Reviews For Dreams
Reviewer: lroberts Anonymous Date: 08/09/05 - 06:35PM Title: Dreams

*sniff* Allison, you idiot. Justin, you asshole. Both you just admit that you're meant to be together so that I can be happy again! lol

Author's Response: hee hee, thanks for the review! i know, i leave the 1st and 2nd part of the trilogies with justin and allison not exactly together... but hey, there's always the final story :)

Reviewer: Hollie Anonymous Date: 08/08/05 - 07:05PM Title: Dreams

Oh, and uhh... Thou shalt not touch thy best friend’s baby sister... classic!

Reviewer: Hollie Anonymous Date: 08/08/05 - 07:00PM Title: Dreams

Wait, I'm confused... was she in Cambridge or London?? Cambridge is a good two counties north east of London. Eh, no matter, I just read the first and second in the series one after the other and I'm seriously looking forward to the third, I'm rooting for Allison here!!! :o)

Author's Response: i think she and her roommate took a weekend trip to london. or something :D and the Thou Shalt Not Touch rule...i might not have brothers, but my guy friends are insane about implementing this law. thanks for the review!

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