Operation: Off With The Devil Horns by fauxami

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Isolde: In the night of december 2, 2001. Miss Gina and Miss Rod felt the duty to end the terrible night that once started to grow on the chin of Mr. Kirkpatrick.

Isolde walks up to the jury

Momma Isolde: *continuing* Members of the jury, I present you with the evidence of an before and after picture of Chris Kirkpatrick, before he had the devil horns, and later when he had them.

*The people in the jury, mostly women were looking at the pictures, their faces obviously disgusted. The only man in the jury laughs and scratchs his chin thinking this can be a good look for him*

*The pictures are send to Judge Delia, who quickly disposes them away from sight*

Judge D: What were you thinking, Chris? My nieces did a pretty good job!

Chris: Those horns were making a trend.

Momma Isolde: Your honor, what about the hospital bill. Chris will have to pay for the injuries that the girls suffered.

Isolde hands out the bill to Judge Delia

Judge Delia: So here I have a bill from the Florida Hospital saying the girls got hurt. So you have to pay the bill.

Chris: *screams in a high pitch voice* What?! I ain’t paying for no hospital bill. They got hurt, then that’s their fault.

Gina: We got hurt on YOUR property Chris! that money is coming out of your pocket! Right, aunt Delia?"

Judge D: That's right, Gina. Your little elf ass better pay the 1000 dollars hospital bill

Chris: Judge! this is an outrage! They trespassed in my house in the middle of the night!"

Momma: Isolde: Don't make me come over there, Christopher!

Chris: *mumbles between teeth* Damn, fuck.

Rod: You're rich anyway, Chris! Paying a thousand dollars won't make you broke"!

Chris: *laughs heartedly* some smart ass comment

Gina: what'd you said?

Chris: Fine. I guess I can pull out that amount

Rod: Tell skinny bitch over there *points at JC* to give you some money. Yo Chris, who has the pants in the relationship?

JC gets up and starts yelling

JC: I'm NOT skinny, nor I do drugs. How many times have I have to say this?? I’m natural high

*JC sits down again and then gets up in a spazzy way*

JC: By the way, I'm 100% male. I have thug appeal, I even wrote that song that talked about-

Judge D: Enough, Mr. Chasez. I won't have you in court and begin ramble about your song writing which by the way, it's pretty wacko.

JC: It is not wacko. SpaceCowboy is a HIT. A HIT I tell you.

Judge Delia: Sure, sure *laughing inside and snorts* Hey JC, gimme the name of your drug dealer! I want some of that shit!

JC wants to cry. Nobody seems to take him seriously. Justin comforts him.

Lance: Cause I'm from Mississippi, I'm gonna tell the whole truth. My mom has always taught me to say the true.

Judge Delia: Of course you are and one sexy bitch. *Winks at Lance*

Lance: *blushes* Thank you, your honor. So as I was saying, minutes before the trial I saw JC paying to the members of the jury some money so they would the twins.

JC: You’re a fucking asshole, freaking albino.

Lance: I’m sorry, Jayce. I just had to.


Judge Delia: ENOUGH, MR.CHASEZ! One more outburst like this one and I’ll have you spend the night in jail!

*JC finally sits his assdown.*

Judge Delia: Members of the jury, have you reached your veredict.

Jury #1: Yes, your honor.

*Judge Delia reads the verdict*

Judge Delia: Tell your verdict.

Jury: We the jury, find the defendants: Not guilty in the

The two sisters hug each other in excitement. Isolde, hugs her daughters. Judge Delia smiles.

Chris lowers his head in frustration. The boys of ‘NSYNC look at each other, shrug their shoulders, with exception of JC who seems kinda upset.

Jude Delia: Go ahead, Lance. I knew that under that Hollywood wannabe stereotype there was a good boy. Plus you are one sexy bitch.

Lance: *confused* Thanks, your honor. I guess.

The guys over here are like 'you stupid Lance'
Then we kiss lance for being such a good little boy
Then Isolde tries to kiss lance for telling the truth, but he runs away from her screaming like Chris did.

Reporter # 1: Do you have any idea that how your actions have changed the ‘Nsync fan base. In the last report, ‘Nsync has gained 2000 of their fans back.

Gina: wow, are you kidding us? Man, we have saved the ‘Nsync fandom.

Rod: Oh that’s great

Reporter # 2: Twin of terrors,

Isolde: See, Chris? My girls made other fans like you! I think you owe them an apology

Chris hesitates and Isolde holds up a fist

Chris: I'm sorry Rod. I'm sorry Gina.

Chris: *looks at Isolde* I’m sorry if I freaked out early back there.

Chris: Would you like to go out and have some coffee?

Isolde: That’s ok, Chris. Considering to what I have done to you, I think you have a right to be
frightened. and I’d love to have some coffee, you sweet little elf!

Chris: I like the sound of it, not many people say it like that

Isolde smiles at Chris. Chris is hesitant and smiles back. Maybe she isn’t bad after all.

Momma Isolde: Oh Chris? After we go out on our little date, could you do me a favor?

