For the Girl by Innocent Girl 16

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Madison picked up Lindsey from school and met their Mom at her office. They went in quickly to get her and then they all got into the car and drove to lunch. When they got to the restaurant they ordered their food and hardly anyone said a word to one another. As
the girls waited for their food, Mary watched her two daughters and wondered how they were going to react to her news.
"Girls, I have some good news?"
"Is it good for the company?" Madison asked, "sorry Mom, I was just kidding."
"Its good for both us and the company. Your Father has invited some special guests to dinner tomorrow night on the yacht. You two are expected to be in attendance."
"Ok Mom, but who are these special guests and what time do we have to be there?"
"The yacht is setting off at 4pm and they special guests are a surprise."
"Mommy, do I get to wear a dress?" Lindsey asked with a smile on her face.
"Yes honey you do." Soon after their conversation the food came and they ate. After lunch was over, they drove back to the office where Lindsey stayed with her Mom and Madison went to soccer practice. After practice got over, Madison went to her coach's office.
"Coach Adams, can I talk to you for a second?"
"Of course Madison, what's up?"
"I was wondering what we are doing at practice tomorrow?"
"Is something wrong?"
"No sir. Its just that my Father has some important guests coming to dinner tomorrow night and I am supposed to be there."
"Madison, you know my rules."
"Yes sir, I do."
"Well you haven't ever missed anything, why don't you come in early at 2 and we will do some drills for an hour and then you will be able to leave at 3."
"Thank you Coach."
"Its no problem, now get out of here and go home."
"Ok, bye Coach."
"Bye Madison." As Madison was driving home her cell phone started ringing.
"Madison, its Autumn, do you think that you can come into work tonight?"
"Yeah, I'm on my way." Madison quickly made a right turn and headed towards her work. She pulled up to her work and went inside.
"Autumn, what's up?"
"Hey, we're just short handed tonight. Do you mind if I put you at the register?"
"No that's fine, let me just go and change." Madison changed clothes and went to the register and started checking people out.
"Autumn, why are there so many people in the mall tonight?"
"There is some band having a signing at Virgin."
"Ah I see now."
*Ring* *Ring*
"Banana Republic, this is Madison. How may I help you?"
"How may you help me? Hmm, you're very pretty Madison."
"How do you know what I look like?"
"Because I am across at Virgin."
"Who are you?"
"Look across at the table," he said waving his hand at her.
"Oh my, you're Justin Timberlake."
"Last time I checked that's what my underwear said," he said making Madison laugh and the other guys to look at him funny.
"So Madison, what time do you get off?"
"Good, I get out of here at 10 and then we are bombarding your store until 11. Is that ok with you?"
"Yeah, we'll have the store ready for you."
"Thank you Madison."
"Welcome, bye," Madison said hanging up the phone. Madison explained to Autumn what was going to take place and by 10 the store was cleared out and the gates were down, to allow Nsync to shop in privacy.
"Hey, can we shop now?" Chris said getting walking into the store.
"Yes you can, the men's section is right this way," Autumn said leading them to the back of the store.
"Excuse me Autumn right?" Joey asked flirtatiously.
"May I have a fitting room?"
"Sure right this way."
"I think we are ready to check out, well at least I am," Justin said walking up to Madison.
"Ok, here I'll take those up to the front."
"Good, I'll come up there with you and I'll carry my clothes."
"So can I ask you why you are in St. Louis?" Madison said scanning his clothes.
"Sure but you have to answer my question too."
"We are in St. Louis doing a couple of signings, radio interviews and we have this huge meeting tomorrow night."
"That's cool."
"Yeah, so now for my question."
"Justin, let's go. We gotta get back to the hotel," JC yelled to him.
"Here's your receipt," she said handing it to him, "it was nice meeting you."
"You too. I guess I gotta go. Bye Madison."
"Bye Justin."
Autumn closed the doors and gates and the girls quickly cleaned up and balanced their drawers and went home. When Madison got home at 12:30, she noticed that her Father's office light was on.
"I'm not going to bother him, he's probably busy," Madison thought as she walked down the hallway to the staircase. As she passed her Father's office, she couldn't help but look in at her Father.
"Madison, will you come in here for a minute?"
"Sure Dad."
"Madison I am sorry for earlier this morning."
"Dad its ok, I understand that you are under a lot of pressure lately."
"Yes I do. You are my daughter and I sure as hell don't treat you like it. I promise that we will spend more time together after this campaign."
"How Dad?"
"Derek is going to be taking over some of my responsibilities."
"Dad, no! Do not do that. Please! It's a family business and he doesn't deserve it," Madison said jumping out of her chair.
"Honey he does deserve it and he is qualified for it. The only other person that is qualified and that I trust is you, but you have told me from the beginning that you don't want to use our name or company to excel in the world."
