Still On My Brain by JustinsGurl83

Number of reviews: 14
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Chapter 14

When Jen gets to the doctor's office they call in right away. After

the nurse takes down information Jen puts on a paper gown and

lays down on the table. Then a woman comes in called Dr.


" Hello Jennifer what seems to be the problem?"

" Well I missed my last period and have been throwing up the

last couple of days"

" Okay you could be pregant but we you have to take the test"

After Jen takes the test Dr. Lockheart comes back in a half hour


" Well Jen I got your test results and you are pregant"

Jen felt nervous at first but then was very happy"

" I had feeling I was"

" Congratutions Jen I would like to see you back in a couple of


" Okay thank you Dr. Lockheart"

When Jen gets home the first thing she thinks is what will Justin


When he gets home he says " how was the doctor"

" fine"

" what are you sick with the flu?"

" I'm Pregant"

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