Chris: Uh...sure. Anything, Isolde.

Momma Isolde: Well, you see, I just got a new job and I have no one to babysit my girls. I would trust Gina and Rod with the younger children, but they're going to be punished for what they've done to you.

Chris: You're actually punishing them?

Momma Isolde: Sure. They snuck out without telling me about it and got arrested. Of course I'm grounding them! What kind of mother do you think I am?

Chris: And what do you want me to do about all this?

Momma Isolde: Well...could you babysit my girls for a few weeks?

*Rod and Gina smirk at Chris. The other 4 girls cheer*

Niki: Yes, Chris, be our babysitter!

Skye: Yay! Please??

Chris: You want me to watch ALL your daughters?! Are you kidding me?

Momma Isolde: Oh, it'll be a cinch! It won't even seem like you're watching 6 kids, since Rod and Gina will be in their bedroom the wholetime...

Rod: The WHOLE time??

Momma Isolde: Yes, the whole time! You've given Christopher enough trouble.

Gina: But we wanna have more Elf fun!

Momma Isolde: Uh-uh! No more Elf fun for you two. Both of you are to stay in your room.

Rod & Gina: Awww!

Chris: Wait a sec. You mean you want me to be in the same house as those two?

*points to Gina and Rod*

Niki: *looks at Gina and Rod* What an ass! He's scared of you guys!

Gina: *puts on an innocent smile* Naw, Chris loves us!

Rod: Hey I thought he was scared of YOU, Momma...

Momma Isolde: He is. He just didn't like the fact that you broke into his house.

Chris: Yeah and if you two ever do it again, I'm gonna...

Chrissy: Uh-oh....MOMMA! Chris is making threats again!


*Chris widens his eyes and shuts up*

Momma Isolde: Chris, let me tell you something. Rod and Gina are nothing to worry about! All you did was piss them off. Just don't do it again. If you make them angry again, I have no clue what they'll do to you. It'll be bad though, considering all the felonies and crimes they have done in the past...

*Rod and Gina give Chris evil smiles*

Chris: I don't know about this...

Chrissy: Come on Chris! You'll be a fun babysitter!

Rachel: Please say yes!

Momma Isolde: Chris, baby, why would you be afraid of my girls? You know you're more afraid of me! Who would you like to deal with? My children...or me?

Chris: Umm...uh...

Momma Isolde: I'm sure you remember what I've done to you in the past. I WOULD threaten to do some of that stuff again, but my daughters are standing right here and there are reporters everywhere...so I don't want think that would be appropriate.

Chris: *throws hands up in the air* Fine! I'll do it.

*All 6 girls cheer*

Rachel: Chris! I want a piggy back ride!

Chris: But-but I have a badback!

Rachel: Momma!!!

*Chris sees the look on Isolde's face and agrees to Rachel's request*

Chris: Jump on, Rachel.

*Rachel climbs onto Chris' back. Chrissy, Skye, and Niki all try to hug him at once.*

Skye: Get off! I wanna hug him!

Niki: Well so do I!

Chrissy: Me too!

Chris: *mumbles* What have I gotten myself into?

*Gina and Rod see JC trying to leave the courtroom*

Rod: Gina, are you thinking what I'm thinking?

Gina: Of course I am!

Momma Isolde: Girls, I'm thinking it too! Do it before he leaves! Go on!

*Rod and Gina thank their mother and run over to JC. Rod pulls a razor blade out of her pocket. JC suddenly looks frightened*

JC: Um, hi girls. I have to go now. Bye!

Gina: JC, I think you owe us an apology!

JC: For what?!

Rod: Hello?! You tried to make us guilty!

JC: Well, you two ARE guilty! You cut off Chris’s horns AND made me eat a banana!

Rod: Oh lord, I’ve had enough of this. You’re gonna get yours,JC!

JC:* gulps* You better not do anything bad to me!

*Gina stands in front of him so he can't escape*

Gina: *smiles* JC, you're next!

JC: W-what do you mean?

Rod: *holds up razorblade* JC, you ain't going anywhere with that damn strip of doom on your face!

JC: Hey, this strip is stylish! I'm hip! I'm cool! It's the truth, I tell ya!

Rod: Sure JC. Tell it to someone who gives a crap.

*Gina grabs ahold of JC's skinny arms and twists them around so he can't move*

JC: *struggles* OW! GODDAMNIT!

Gina: You'd better not squeal or move, Chasez! That will make it hurt even more!

Rod: *lowers razor blade to his face* Hold still, JC...

JC: NOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!

*Rod shaves off the strip from JC's face. He immediately begins crying afterward.*

JC: *wipes eyes* You girls are little bastards!

Gina: Yep, that's us!

Rod: You'll thank us later.

*JC runs out of the courtroom wailing*

Gina: Well I think this is it. No more adventures?

Rod: *shocked* No more at all?

Gina: Yeah, how 'bout it?

Rod: *shakes head* No, I give us 2 months. That's when we'll be back in prison.

Gina: Whatever. It's always your fault anyway.

Rod: Don't start that again....


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