"Dad, I'll do it. I'll take the job. Whatever I ever said about this, just throw it out the window."
"Madison you know that this is going to be a very demanding job. You are going to have to give it all your time and effort."
"Yes Sir, I do. I will finish out this semester and then I will work for you during the day and take night classes," Madison said looking at her Father straight in the eye.
"Go to bed now, Madi. You look exhausted."
"Ok, night Dad."
~*~The next morning~*~
*Ring *Ring*
"Hello?" Madison asked half asleep.
"Madison this is Kathryn. You're Father would like to see you in his office at 9am, to go over some things with you."
"Ok, thank you," she said hanging up the phone and jumping in the shower. As Madison got ready she couldn't get Justin off of her mind.
"I wonder what he is doing right now? He probably doesn't even remember me," Madison said laughing. Shortly after leaving her house Madison pulled up to her Fathers garage parked her car and then went inside to his office.
"Madison good morning. Thank you for coming in so early."
"No problem, I just have to leave here at 12:30, to go to practice."
"Honey, that is another thing that I wanted to talk to you about. I think that with this job, you're not going to have enough time to play soccer or even take night classes. So I think that the best thing would be to finish the season and then give up your scholarship."
"I understand Dad."
"Your office and job will be waiting for you at the beginning of the year in January."
The rest of the day Madison did some paperwork for her Father and also ran some errands before going to practice. Her practice went quickly and before she knew it she was picking up Lindsey from school and driving them to the docks.
"Madi, did you pick out some cool clothes for me to wear tonight?"
"Of course I did Linds. Your matching skirt and shirt are in the back in the bag."
"Thanks Madi."
"Welcome Linds. Now come on we need to go get ready."
"You need to take a shower, you smell yucky," Lindsey said while walking on the boat and making all the employees laugh.
"Thanks Linds." At about 4:10, Madison felt the yacht take off and knew that they had to get to the deck soon. Madison got ready and then noticed that Lindsey was trying to do her own hair with the small clips.
"Linds, are you ready to go?"
"No, I can't get my hair to look nice. Will you help me?"
"Sure, sit down." Meanwhile above deck all the guests were getting acquainted with one another and Robert was introducing his special guests to his wife.
"Mary, where are those two daughters of mine?"
"They are just finishing getting ready. Madison had soccer so she had to get washed up. Lindsey told her that she smelled when they got on the boat in front of all the employees,"
Mary laughed as well as the guests. Soon after the girls were finished and headed above deck to meet their Fathers guests.
"Madison, Lindsey I'd like you to meet our guest tonight," Robert said waving his girls towards him. As they walked towards their Father, they could not see the faces of the guests. When they reached their Father, they both turned around and Madison had an instant smile on her face.
"Madison and Lindsey, I would like to introduce you to Nsync. Now Linds, please do not scream ok?"
"I won't Daddy."
"Hey guys, nice clothes," Madison said laughing. The guys looked down and noticed that they were wearing the clothes that they had bought last night at her store.
"Thanks Madison. By the way you two look very nice too," JC said pointing to the two girls.
"Ladies and Gentlemen, dinner is being served in the dining room."
"Mary, why don't we lead the way," Robert said offering his arm to his wife.
"Lindsey, may I escort you to the dining room?" Chris asked with a huge smile on his face. Lindsey looked up at her sister with a questioning look on her face and Madison just nodded and Lindsey accepted Chris's offer.
"Now where do you think you're going?" Justin asked grabbing her arm and pulling her back.
"No where."
"Good, may I?" He asked offering his arm to her.
"Yes you may," she said as they followed everyone to the dining room. During dinner everyone was quiet until Mr. Smith striked up a conversation.
"Madi, how did you and Nsync know each other? I don't remember you meeting them."
"Oh well, they came into the store last night and I helped them."
"I see."
"Well since everyone is finished with dinner I have a couple of announcements and things to say," Robert said standing up, "first of all I want to say thank you to everyone who came tonight, Mr. Wright, Miss. Bell, Justin, JC, Chris, Joey and Lance. I would also like to
thank everyone who put this together, Derek, Mark, Linda, Amy, and Peter," Robert said pointing to each of them and receiving applause, "my first announcement is one that I am very pleased to be a part of. This January we will be launching a new campaign with the help of Nsync. Along with Nsync will be Dale Earnhardt, Jr., and many other people. Each representative will have a commercial during the Super Bowl," everyone was very surprised and happy, "my second announcement is one that has made me very happy," Robert
said coming and standing behind Madison, "my daughter Madison has decided to join the company after this semester. She will be President of Promotions and my assistant. Madison will be head of this campaign and see over all the commercial shoots." After her Father announced this to the whole room, everyone applauded her and all she could do was sit there with a fake smile

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