Operation: Off With The Devil Horns by fauxami

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The next morning at the prison...

*Gina paces the prison cell nervously while Rod sits on the floor against the prison wall*

Gina: Rod, what if we lose the case? What if we're stuck in jail for the rest of our lives? What if Chris grows the horns back? What if...

*Rod kicks Gina to shut her up*

Gina: *stops pacing* Oww! What was that for?

Rod: Calm down, Gina! It won't help to think of the worst stuff that can possibly happen to us!

Gina: Rod, if anyone should worry, YOU should! It was your idea, after all!

Rod: Didn't I tell you to drop that?

Gina: No.

Rod: Well, drop it! It was YOUR idea to rob that bank a year ago. That was the biggest crime we ever committed!

Gina: And your point is...?

Rod: This crime doesn't even compare to the bank robbery!

Gina: Does too!

Rod: Does not!

Gina: Does too!

Rod: Does not!

Gina: Does too!

Rod: Does too!

Gina: Does not!

Rod: AHA! You said "does not"! You agreed with me, Gina!

Gina: No, I....oh, damn it! I did! You tricked me!

*Rod dances around the prison cell while Gina grumbles under her breath*

*Meanwhile...while the girls are fighting, Isolde walks into the prison and stops in front of Bailiff Johnny's desk*

Bailiff Johnny: *looks up from his paper work* Oh! Well if it isn't the mother of the Twin Terrors! Hello Miss Isolde! How are you today? *shakes Isolde's hand*

Momma Isolde: I'm fine. Twin terrors...is that what you call the girls down here?

Bailiff Johnny: It sure is. Fits them perfectly. So, come to bail out your kids for the 30th time?

Momma Isolde: Yes Johnny. But I believed this is the 28th time, not the 30th.

Bailiff Johnny: Same thing.

Momma Isolde: No, it's not the same My daughters commited 28 crimes, not 30!

Bailiff Johnny: *rolls eyes* Whatever floats your boat, ma'am. But Miss Isolde, you should think about this: your daughters have been in prison quite a few times. Have you considered counseling for them?

Momma Isolde: *waves her hand at him* Don't be silly, Johnny! Of course I thought of it! They sure have had counseling. Lots of it.

Bailiff Johnny: Oh really? By who?

Momma Isolde: My other daughter, Chrissy, is their therapist.

Bailiff Johnny: And she's how old? Twenty something?

Momma Isolde: Twenty something? I'm not THAT old! She's fourteen.

Bailiff Johnny: I see...hey, wait just a darn minute! Fourteen?! Isn't that...a little young to be a therapist?

Momma Isolde: True. But she's a good therapist. I recommend her. Ever read 'NSYNC Goes To Therapy' by Penn? She has excellent skills! Would you like her business card? I'm sure she wants another client.

Bailiff Johnny: Umm...no thanks. I'm sorry to break it to you, but I don't think your family is quite normal.

Momma Isolde: Oh I know! That's the best part! It's more exciting that way, don't you think?

Bailiff Johnny: Riiight...

Momma Isolde: Look, can I just bail Gina and Rod out of this place? I have 4 other children at home and I don't have much time here!

Bailiff Johnny: Very well then. Follow me please.

*They walk through the dark, dirty prison until they get to juvenile hall. Isolde comes to Rod and Gina's cell and sees that they're fighting.*

Momma Isolde: *puts hands on her hips* Hey, you two! Aren't you gonna stop arguing and say hello to your mother?

Rod: Momma!!! We missed you!

Gina: I want to go home! Jail is not as fun as it used to be!

Momma Isolde: I missed you guys too! But you're still punished. You're not weaseling your way out of this one.

Gina: Damn...

Rod: So are you bailing us out now?

Momma Isolde: Yes, but I barely have enough money for this one. You two are gonna get us bankrupt!

Gina: Shouldn't Chris be paying for everything?

Momma Isolde: Oh yes. I'll get him for what he's doing...

*Next, Isolde sees the bandages on her daughters*

Momma Isolde: Hey, did you guys get hurt? What happened?

Gina: We jumped out of Chris' window. I hurt my knee! Rod sprained her thumb!

Rod: The hospital bill was unbelievable!!

Momma Isolde: Oh, my poor girls. Momma's gonna make it all right! Don't worry, Chris is gonna pay for everything! I'll make sure of it!

*She tries to hug Gina and Rod through the bars of the prison cell*

Gina: Uh, Momma? Where is everybody else?

Rod: Yeah, where's Rachel, Niki, Skye and Chrissy?

Momma Isolde: I left them home, of course.

*Gina and Rod exchange looks*

Rod: What were they doing when you left?

Momma Isolde: Girls...you are the troublemakers. I don't know why you're worrying. But I should tell you that they tried to snoop around in your bedroom....

Rod: What?! In OUR bedroom?

Momma Isolde: Calm down, I stopped them!

Gina: I bet they're in our room now. Umm...I hate to tell you this Momma, but we have a stash in our room. They probably found it by now.

Momma Isolde: *suspiciously* What kind of stash?

Rod: Hmm...we have rope, several pointy weapons, toilet paper, silly string, graffiti paint, black warpaint...all kinds of stuff to cause trouble.

Gina: It's great! That stash helps us out all the time!

Momma Isolde: Oh great. 2 of my daughters in jail aren't enough. But I left 3 teenagers with an 8 year old and now THEY'RE going to start trouble.

Rod: Not necessarily. You didn't leave car keys in the house, did you?

Momma Isolde: Uh-oh, what does that mean?

Gina: Skye can drive now! I wonder what kind of trouble they're causing!

Rod: They must have been taking lessons from us!

*Isolde suddenly looks like she's gonna faint*

Momma Isolde: BAILIFF!! Get over here and unlock this door so my girls could get out! We have to leave NOW!

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