Ain't No Stopping Us Now by Lyricalfiction

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"So what's the sitch?" Justin asked, slipping into his seat, 10 minutes late, looking nervously to the side to see if Blayne had noticed. They were meeting at a big conference room in Blayne’s fancy lawyer office with high ceilings and ugly paintings on the wall.

"Nothing yet. Harvard boy hasn't bothered to show up." Joey said, shifting his weight side to side so his swivel chair swung. Chris was turning in circles, Lance pushing himself back and forth using the slick hardwood floor and well oiled wheels of the chair. Even JC was doing something. It was hard to stay still in those kinds of chairs.

"Where did we find him, anyway?" Chris asked, going round and round, makinghimself dizzy.

"He came," JC wearily put his hands up to the sides of his head and flappedtwo fingers in quotation marks.

"'Highly recommended'."

"Don't they all." Joey remarked.

"They sure do." Lance echoed.

Justin put his head on the table. "This is so trying. Why don't they just tell us what they are going to do with us!"

"Blayne promised today was the day." Lance said. "No more questions... just answers."

"Lawyers always lie." Justin mumbled just as Blayne Delaney walked in the room. "Except you!" He covered loudly.

Blayne set his briefcase on the table. "Yeah... I appreciate that."

"What's the deal, Blayne?" Justin asked, moving on. "Wha da dilly? You know, da 411."

"Yeah, yeah, you can stop now. The deal is, you guys are in major trouble." Blayne looked at them seriously, still standing at the head of the table. "I'm serious."

"Why?" JC asked. All movement stopped. All eyes were on the handsome lawyer that stood in front of them.

"Simply? They don't want you to leave. Legally... well it's a mess."

"Tell us." Chris insisted. Lance leaned back and bit his nails. Even Joey looked a little worried.

"I am, give me a second." Blayne shuffled around some papers. "Okay... so Transcon and RCA aren't happy about your leaving... blah, blah, blah, um..."

He looked around some more. "Here we go. RCA has put an injunction on yourCD--"

"Excuse me, a what?" Lance said, leaning forward.

"An injunction." Blayne repeated, like anyone in the world should know what that is.

"Uh, well..." Lance stammered, not very clear on what an injunction was but since no one was exactly jumping up to ask, he felt self-conscious asking himself. "can they do that?"

"Of course." Blayne's tone of voice said, 'duh'.

"How do we un-injunct ourselves?" JC asked.

"Agree to their terms." Blayne said, handing him a piece of paper. JC scanned it quickly.

"Oh no.." he said slowly. "No way. They want us to come crawling back on our hands and knees!" He exclaimed, handing it to Chris's awaiting hands.

"Well, that's how you do it." Blayne's voice held no passion, no sympathy, no nothing. It was just a low soothing serious monotone. "If you don't agree, the injunction cause the CD to be released sometime in the year 2000."

"2000!" Joey exploded. "Sometime?! That means they could choose to release it December 31, 2000! That’s almost a year from now!"

"It most certainly does." Blayne agreed.

"Buuuuullshit!" Chris cried, putting the paper on the table. "It's a bunch of crap."

"On their side of the law." Blayne told them, like that explained anything.

"For pulling the contract, Transcontinental studios are planning to sue you guys for about 12 million dollars-"

"Hold up, wait a minute, back da train up, what?!" Justin asked.

"I know you heard me."

"How can they sue us? Selfish bastards! What are we going to do? And what about our CD? What about the fans? Are we gonna expect the fans to let us sit on our ASSES for a year until RCA just DECIDES one day to MAYBE put our CD on the shelves on Media Play and still like us? No way! Even I wouldn’t do that. That CD has been finished for like years. I wanna sell it and I wanna sell it now!" Justin said, rising from his chair and pointing a finger at Blayne like it was all his fault. JC pulled him down.

"What can we do?" Lance asked calmly. Evenly.

"Well, as of now. Nothing. Prepare our case for the court trial... or you could go back." Blayne looked at them, his serious look still in tact. "Maybe you should really consider going back."

"If they think this scares us..." Chris said, looking at all his comrades, deep in thought in the chairs beside him. "They got another thing coming."

* * *

"That's priceless!" Cam said, grinning, tongue between her teeth. "Suing you?"

"Yep." JC said. He didn't look amused. Not a single bit. He had come over to Cameron’s apartment to tell her the news from the meeting with Blayne. He was looking for a little bit of support.

"Well what are you going to do?" Obviously Cam didn't know him like she thought she did or she wouldn't be smiling right now.

"Not sure." JC admitted.


"What for?" JC straddled a chair across from her. "Too much time, too much money, too much stress for everybody.

Cam continued to smile. JC glared at her. "Sorry...SORRY. I'm not laughing at you honey, no, I'm laughing at the situation. It all seems so ridiculous, come on now, stop giving me that look."

"What look?" JC said, looking innocent.

"That look that drives me crazy!"

"What? This look?" JC said, giving her a sexy look and rolling his tongue.

Cam laughed and pushed him backwards off the chair. "No."

JC wrinkled his nose, indignantly. "Cam-mer-ron!" He exclaimed, turning 'Cameron' into a three syllable name.

"That's my name, don't wear it out." Cam shook her head, bouncy ponytail waving side to side. "I still can't believe what you just told me."

"What should we do?" JC asked.

"Don't ask me." Cam put a hand on her chest. "I don't understand the half of it." JC stared at Cam, his girlfriend. His new girlfriend, they had only been serious for about a month. She was a lot of fun, not very serious, which was cool. He needed someone to balance him out when he felt all serious like now. She had short light brown hair, green eyes, a contagious smile. That's what he liked most about her, that smile. It always made him smile, even know, when he felt like shit over the whole situation.

"I'm sure you'll think of something." Cam was saying. "You always do. I mean, it's your CD, what say do they have over it."

"That's it!" JC exclaimed, jumping up from the couch in Cam's small apartment.

"What's it?" Cam asked, smiling, amused.

"What you said! That's it. I don't know why we're worrying. It is our CD. We worked on it. It's called Nsync, is it not?"

"I heard it was called 'No Strings Attached'" Cam confessed.

"You know what I mean!" JC was pacing now, on the edge of a great idea.

"What DO you mean?" Cam asked. She edged to the edge of the couch and looked at JC, waiting for the great explanation.

"It's OUR CD." JC said, slamming his fist into his palm for emphasize. "And they wanna take it away from us."

"Corporate bastards." Cam added for emphasis.

"Well, I say we take matters into our own hands." JC stopped pacing and turned and knelt in front of her. "I say we sell the CD ourselves."

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