Reviews For Walking Tall
Reviewer: Danyelle Anonymous Date: 02/28/05 - 05:31PM Title: A New Kind of Healing

Dang gurl bring on the waterworks. How sweet of Lynn to be so caring and understanding. Especially when she needs someone other then Justin to lean on. Eekkk great job.

Author's Response: I was begining to wonder where you were. I always look for your review. Thanks so much for the great feedback!

Reviewer: monkeymonkey85 Anonymous Date: 02/24/05 - 08:31PM Title: A New Kind of Healing

update :)

Author's Response: LoL! Glad to see I left you wanting more!

Reviewer: peyton Anonymous Date: 02/24/05 - 05:41PM Title: A New Kind of Healing

i love this story, it's so sweet. lynn is such a great person for mackenzie to associate with!!! update soon! i love it!

Author's Response: Thanks for the review, I really appreciate it. And Lynn is good for Mackenzie.

Reviewer: Leeann Signed Date: 02/24/05 - 02:38PM Title: A New Kind of Healing

loved the update. the part with lynn was really sweet. she needs to have a mother figure who is actually going to care about her. excellent update :). love seeing the interaction between mackenzie and justin, its developing nicely :)

Author's Response: Well thank you very much. And you're right, Lynn is exactly what Mackenzie needs right now. Having Justin around is helping but there are some things only a mother can do. I appreciate the review and words of praise!

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