Reviews For Finding You
Reviewer: Updates Anyone? Anonymous Date: 04/05/06 - 06:30PM Title: Hy'pathetic'al

I think the thing this story needs, other than an update, is instead of just telling us what she did, show us what she did. Make those brief paragraphs into actual scenes. So we can get a feel for how she gets along with Mark, what he looks like, etc. And when Justin told her that they weren't going to be together that phone convo could have made a nice scene. I really like this story, I just feel like it needs some fleshing out though.

Reviewer: Madcrazychick Signed Date: 12/20/05 - 03:29PM Title: Hy'pathetic'al

So where is Ryan? I see everyone else talking about how he probably wants to see baby Jack, but his actions (or rather lack thereof) seems to be indictating otherwise. Baby mama drama or not if he really wanted to be there, why isn't he? I understand your frustrations in writing, I have those same problems all the time. So good luck on getting past it. :)

Reviewer: Gigi Anonymous Date: 12/20/05 - 03:43AM Title: Hy'pathetic'al

Now that's wrong the fact that she hasn't let Ryan see the baby yet.

Reviewer: Amy A Anonymous Date: 12/19/05 - 09:45PM Title: Hy'pathetic'al

Great update, i'm glad she has someone to talk to. And dont hate yourself your a much better writer & updater than me, lol. I understand it takes time. Don't rush yourself & have a merry xmas & a happy new Year! XXX

Reviewer: Gigi Anonymous Date: 12/18/05 - 06:19PM Title: Lying in It

That is so sad.

Author's Response: Yeah, I think I'm depressed that I can't write as quickly or as well as I was at the beginning of the story and have now proceeded to take it out on Samantha.

Reviewer: Nique Anonymous Date: 11/30/05 - 05:33PM Title: A Work In Progress

I agree with Madcrazychick. I want Ryan to be there for his kid, and I want Sam & Justin to work something out. Scratch that last part, I want Sam to get herself together first before she even thinks about chatting with Mr. Timberlake, then a few chaps from now get together with him.

Author's Response: I'll take that into consideration. :)

Reviewer: Nique Anonymous Date: 11/30/05 - 05:20PM Title: Because I Love You

Okay, now I kinda feel bad for Ryan.

Reviewer: Nique Anonymous Date: 11/30/05 - 05:20PM Title: Because I Love You

Okay, now I kinda feel bad for Ryan.

Reviewer: Madcrazychick Anonymous Date: 11/29/05 - 08:40PM Title: A Work In Progress

Man, she's got two great guys so, so in love with her and she's just too messed up to appreciate it, or to do anything good about it. *sighs* I do want her to be with Justin, but since she's pregnant, I don't want Ryan to walk out of the picture completely. So "work in progress" or not, I want her to have her baby daddy around for the kid and Justin as boyfriend. :-D Make it happen, okay? lol It could be like "All Of Us" if you've seen that show (which is based on Will Smith's life). Update soon!

Reviewer: Hollie Anonymous Date: 11/29/05 - 03:50PM Title: A Work In Progress

Oh dear oh dear... my poor heart can;t cope, more please!!!!

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