The Only Gift by Joeylance

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It was almost time to get ready for the party. Sam had been thinking about Lance since last night and still couldn’t figure out why he had sent her the poetry book. It wasn’t like the answer would change the course of history, but it was bugging the heck out of her. Oh well, time to focus on other things: like going to a party and acting like she was having a good time. She hadn’t wanted to impose on Ted and Stacy’s Christmas, but they weren’t going to have her spend the evening alone. Luckily, she had plans for tomorrow, so she wouldn’t be getting any more pity invitations.

Being an e-mail junkie, she decided to check one more time before getting dressed. Curious, she saw Theodore Giesel on her new contacts list. Who did she know that used a Dr. Seuss’ pseudonym? She opened it and couldn’t believe her eyes.

Dear Miss Jane, I got your e-mail address from the bottom of your column which I read in this morning’s newspaper. I haven’t been touched this much by writing in such a long time. I am a "good ole’ southern" boy at heart and it warmed me to read your words. You took me back to my childhood. It was almost like you were there with me when I was growing up. You made me think about things I had thought were long buried. It was mostly happy memories, but a few hit really close to home. Thank you so much. In my busy, hectic life, I sometimes forget to stop and think about the things that are really important in life. Again, thank you so much and Merry Christmas! Sincerely, Lance Bass

"Holy Hell!" Sam exclaimed. Then, chagrined, she added, "Sorry Grandma. I’ll put a quarter in the swear jar. Why does Lance keep coming back into my life after all these years? It makes no frickin’ sense."

And you need to be home with me Alone with me Holding me next to the Christmas tree Kissing under the mistletoe As candles glow Please come home soon’ It’s not the same without you Deck the hall with boughs of holly Fa la la la la la la la la la la la Ooh Ooh The only gift I wanted was you


Sam checked her reflection in the mirror one last time before heading out the door. Her dark brown hair was pulled up in a simple twist and held with a silver clip. Her violet eyes were enhanced by the colored contacts she now wore. She had on a dark violet velvet dress, a simple design, clinging in all the right places to her 6 foot frame. Slipping on her silver heels and grabbing her purse, she headed out the door.

Arriving at Ted and Stacy’s, she saw that the usual suspects were there. Writers, industry people, friends, etc. Scanning the room, she saw that "he" was here. Oh well, she knew that she’d have to see him some time…but why did it have to be tonight?

Kendall Sinclair, or Ace Sinclair, as he was known, was surrounded by a bevy of silicon plastic babes hanging on his every word. His name even sounded like one of her romance characters. She was disgusted. "How did I ever got hooked up with him? Oh wait, I remember. He was hired to play a bit part on ‘Malibu’, my parents’ new show." Looking back, she realized that he was just using her to further his career. What better way than dating the writers’ daughter? He had a lead role by the end of the season. She might be a great writer, but was a lousy judge of character. They had dated and he’d proposed. Like an idiot, she’d accepted. Then, he had asked to stay at her parents’ place while his was being painted. They were going to be out of town, so it was perfect. Returning home early, Sam had found him "entertaining" a few close friends. The engagement was off.

Steeling her spine, Sam went over to said hello. No use being bitter. Ace gave her that "star" smile, then returned to his groupies.

Turning, she froze in her tracks. Why was he here? Holy shit! (Sorry, Grandma). It was Lance Bass. Looking well, frankly HOT. No…VERY hot! She remembered reading he had been training to go into space. It had certainly paid off.

Lance looked up and saw a stunning vision across the room. Sam would have done Hans Christian Andersen proud. The Ugly Duckling had blossomed into a beautiful swan. But who was she? There was something oddly familiar about her. He couldn’t figure it out.

Sam was looking for an escape route when Stacy came up beside her. "Would you like to be introduced?" the latter asked.

Startled, Sam snapped back into focus. "What?"

"I said, would you like to be introduced?"

"Oh, I’m not…"

"I won’t take no for an answer." Stacy grabbed Sam by the arm and began dragging her across the room.

