05 - 05:54PM Title: The Healing

TAKE HER JUSTIN!!! TAKE HER!!! lol yeah that would be good...they got down to the dirty. Update soon plz. I'm lovin this story

Author's Response: Thanks so much for reviewing!

Reviewer: Danyelle Anonymous Date: 02/22/05 - 05:18PM Title: The Healing

Hmmm..this is where things start to get interesting. Dirty thoughts flowing through the mind right now. Hahaha. But thats cool of Justin to suggest "taking her", but would she really go for it? She seems independent and just doesn't want to be a charity case. Interesting. Nice job.

Author's Response: Dirty thoughts? Danyelle, I'm shocked! LOL! ;) You're right, Mackenzie is very independent and she just may not agree to go OR maybe Justin has changed his mind. Who know? Oh that's right...I do. ;) Thanks for reviewing!

Reviewer: Leeann Signed Date: 02/22/05 - 02:09PM Title: The Healing

awesome update as usual. keep up the excellent work.

Author's Response: Thank you much ma'am!

Reviewer: Hollie Anonymous Date: 02/22/05 - 11:42AM Title: The Healing

I love this story. It's really honest, very real. :o)

Author's Response: Thanks Hollie! I'm glad it seems real to you; that's what I was going for.;)

Reviewer: Teeny Signed Date: 02/22/05 - 11:21AM Title: The Healing

OH MY GOSH!!! (Oh hey, I just took a leaf outta your cool) Justin should take Mackenzie home, help her walk again, and then those two can get down to the dirty ;) I love these quick updates, keep them coming sista! lol

Author's Response: LOL! Funny! As for Mackenzie and Justin gettin' "down and dirty" I don't think that's going to happen anytime soon (sorry to disapoint :)). Thanks for taking the time to review and speaking of quick updates I think it's about time for you to update again too. ;)

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