Still On My Brain by JustinsGurl83

Number of reviews: 14
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Chapter 3

The next morining Jen awakes in bed and finds Justin sleeping next to her.

Jen moved to get out of bed to take a shower Justin woke up.

"Where do think your going baby"

" In the shower" she said kissing him

After they both get dressed Justin says " I have something to

give now close your eyes and put one hand out"

Jen does as he says so and puts her hand out and feels an object

placed on her finger.

"Ok you can open your eyes now Jen"

" Justin it''s beautiful" she says looking at the ring

" It's a promise ring"

" Thank you baby I love you"

" I love you too"

A couple of weeks later at Jen's house Jen and Justin are doing

there homework.

" Jen there's something I have to tell you"

" Sure what is it"

" Remember the group I told you about that I tried out for"

" Yea"

" Will I made it"

" Oh J I'm happy for you"

" But I leave tommrow night and I am moving to Flordia"

" What but that means i'll never see agian"

" Jen I'm sorry but i just found this afternoon"

" Justin I love you and all but I wanna break up"

" But I love you"

" I know but I think it's for the best"

" Fine but can we at least keep in touch"

" Sure but can you please leave now'

" Ok bye Jen I will miss you"

After Justin leaves Jen goes to Kara's house

" Hi Jen why are you crying"

" Justin and I just broke up"

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