Sweet Sixteen by luvlancebass4ever

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Sweet Sixteen

Sweet Sixteen, Gonna Spread my Wings, Sweet Sixteen. It’s my chance to shine, Sweet sixteen. Discovering, Sweet sixteen. So much more to life, sweet Sixteen. Sung by Hilary Duff Just In Case You did know.

What is the greatest present to get a sixteen year old? Why a car of course! Well since my daddy is my daddy I didn't get a car I got something way better.
"Hey Jessica what do you want for your birhday?" My father, Bill asked me as her walked into our huge,when I say huge I mean huge, living room.
"I dunno dad. I still have 2 months left. I have already bought myself a car." I paused and then I sad," I want a dog daddy! Not just any dog I want a white American Eskimo puppy!"
“Really I didn’t see that one coming.” He said sarcastically.

“Well that’s what I really want. Please daddy?” I asked and gave him the big baby eyes and puppy dog pout.

“We will see.”

“Do you want a huge blow out or do you want just close family and friends?” he asked me.

“Actually I want both. Let me explain my plan before you give an answer. I can have family and friends from like 4:00 to 8:00. Then my friends and I can go to one of your clubs and party.” I said thinking the he was probably going to no about going to the club.

“Well, if I say yes to the club thing there will be no drinking.” he said sternly.

“I know daddy. I don’t wanna drink, I wanna dance. I don’t drink and I don’t plan to until I am 21! Dad I set morals for myself and I live by them. You know that. “I told him.

“Well okay you can have both. Which club do you want it at?” he asked me afraid of what my answer was going to be.

“Well I was thinking we could have it at Twist.”

“Well Twist can get a little crazy.” He told me.

“I know but I am going to be with my friends. They have back no matter what. That goes the same the other way around.” I told him.

“All right then Twist it is!” he said“I think I already know the answer to this question but what music do you want?”

“Well why don’t I make you a list and we can go over it tomorrow.” I told him.

“Jessica, what cd is in your cd player right now?” my dad asked.

“Well the only cd player I use is the one in my car. That has *NSYNC’s Celebrity. Why?

“Because I thought that you need to put real music in your car.” He said trying to make me mad.

“Hey!” I sad.

My dad just walked out of the room.
“What the nerve.” I thought.
I walked to the computer and started typing the song list.

Ciara- One Two Step
Will Smith- Switch
Gwen Stefani- Hollaback Girl
Christina Aguilera- Dirrty
Faith Hill- This Kiss
Ashlee Simpson- Boyfriend
50 Cent- Disco Inferno
The Black Eyed Peas- Don’t Phunk with My Heart
Garth Brooks- The Dance
Shania Twain- Man I Feel like A Women
Destiny’s Child- Lose My Breath
Hilary Duff-Sweet Sixteen
Mariah Carey- Shake It Off
Kelly Clarkson- Since You’ve Been Gone
Britney Spears- Me Against the Music
Lindsay Lohan- Rumors
Any Nsync song!
Don’t Cha-PCD
Jessica Simpson- Irresistible
Backstreet Boys-Poster Girl
Play- Us Against the World

“Ok I am satisfied with this list.” I thought and then the phone rang.

“Hello!” I said

“Hey what’s up girl?” A voice said.

“Hey Sophia!” I said.

“So I hear you are turning 16 soon.”

“Well in 2 months but my dad and I talked about the party stuff today.”

“Well tell me the details.”

“Ok at first it is just going to be family and close friends. Then we are going to go to Twist and dance until we feel like coming home!”

“Wow you make me want the party to be tomorrow.”

“Actually, I want your opinion. I just made a song list I want played at Twist. I wanna know if you have anything to add or want something gone.”

“Ok lay it on me.”

I told her the list and she was very happy with it. Thank god my friends and I like the same songs!

“Ok now that you know where the party is going to be at whom are you inviting?”

“I am inviting you, Samantha, Michelle, Emily, Megan, Jessie, Lindsey, Lindsay, Melissa, Sarah, and Erin.”

“It is going to be party central.” Sophia said. We both started laughing at the way she said it.

“Do you think your dad will mind you inviting all of those people if in the beginning it is going to start off small?” She asked.

“I don’t think so. I mean if he is letting us go to Twist. Plus I am not inviting any guys!”

“Oh crap I have to go my brother is just dying to use the phone to call his girlfriend.”

“Hey I’ll call you later. I need to work more on this party.”

“Bye” Sophia said before her brother took the phone and hung up on me.

“I should make a check list.”
1. Place check
2. music
3. food
4. drinks
5. Invitations
6. Outfit

“Jessica,” I heard someone say.
“Yes.” I said.
“Time for dinner.”
“I will be right there mom.”
I saved the song list and printed it off before I went to the kitchen.

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