The Day You Walked Away by Moose

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It should have been a lazy summer day. She should have been sitting outside in her bathing suit, soaking up the warm rays the sun cast down upon her sleepy town. But no, peaceful was about as far from the truth as you could get. Chaos was close; frenzied even, but serene or even calm were completely out of the question.

Sweat dripped down her back as she rushed around the restaurant, dishes filled with cold and warm food alike balanced on her round black tray. Patrons laughed loudly, packed into their booths, escaping the mid day sun in the little café at the edge of town. It was mostly middle aged men, taking their lunch break away from their corporate jobs so they could loosen their ties, and get back to their roots with a little home cooking.

One of the men winked at Jamie before smacking her on the butt and chuckling with his buddies when she skirted away. Jamie sighed and blew the stray strand of hair away from her face.  The blond lock became stubborn and fell back in her eyes before she just gave up.

    “Order up for table 12 and Jamie, table 5 needs more coffee! Hurry up please, don’t keep them waiting.” The head waitress barked out orders, her southern accent making every word warped and foreign to anyone that wasn’t from the area. Jamie nodded and piled the full plates onto her tray and quickly headed in the direction of table 12 and as she passed she refilled the half full cups at table 5. After cleaning off a newly emptied booth for another couple, she wiped the sweat from her hands onto her apron and thanked the lord when the clock told her she could take her break.

      “I’m stepping out back Lorain; I’ll be back in 15 minutes.” She slipped out the back door before anyone could stop her and she parked herself on a rickety old picnic table that was weathered from years of Mother Nature’s abuse. She let out a deep sigh and relished the cool breeze that swept around her tired body; this was just what she needed.

The past year had been so hectic, and Jamie was barely holding on. Her father had been offered a job by his old friend, back in Memphis, and the pay was great. So they packed up and headed back West.

After she had left Orlando, she did a re-evaluation of her life and realized that she needed to get her priorities straight. She was still singing at a local bar on weekends, for any spending money that she might need, and she worked 7-2:30 at the little diner called “Momma’s Southern Grits” to help pay the rent.

      It was hectic, and it could be down right tedious, but Jamie soaked it up. She loved having the work, knowing where she was at, and striving to reach her goals. It was nice to feel as if she was heading somewhere, and she was starting to feel that she fit in here.


Checking her watch she sighed, and stretched her tired muscles. Only two more hours and she could kick back for the rest of the weekend. Friday was most definitely her favorite day.


Throwing off her saturated work clothes, Jamie jumped into the shower and rinsed off with cool water. After drying herself off, she threw on a pair of old denim shorts and a worn wife beater. It was going to be a lazy afternoon if it killed her or not.

She stepped outside and actually smiled at the heat, instead of cringing. Summer in Tennessee was always her favorite time of year. Growing up as a kid, she’d race through the back yard and throw herself onto a tire swing that the previous owners of their house had left behind. Those were the times when she would make up silly songs in her head, and sing in front of her own, private audience. It was there she found her passion for music, and being in one of the music capitols of the world only added fuel to the fire.

Shaking off her reverie, she started down the small drive way to the five mail boxes in a row. The apartment they lived in was actually a house divided into different sections, and four other couples shared the house with Jamie and her father.

      She grabbed the mail and sifted through it. “Bills…Bills…ooh, Victoria’s secret catalog.” She smiled when she thought of the saved money in a box upstairs. She was going to get herself a new bikini.

      Jamie brought the mail back into the apartment, and then headed back outside. She pulled down her sunglasses and headed over to the swing out back. Journal in hand, she started to write about whatever was on her mind, and anything that sparked her interest. This was her way of calming down, and getting out anything that was bothering her. It always made her feel better, and it was a great way of staying sane.

She stopped when her father’s car pulled in the small drive way and she quickly made her way over to him.

      “Hey Daddy, why are you home so early?” He gave her a quick hug and smiled to ease her worry.

      “I got the rest of the afternoon off because it was a slow day today. I thought we might head over to that restaurant you like and get a bite to eat.” Jamie smiled at his words. Ever since he landed the new job, things had started to look up for them. It made Jamie especially proud to see her father doing so well.

      “Sounds like a plan. Let me just change so I don’t look like such a bum.” She bounded inside and made her way down the hall into her room. She removed her wife beater and found a nicer tank top, and decided it was too hot to wear any other shorts, no matter how old these were. Jamie slipped on her favorite pair of sandals and took her hair out of the elastic it was in. She sent a quick brush through it and then put it back up again. It was also too hot to have that heavy head of hair down and in her face.

After approving of the look, she slipped on her sunglasses again and made her way back out the door, almost as quickly as she had come in.


Chris tapped a pen lightly on the table and watched Justin with a close eye. The boy's head was down and gently rolling back and forth with the motion of the bus. He had been doing a great job of wearing that “happy mask”, and playing the part of “perfectly presentable pop-star” for a while now, but Chris knew that there was something weighing heavily on the boy’s mind, and he had a feeling it had something to do with being back in Tennessee.

