Still On My Brain by JustinsGurl83

Number of reviews: 14
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Chapter 9

"So Cameron how far along are you?"

" I'm about two months"

" So when did you find out?"

" Last month"

" Are you sure it's mine?'

" Yes J it is"

" I will support you and our baby"

When Jen gets back to her apartment she calls Kara sobbing.

" Hey what's wrong"

" Justin and I broke up"

" What why what happened"

" Cameron is pregant with his child"

" Oh Jen i'm sorry"

" Yeah but before Cameron came he asked to move in with him

and I said yes"

" Jen you guys would have been so happy"

" Anyways I have a ticket to his concert do you want to go"

" Sure I love his music anyway"

" Listen I have to go I have another call coming in"

" Ok bye Jen" she said hanging up the phone.

" Hello"

" Jen it's Renne"

Renne was Jen's boss.

" Hi Renne what's up"

" Remember that job i told you about in Boston"

" Yeah will I have been so impressed with your work I was

wondering if you would like the job and live in Boston?"

" I would love too"

Three weeks later

While Jen is packing her clothes into suitcases there is a knock

at her door.

Jen goes to answer it and it's Justin.

" Justin "

" Jen before you kick me out I wanna say something"

" Fine talk"

" Well I love you and I miss you"

" J I don't love you anymore"

" Jen I need you"

" J you know what go home to your girlfriend"

" Jen what's with all your stuff packed?"

" Because I got a job offer in Boston and I am moving there for


When Justin gets home he finds Cameron sitting on the couch.

" J what's the matter"

" Nothing"

" Oh anyways I figure since we do not want to know the sex of

the baby I think we paint the baby's room yellow"

" Whatever"

Two weeks later

" Justin there's something I have have to you"

" What is it Cam?"

" Well I'm not pregant"

" What why did you do this to me?"

'' Because I wanted you back"

" But I loved Jen and were happy"

" I know I'm sorry I hurt you"

" Goodbye Cameron"

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