So Lucky by MrsKateChasez

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So Lucky

By, Kate

Late. Again. She’s gonna hate me. He glanced at his watch again for the fourth time in the last three minutes. Their flight was delayed, he’d forgotten to call because of the chaos of Johnny actually being there, they had to switch their flight, their luggage had gotten lost from their first flight, he didn’t know how he was going to get home, and she was probably going to be angry with him. At least they were almost home. Wow, my ears hurt. Good, they were landing.

A flight attendant tapped his shoulder. He opened one eye to see if it was just one of the guys being stupid or really someone who mattered. He looked at her and pulled his headphones off of his ears and waited for her to tell him to put his seat in the upright position, return his tray table to its upright position, turn off all electronics, and stow all carry-on baggage. He’d heard that speech before. More than once.

Finally, they landed and were waiting in a little room. All five guys, two security guards and Johnny. The rest of the security team was out in the baggage claim area waiting on their luggage. Don’t you ever get sick of this? He should probably call Sara. He’d wake her up, no doubt, but at least she would know that he was safe and okay. Lance wasn’t paying any attention to the conversation that was going on. He focused on the rate at which his knee was bouncing and debating whether or not to call Sara. You’re an idiot. Just call her, you moron.

Lonnie knocked twice on the door and then opened it, popped his head in, and told them it was time to go. Lance made last minute arrangements to be taken home like the rest of the guys, but still felt bad for doing it because that meant someone wasn’t going to be able to get home as soon as they would have liked. At least they all got to get a flight that day. Most of the other people who were on tour with them got bumped onto another flight that left the next day.

“You goin’ to see Sara?” Joey asked him when they were seated in the black SUV. They would be home soon.

“I don’t know.” Lance sighed, shaking his head. He looked over at Joey and could just tell that he was ready to be home with Kelly and Briana. “I should probably decide pretty soon, huh?”

“She’ll be sleeping.” Joey told him, even though he knew Lance knew.

“I know,” Lance sighed again. “I miss her, though.”

“Did you call and let her know that we were delayed?” When Lance didn’t answer, Joey knew that Lance was in trouble. “You didn’t even call her?”

“I forgot.”

“Wow.” Joey knew from past experience that a call was better than nothing. Once, Joey forgot to call Kelly because of a flight delay and she was so worried that when she found out he was all right she was just upset that he didn’t call because it was all unneeded worry and stress added to her normally hectic life. Luckily, Kelly wasn’t going to pick him up.

“I didn’t even call her when we were waiting.” Lance had dug himself into one deep hole. Joey made a face and stared out the window. “I should go see her.” Lance nodded to himself. “Yeah.”

Lance used his key to get into her house. The house that he liked to be in because it smelled like warm vanilla and cherries. It felt like a home. It was warm and cozy and calm. It was perfect. Through the windows on the side of the door, he could see a couple of lights on. I hope she didn’t wait up. I would be the biggest jerk on the planet if she waited up and I didn’t even call. He cursed himself as he turned the knob and stepped into the quaint house. “Sara?” He asked softly. The TV was on and the volume was faint. He spotted her on the couch asleep. She waited up. I suck. He sat on the edge of the couch and put her short blond hair behind her ear. “Sara.” He whispered and rubbed her back. “Sara, I’m home.”

“Lance…” Her eyes fluttered open and a small smile danced on her lips. “I missed you.” She sat up, making room for Lance on the couch. “I was so worried. What happened? Did your phone die? I tried to call you at five. I thought your flight landed at, like, four.”

“Yeah, sweetie, my flight was delayed and I forgot to call to tell you.” He felt so guilty. He should have called. I can’t believe I forgot. Here it comes.

“Oh, I’m so glad you’re okay.” She flung her arms around his neck and hugged him tightly. Wendy, his last girlfriend, got sick of waiting up and got sick of late night calls. Lance had gotten so used to negative feedback from late night arrivals, broken promises of dates, and lack of phone calls at decent times he never expected this reaction from her. Although, he knew that Sara was different from Wendy, by no means did he think that she’d be so open minded and understanding. Lance took a tiny bit to process what was happening but his arms reflexively wrapped around her too. “Really, Lance, I was so worried. I wish you would’ve called.”

“I know.” He shrugged. “I’m really sorry.” She gave him a quick kiss on the cheek, as a way to tell him that it was okay and she was glad that he was home safe. “You’re not mad at me?”

“Lance, no!” She said, sitting back against the couch. “No I’m not mad at you!” When she saw that Lance didn’t look relieved, but more or less looking like he was half wondering why she wasn’t angry she continued. “Lance, sometimes when you love someone, you take the bad in with the good and you have to focus on what you like about the person. Because if you don’t, then you dwell on what you can’t stand and you forget to love the person. And if you forget to love the person then there’s no point to be with them. Today, never was I mad or angry, I was worried, and I’m just glad that you’re home safe.”

“How’d I get so lucky?” He whispered with a smile on his face, leaning in to give her a kiss.

“You know, I ask myself that everyday.”

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