The Awful Christmas by luvlancebass4ever

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The Awful Christmas
By luvlancebass4ever
I will never forget Christmas 1995. It was the worst day of my life. Then I was only 15, although I knew what love was. I had found love in him. He was only a year older than I was. We had gone to middle school together and only some of high school. What is a girl to do when she finds out that the love of her life in leaving her to be in some singing group! By the way he is going to Orlando, and I am stuck here in Laurel, Mississippi. He left on Christmas. Christmas is supposed to be a happy day. What happened to that theory? I felt so alone. I suppose you want to know how the group worked out and if our relationship made it. I will tell you of that Awful Christmas.

Knock, knock.
“I will get it.” My mother, Christina Friedman, said to myself, Melissa, and my 2 twin sisters, Bethany and Emma. We were all sitting around the Christmas tree opening our gifts. I remember my mom gave me my lucky locket necklace that day. A Cross with a little locket, on top of the locket was a small diamond.
My mom was trying to be a huge dork so she opened the door real slowly, like you would do when you were young and wanted to sneak up on Santa Claus, with a crazy small grin on her face. Let me tell you it was scary.

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