First Christmas's Eve by fauxami

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First Christmas’s Eve

“It’s not a bad little tree. It only needs a little love”. (Linus, A Charlie Brown Christmas)

Joey Fatone and his girlfriend Kelly decorated the Christmas tree. This would be the first time they would spend Christmas with their daughter.

“So, what do you think?” Joey asked, while looking at the tree he had settled minutes ago.

“It’s not a bad little tree. It only needs a little love”. Kelly replied, carrying baby Brianna.

“Here, wanna hold her for alittle while?” she asked him. Joey smiled as he took the small child in his arms. He softly cooed her, making the little child to wave her chubby hands and laugh amusingly.

Kelly finished putting a few sliver bells ornaments on the tree.

“All done.” Kelly announced. She plugged the cord of the Christmas’s lights.

The lights of the Christmas tree lighted up and a set of blinking green and red lights filled the dark room. Little Brianna gazed in awe at the sight before her.

“She likes it,” Joey said smiling.

Kelly leaved the room and soon returned holding a camera on her hand. She motioned Joey to sit on the sofa by the tree.

“Okay, ready. Smile” she said, and the light flashed.

“Now it’s your turn. Come on” Joey said to her. She set the camera on time and joined Joey and little Brianna.


Joey leaned over Brianna, placing a small peck on the top of her head. This moment was one of the beautiful moments he would treasure forever.

They hadn’t noticed the North Star shining trough the window of their home.

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