Still On My Brain by JustinsGurl83

Number of reviews: 14
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Chapter 2

It has been a year since Jen and Justin met and they are now

one of the most popular couples in school.

It is prom time and Jen and Justin are going to prom together.

After school one day Jen goes over to hang out with Alyssa and


" I think I'm ready to have sex with Justin"

'' What Jen have you read up about it" Kara says

" Yes I love Justin very much"

" What if you get preagant" Alyssa says

" I won't I already started going on the pill anyway"

After Jen leaves the girls she goes over to Justin's house.

" Hey baby" he says as he anwers the door.

" Hi J" she says and kisses him

They up to his room and start making out but Jen interupts them

and says " I love J"

" I love you too"

" Justin can we get a hotel room on prom night"

" Jen are you sure"

" Yeah i wanna have sex with you"

A couple of weeks later it is prom night.

After the prom song Jen and Justin head up to the hotel room.

" Wow" Justin says as they sit down on the bed

Jen leans over and kisses him and they start to disrobe each other.

" Justin do you have protection"

" Yes Jen"

" I love you"

" I love you too"

They make love to each other the rest of the night.

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