Reviewer: Gigi Anonymous Date: 08/09/05 - 06:58PM Title: Discovery

Oh wow! Love the way Marie and Jenna interacted with each other. So cute. The scene with Lance and Jenna though I don't even know what to say about that is was just great. Cassie walking into that car though that was funny.

Author's Response: Yeah, I have a five-year-old sister, and when she gets with a friend that's as talkative as she is, it gets insane! and cassie walking into the happens to other people in real life, right?? :)

Reviewer: Joeylance Anonymous Date: 08/09/05 - 08:05AM Title: Discovery

Oh my goodness! Powerful chapter! Lance needs to be with her - her "bravery" will deprive him of saying good-bye. - She is playing Hide and Seek and hiding too good!

Author's Response: thanks! last chapter is coming up soon :)

Reviewer: Chicana Signed Date: 08/09/05 - 04:49AM Title: Discovery

OMG! that was a goos chapter, of crouse I am digging the plot you made a very good choice. Keep it up I want to read more.

Author's Response: thanks for the review! it might be a couple of days, but the fourth (which is the last) chapter is coming up soon.

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