Reviews For She Saw Through Me
Reviewer: Ashley Anonymous Date: 06/11/06 - 11:43PM Title: Chapter 14: I Want My Cake and Emily too.

Great chapter! I'm glad they're all lovey-dovey now, but I like how JC's still guarded about everything so it's not a complete turnaround for his character. Keep up the good work!

Reviewer: Violeta Anonymous Date: 06/11/06 - 09:36PM Title: Chapter 14: I Want My Cake and Emily too.

That cake scene was hot in an odd way, two teenagers licking birthday cake off from each other... not something her parents would like to see, and that's what makes it even hotter.

I had missed this story, but it was worth the wait.

More soon please!!!

Reviewer: Manda Chasez Signed Date: 05/03/06 - 06:41AM Title: Chapter 13: Finally

keep going!

Reviewer: Violeta Anonymous Date: 04/23/06 - 11:16PM Title: Chapter 13: Finally

Sweetheart you just can't leave us like that, it's unfair...*sniffs*. Please update soon. This story is just too good to die unfinished. I've enjoyed every single chapter. I'll be waiting...

Reviewer: Ashley Anonymous Date: 04/19/06 - 06:02PM Title: Chapter 13: Finally

I love this story and cant wait for more.  I'm hoping that JC opens up but I love the intesity that you can see through the writing.  Great Job... please write more.

Reviewer: rosie Anonymous Date: 04/16/06 - 04:14PM Title: Chapter 13: Finally

i'm so glad you updated; i can't wait to see what happens next.

Reviewer: Violeta Anonymous Date: 03/20/06 - 02:50PM Title: Prologue: The Last Day

Please update soon!!!! This story is too good!!!

Reviewer: TrouserSnakeTimbs Signed Date: 03/04/06 - 11:47PM Title: Prologue: The Last Day

i really love this story!

Reviewer: Anna Anonymous Date: 02/27/06 - 09:48AM Title: Chapter 13: Finally

awww...that's so cute!!! update soon!! ^_^

Reviewer: Lice Anonymous Date: 02/21/06 - 05:52PM Title: Chapter 13: Finally

Aww. Loved the chapter. =D

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