Reviewer: Lizzy3218 Anonymous Date: 05/29/06 - 10:50PM Title: Epilogue

Awwwwwww that was so cute. *tear* Great story.  I loved it.

Reviewer: Amber - Jrtluva05 Anonymous Date: 08/20/05 - 07:00PM Title: Epilogue

That story is one of the cutest i have ever read!!! that was really good, you actaully made me wanna write mine, an make it better, i love how you have made sequels to your stories an made them into a little series it's awesome.. keep up the good work hun!! your an amazing writer!! i've read both of you're series. Now hopefully i can get you to read my stories an give me a few pointers!! so yea, look for still on my brain by jrtluva05 thanks hun an the story was amazing... you had me in tears like 5 times an that's good!! shows that you can make your readers feel the emotion.!

Reviewer: whtny Anonymous Date: 04/13/05 - 09:26PM Title: Epilogue

SO glad to see you back, luvs it

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