"Please, introduce me as SJ. Not Samantha." Sam was whispering desperately.


"Please…just do it."

"Okay, but I don’t understand."

By this time, they had arrived. Stacy introduced them. "Lance, there’s someone I would like you to meet. S.J. Harris – Lance Bass."

Lance smiled warmly, extending his hand. "Very pleased to meet you."

"Likewise," Sam answered pleasantly enough.

"I’ll leave you two to get acquainted." Before Sam could form words of protest, their hostess was gone.

"Damn," Sam thought. "This was a set-up. Stacy invited him so she could ‘hook’ us up. Of all the horrible luck."

"SJ?" Lance released her hand. "Does it stand for something?"

"Not really. I’d just like you to call me that."

"So, what do you do?"

"I’m a writer."

No sooner had the words left her mouth, Alex walked by. "Great Miss Jane column today. One of your best ones yet."

Lance gaped at her. "You’re Miss Jane? I sent you an e-mail on that very column. It really touched me."

"You caught me," she confessed. "I read your e-mail just before coming here tonight. It was very thoughtful."

"You’re so talented. You have an ability to put together words that normally people wouldn’t associate with one another."

"I appreciate your kind words. Writers don’t often get such immediate feedback on their work."

They stood making small talk for the next few minutes before Lance asked a question that had been on his mind. "So, where do you get your inspiration for Miss Jane? It’s so true to life. Did you ever live in the South?"

Momentarily taken aback, Sam managed to respond. "Well, I sometimes draw on life experiences. You know, ‘End of the Year Dances’ and stuff like that."

"’End of the Year Dances’? Did you have those too? I always thought that they were a little lame, but fun to go to. Did you ever get to any?"

‘This is crazy. He doesn’t have a clue.’

"No. I was invited to one my last year of school by someone I had always thought was a nice person, even if he wasn’t a close friend. It turned out that it was just a ruse for a cruel joke. My date, if you could call him that, pulled up in a limo and threw dog food and a dog bone corsage at my feet before speeding off. It was probably one of the most humiliating and hurtful experiences of my life."

A hue of red came to Lance’s face. "Who would do such a thing?! I don’t care who he was, he should be taken out in the street and –" He calmed himself before getting too worked up. "That’s just wrong."

Sam stood there, staring at him, unable to believe his words. "You know, you’re either the world’s greatest actor or a totally and completely unfeeling son of a bitch!

That being said, Sam turned and walked away, leaving Lance standing there totally perplexed. Regaining his senses, he tried to follow her but was stopped by numerous people. By the time he had freed himself, he saw she was heading out the door.

Sam had made her excuses and was just getting into her car as Lance got to the doorway. Speeding off, she didn’t see him standing there, totally lost.

Ace walked out and stood beside him, having witnessed their conversation inside the house. "I see you’ve been subjected to the infamous Samantha Harrison’s charm."

"What?" Lance whirled to face him.

"I said I see that you have been treated to the fabulous people skills of my ex-fiancé."

"Samantha Harrison?"

"Yeah, the great writer for Mississippi. The phenom of the month. The cold fish that writes steamy romance novels and never puts out."

Lance resisted the strong and violent urge to punch the arrogant man in the face. Instead, he turned and walked quietly back into the house, heading for the bar. Getting his drink, he took it outside to the patio and sat down to think.

Samantha Harrison; that was Sam! Boy, had she change. Now he realized why she had looked so familiar. But why was she so mad at him? It obviously had something to do with the "End of the Year Dance" over seven years ago. He’d been planning to go, but had gotten sick in school. Who would have pulled such a mean and cruel trick on her? And why was she blaming him?

Thinking back, Lance remembered Sam’s grandmother had been very cold to him when he’d dropped off Sam’s going-away gift.

He had to talk to her and straighten this misunderstanding which seemed to have been brewing in her mind for all these years. He’d get her number from Stacy or, barring that, he still had her e-mail address. He’d do it tonight!

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