      “Hey Juju bean. Wanna have a go at the play station? I’ll bet you twenty bucks you’ll kick my ass.” An impish grin grew on Chris’ face as Justin’s head came up from its spot on the table. He had creases in his forehead from resting on his arms, and he looked terrible. But that was Justin, and it was expected that he look like crap on occasion, especially now that they were on tour again.

      “Please Old man. I may be half dead, but I’m not stupid. Twenty bucks that I’ll beat you is like saying twenty buck the next teenager we see will scream.” His head fell back onto the table and Chris thought about the young man’s words.

      “All right then, I’ll bet you twenty that I beat you…and twenty that the next teenager we see won’t scream. And she has to be under the age of eighteen.” Justin’s head, once again, emerged form its resting place and he smiled.

      “Deal.” He shook Chris’ hand and they made their way into the back of the bus.

JC was involved in an animated conversation, arms waving and forehead wrinkled, and the ugliest scowl fixed on his face. His brow was closely pulled together, and he had started to pinch the bridge of his nose. He wasn’t having a good time.

Chris and Justin chose to ignore their band mate, and they hooked up the game console, putting in one of their racing games. Soon both men were in a heated battle of the bikes. Chris decided he’d try and play dirty, but he ended up missing Justin’s racer, and flinging himself off the road, instead of the other bike. Justin threw the controller down and stood up, doing a small victory dance. “All right Old man…fork it over.”

Chris stood and mumbled, digging deep into his pockets. He pulled out a crumpled and worn twenty dollar bill and regretfully slapped it into Justin’s awaiting hand.

      “That’s the last time I make a bet with you.” He threw himself down onto the couch and huffed. His stomach growled loudly, causing the other two in the room to stare wildly at the eldest member. “What? I’m hungry. Justin, you’re paying.” Justin responded by flicking Chris off and turning to JC.

      “Where are we eating?” JC hushed Justin and waved him off, returning to his phone conversation. “Fine, I’ll go ask Bill.” He made his way to the front of the bus where the driver was bopping his head to country music blaring over the radio.

Justin watched for a second before clearing his throat, and managing to startle Bill in the process.

      “Jesus Boy, you scared the living day lights out of me.”

      “Oh, don’t stop dancing on my account, Howdy Doody.” The tall man chuckled and then remembered why he came to the front of the bus in the first place. “Hey Bill, where are we eating tonight? Chris stomach is making a terrible racket back there, and I think Jace is about to throw him off the bus.”

      “That would be a shame. Have him warn me so I make sure to get him with both the front and rear tires.” Justin laughed at Bill’s comment and Bill smiled widely. “Actually I know of a place just up ahead here. I figured we’d stop now because it’s a while until we reach the hotel, and I just got word that Joey threatened to roast Lance’s ferret.” Another chuckle escaped Justin’s lips, and Bill was glad to see the young man in such a good mood. He had been very somber these past few days, and it was starting to scare everyone.

      “All right man, tell us when we get there.” Justin made his way back to the rear and told Chris the news.

About twenty minutes later, the buses pulled into an empty parking lot across the street from a small, cozy café. The guys all eagerly stepped off their busses and stretched out, glad to have a few moments of freedom. Bill, one of the drivers, went inside to see if there was room, and if they had a table that was somewhat secluded. They may have been in a small part of Memphis, but it was incredible how widely known these men were. 

Bill came back out and informed everyone that it was all clear. He said that the place was mostly empty, and the few couples that were there were, for the most part, elderly. All five of the guys had relaxed visibly. They did love their fans, but they loved any sense of normalcy that they could get too. It wasn’t often that they got to go out for a bite to eat, and not worry about autographs, or rabid fans in their faces. This was a welcome change in their crazy lives.


Jamie and her father pulled into the back parking lot of the café. Jamie had done a few sets here, and her father was a close friend with the manager, so they used the staff parking lot because it was easier to get to, and there was always a place to park.

They strolled on in; smiling and waving to anyone they saw. The two made their way into the back of the restaurant and sat in their usual spot. It was a small table that was out of the way of everyone else. Both liked the privacy and the fact that it was near the waiter’s area, so they could talk to all their friends that worked there.

A young man with an apron tied around his waist came out once he saw Jamie and he threw his arms around her in a big bear hug.

     “James! I haven’t seen you in the longest time!” He squeezed until she punched him in the stomach, then he let her go.

      “Luke, I saw you yesterday.” He shrugged and Jamie laughed at him.

This was Luke, Jamie’s best friend, and one of the biggest kids she had ever met. He was tall, about six feet, and he had the most beautiful jet black hair Jamie had ever seen. He had always been there for Jamie, and now was no different. When he heard that Jamie and her father were moving back to Memphis, he was ecstatic, because it had been too long since the two of them had lived close enough to spend more than just the weekend together. Luke pulled Jamie into another hug and kissed her cheek gently.

