Still On My Brain by JustinsGurl83

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Chapter 19

When Jen and Justin get home from the hospital a couple of days

later Jen goes into the extra spare bedroom and lies down while

Justin goes to check there phone messages.

A few hours later Justin comes in to check on Jen.

" Jen are you okay"

" No"

" what's the matter"

" I feel like this whole thing is my fault"

" Jen it's not your fault" he says holding her in his arms

" i know but I wanted a baby bad"

" I know you did but we can try once were married"

" Justin can we please not talk about marriage now"

" Fine" he says and walk out of the room.

" Justin I love you" she says as he walks out of the room.

Later that night Jen sneeks out of bed and writes a note and

leaves it right by Justin.

After she gathers her things she kisses Justin one last time and

then goes out the door.

The next morining Justin wakes up and finds the note Jen left.

It read

Dear J, I'm sorry but I cannot marry you. I have gone

somewhere where I will happier now. I love you with all my


Goodbye Forever,


After he finsihed reading it he found her enagemeant ring and

promise ring inside the envelope. He then cried himself back to


THE END!!!!!!!!

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