Reviews For Kismet
Reviewer: Gigi Signed Date: 08/01/05 - 04:50PM Title: Part VIII - Love and Understanding

You can't just end it there!

Author's Response: LOL- Don't worry there will be an epilogue to give you a look into what they are like together! :)

Reviewer: Lice Anonymous Date: 08/01/05 - 02:56PM Title: Part VIII - Love and Understanding

Awwwww, cute story. i'm glad she didn't just let go. And they ended up together =D so lovely!!!

Author's Response: Aww thank you! :) I'm glad you liked it! :)

Reviewer: Lice Anonymous Date: 07/31/05 - 08:12PM Title: Part VII- Straight Tequila Night

I can't believe Amelia had the guts to go there and tell him she loved him and he blew it up. *shakes head*

Author's Response: Men are just special that way! (lol) as always thanks for the comments! :)

Reviewer: Gigi Signed Date: 07/30/05 - 05:08PM Title: Part VII- Straight Tequila Night

Great just great JC!

Author's Response: lol- yes he is just THAT smart :-p

Reviewer: Gigi Anonymous Date: 07/29/05 - 04:15PM Title: Part- VI- This is how a heartbreaks

I like the idea of flinging that other guy out the window. But me I opt for The Grand Canyon because that way he could hit every jagged rock on the way down.

Author's Response: LOL- haha i know what you mean!!! LOL :)

Reviewer: Laura Anonymous Date: 07/29/05 - 11:25AM Title: Part- VI- This is how a heartbreaks

Aw, now why did she have togo and do that. I'm really liking this story.

Author's Response: :) thank you so much for your review! - I'm so glad you like it and don't worry all will work out in the end! ;)

Reviewer: Lice Anonymous Date: 07/28/05 - 08:03PM Title: Part- VI- This is how a heartbreaks

Aw. No. She can't do that.LOL I love this story! haha

Author's Response: Aw thank you so much! :) lol- i'd fling the other guy out the window if i was her! lol ;)

Reviewer: Lice Anonymous Date: 07/27/05 - 10:24PM Title: Part V- A second time

At least he got the kiss!! LOL I like it, please keep it coming

Author's Response: ;) at least!!! hehehe, thank you so much for the review! :)

Reviewer: Gigi Anonymous Date: 07/27/05 - 09:37PM Title: Part V- A second time

Why couldn't he ask for her number!!!

Author's Response: ;) to caught up in the moment! ;) thanks for the review girl!

Reviewer: Gigi Signed Date: 07/25/05 - 01:21AM Title: Part IV- Battle of the Foods

Oh that is so frustrating!

Author's Response: lol i know!!!! :) Thanks for the review!!!!

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