      “You look good kid. How was work today?” He asked, sitting at their table with them.

     “Ugh, don’t get me started. It was terrible…but I managed to only get slapped on the butt three times today. I think their getting sick of me.” She laughed when Luke raised an eyebrow.

      “Oh, don’t say that James. No one could ever get tired of your cute butt!” His name was called from the back and he winked at Jamie again before shaking her father’s hand and walking away.

      “You two are cute together Jamie.” Her father commented, and Jamie took that opportunity to roll her eyes.

      “Oh please! He’s like my brother, and Dad, you know that it’s impossible for Luke and I to get together.” She cocked an eyebrow and waited as her dad swallowed the sip of water he took.

      “At no point did I say that you would get together. I know that it’s impossible…I simply stated that you two looked cute.”

      “Yeah, well I’m really not looking to look cute with anyone.  Boys suck.”

At this her father laughed heartily.  “Jamie, as glad as I am that you think this way, mostly because you’re still my baby…I really don’t think you want to be avoiding men because you think they suck.”

Jamie was about to rebuttal, but the waitress came and her comments were silenced.  


Justin sat back as he listened to the rest of the group laugh at some off handed comment that Joey had made. He wanted so badly to partake in their laughter, but what he had seen had suddenly made him sick. For a year he had fought himself, trying to re-build the damage that the female species had done to him. Getting over one break-up was hard enough, but then finding the one person that completely filled that void in his soul and watching her walk away, was his final undoing. He thought that he was starting to pull himself out of that hole, but being in Memphis, his home town and her own, was making that recovery harder, and now with the sight he had just witnessed, it was damn near impossible.

She was sitting across the room, about twenty feet away. He assumed that the man she was with was her father, and it was justified because they looked exactly alike. She was smiling, and he felt his heart flutter when he heard her laugh at someone he couldn’t see. Seeing her wasn’t what had made him sick, no, seeing her had only made his stomach drop. What had made him sick, was the guy he saw her hugging not two minutes earlier. 

Had it been wrong to assume that because he was having such a hard time getting over her departure, that she would too? Was it wrong to want her to be struggling to pull her thoughts back together, just like he was? He had wanted to think that she had felt what he did, and that’s why she had fought so hard to get him to set aside his jackass front, and open up to her. He had wanted to believe that she knew there was something there too and she had only walked away because she was even more scared than he was about the feelings that had been felt.

Running his hand over his face he let out a frustrated sigh. He glanced around for a bathroom and almost choked when he noticed that to get to it, he had to pass Jamie’s table. He looked back at his table and noticed that his four friends had stopped their conversation and were now watching him closely. He knew they were wondering about his sudden silence, but he didn’t feel like giving an answer.

      “What?” He asked sharply, eyeing each of them. He knew they wanted him to tell them what was wrong, but what he didn’t know, was that they already had a very good idea.

Chris had spotted Jamie the moment they walked in, and had said so to the rest of the clan. Joey had automatically wanted to go over to her and say hi, but Chris knew that Justin hadn’t seen her, and he thought that was probably best. He knew that Jamie hadn’t seen them, and he wasn’t sure what would happen if she did. He wanted to go speak to her, and see how she was getting along, but he knew that she was the reason for Justin closing off lately.

Chris had been there at the air port when Jamie walked away from Justin, and he had seen the affects of her leaving. When they returned to the house, Justin had immediately hidden himself away in his room, and Chris had gone on to tell the rest of the group about Justin’s confession and Jamie’s departure.

“Do you think he knows she’s here?” Joey whispered rather loudly in Chris’ ear, and earned himself a dirty look from the group.

“Yes, I do see her Sherlock. That’s the reason I’ve been fucking watching her for the past fifteen minutes. God Joey, you just get smarter and smarter every day, don’t you?” Justin snapped and the rest of the men at the table all held their breath waiting for Joey to respond. 

“Oh get your head out of you ass Justin. I’m sorry that I’m not a fucking genius like you, Lover boy. But I’m not the one that got rejected, now am I?” When Justin didn’t answer Joey sneered. “That’s what I thought.” Heads turned back and fourth between the two angry men as the battle continued. Now it was Justin’s turn, and when he looked back up at Joey, there was fire in his eyes.

Joey noticed this too, and after a few minutes of silence, he wasn’t sure what was worse, Justin’s ranting or the lack there of. He swallowed hard when Justin pushed back his chair with a violent thrust and stood quickly, knocking the chair to the floor. The rest of the café was silent as they watched the going’s on. Justin looked around and took a deep breath. The rest of his friends assumed that he would blow up any second, but he surprised them all.

“There’s nothing to see her, Ladies and Gentlemen. I’m sorry I made a scene. Please go back to your meals.” He said the words with an eerie calm and then made his way to the bathroom, not caring that he was getting closer to Jamie than he had been in over a year. He didn’t care that he could smell her perfume as he passed, no, it wasn’t until he got into the bathroom that he started to care.

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