Reviews For Love & Forgiveness
Reviewer: Hollie Anonymous Date: 06/20/05 - 02:28AM Title: Expect The Unexpected

Siesta?? I thought siesta was a nap? *lol* What do I know, I haven;t even taken Spanish in about five years... but back to the story, I can;t believe Alonsha needed Adam to spell it out like that because I got the whole gay thing a good few responses before she did *heehee*. I'm now just left to hope that Justin will be sensitive and supportive to her about it (because this is a very nasty thing for a girl, to think they've repelled their boyfriend from all women) and that he won;t just be so happy Adam's out of the picture that he... WAIT. Adam's been havingt sex with Alonsha on this holiday knowing that he's gay and wants to break up with her?? The big fat jerk!!! GRRRRRR!!! Oh, and Cameron can go jump too.

Author's Response: Siestas are breaks, but you nap during them too, LOL! OMG, everybody saw this coming, ROFL! I'm upset now. The drama is lost, LMAO! Just kidding. I bet you are hoping for Justin to come along and be all caring and crap, LMAO! LMFAO! Cameron's not jumping anywhere and he is a jackass for doing that, isn't he? Asshole. LMAO! Thanks for the review, sugar!

Reviewer: Tanya Anonymous Date: 06/19/05 - 11:22PM Title: Expect The Unexpected

ok i so wasnt expecting that... i was expecting maybe for him to propose or sumtin... this is shocking.... now Justin needs to dump 'poor innocent cam' and get back with lonnie

Author's Response: LMAO! DAmn, everybody wants Justin to drop everything and go with Lonnie. But will he? LMAO! Thanks for the review!

Reviewer: Gigi Anonymous Date: 06/19/05 - 10:43PM Title: Expect The Unexpected

WTF! Adam's gay! Uhh! I think Alonsha should just stay there in Paris since she loves it so much. You know leave Adam's ass alone forget about Justin and him being a little pussy and just live her life out in Paris. At least that way she wouldn't have to worry about all the drama back at home.

Author's Response: LMFAO! OMG, you actually want her to run away again? Whoa! You know how much trouble I was in for doing that the first time? LMFAO! Thanks for the review, Gigi. You always have a unique point of view =)

Reviewer: Ash Anonymous Date: 06/19/05 - 10:19PM Title: Expect The Unexpected

So umm, does this have to do with the fact that he and Justin got along so well? 'Cause I swear, if you turn Justin gay, I'm gonna have to hop a flight to whereveryouare and hurt you, girl. LOL. Didn't see that coming, but it wasn't really shocking. Very interesting, though. Nice little twist there, homie. I wish people would tell Justin what he needs to hear: DUMP CAMERON. 'Cause if he cheats on her, I'm gonna have to hop on a flight to whereverheis and kick his ass, too. Cheating's not cool, man. Stop fakin' the funk and be with who you want. All this other second-guessing bullshit is just that -- bullshit. Move on so that Cameron can get over herself and move the hell on, too.

Author's Response: LMFAO! Justin is NOT gay. That's one twist that won't happen, so you won't be kicking my ass, LMFAO! OMG, he can't just dump Cameron, LMAO. Stop faking the funk! LMFAO! Too good. Too good. I know the second guessing shit is annoying, but it'll all end, eventually, LMFAO! Sorry for frustrating you, homes, but don't worry, it'll get worse, LMFAO! Thanks for the review.

Reviewer: Ani Anonymous Date: 06/19/05 - 10:11PM Title: Expect The Unexpected

You weren't kiddin' when you titled the chapter Expect the Unexpected, huh? I kinda figured that the boy was gay cus he never seemed to be that mad at the fact that Alonsha was chillin with Justin a lot. Or maybe he just trust the girl. But anyways, this means Alonsha is free and Justin can have her...only if he breaks up with Cameron. I can't wait to see (or should I say read?) Justin's reaction when he finds out they broke up AND that Adam was gay. LOL How is Mama Lynn so wise about things and Justin is so damn stupid? Haha. Mama Lynn is the best. She knows the right things to say. Amazing work and can't wait for more!

Author's Response: LOL! I sure enough wasn't kidding. I warned ya'll, LMAO. Damn, everybody's gonna love his respose, LMAO. Hopefully. I've got it in my head, but I don't know if I can put it down right, LMAO. Oh well, I love Lynn too! She's so smart. She's awesome (as Justin would say, lol). Besides, she's a woman. That's why she's wise, LOL! Thanks for the review. I'm glad you enjoyed it, sugar!

Reviewer: Ani Anonymous Date: 06/19/05 - 09:53PM Title: The Cherry On Top

Fuck Justin! Drop Cameron and stop makin' her the third damn wheel already! He knows damn well that them not being friends isn't going to work. He needs a reality check and realize that he loves Alonsha and not deny it. Geez! LOVED IT!

Author's Response: LMAO! So much anger! LMAO! ISn't Cameron a bitch? Imposing on their friend-tsk tsk- LOL! I'm glad you loved it and hopefully that reality check will happen soon, lol. Thanks for the review!

Reviewer: Whty Anonymous Date: 06/19/05 - 09:52PM Title: Expect The Unexpected

Oh shit thats awesome..but didn't they have sex?!

Author's Response: They sure enough did, LMFAO! Glad you enjoyed it, sugar. Thanks for the review! =)

Reviewer: Ani Anonymous Date: 06/19/05 - 09:42PM Title: Letting It Out

Hah, I've been waiting for that little cat fight to happen. I wanted them both to beat Justin's ass though. The boy deserves it AND MORE.
Off to the next...!

Author's Response: LMFAO! OMG! They both can jump Justin. . .LMAO! I'm thinking about a future chapter here, LMAO! Thanks for the review!

Reviewer: Ani Anonymous Date: 06/19/05 - 09:21PM Title: Only For A Little While

Cameron told his ass. Haha. Good for her. Let it alllll out, girlfriend. ROFL. I honestly think that this break isn't gonna help Justin & Cameron at all. He's just gonna start thinkin' bout the girl anyways! I'm gonna cut this short cus I wanna read the next chapter. :D Great update as always.

Author's Response: LMAO! So you're cheering for Cameron? Weird, LMAO! The break won't help, LOL! Thanks for the short, but sweet review!

Reviewer: Ani Anonymous Date: 06/19/05 - 09:12PM Title: Birthday Blues

But, she shouldn't really blame him. He's not the one wearing some skimpy halter dress with boobs hanging out all over the place. . . Girl's just mad cus she ain't got any, LOL. In all seriousness, everything after that quote made me REALLY feel bad for Cameron. She really doesn't deserve they way she's being treated. =O Justin's a little prick, man. He probably does still love Alonsha but shit, he has a girlfriend so he should pay attention to her! Wow, you've got me really standin' up for Cameron. You sure are one hell of a writer to make me do that. ROFL. No but really, you ARE one hell of a writer. Off to the next chapter....

Author's Response: LMFAO! Yes, I'm proud that I can make you protect the one you hate, LMAO! CAmeron's anatomy is her problem, lMFAO! I know, Justin is a prick, but if you stare at nothing for two years, you'll want a different view, LMAO! Thanks for the review!

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