Kendall by Past the Waves

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At exactly 7pm I heard a nock on my door… always on time, “One second” I yelled as I finished putting my lipstick on and took one last look in the mirror. Perfect… I smiled as I fixed my black dress and went to the door, “Sorry” I smiled when I went to the door and Justin couldn’t keep his eyes off me. This is really too easy
“Wow, you look beautiful”
“Thank you” I smiled, “You look pretty beautiful yourself”
He smiled that sexy smile and I as I shut the door, “What? No tour?”
“It’s not really tour worthy” I smiled and he gave me a strange look, “It’s a mess”
He laughed and nodded his head as he opened the car door for me before walking around and sitting down next to me, looked over at me and smiled before starting the car, “So Kendall, you know I don’t know too much about you”
“I know… I don’t know too much about you either”
He smiled, “I don’t even know your last name”
Shit uh… “My last name?” I laughed trying to stall shit… I looked out the window and said the first thing that I saw…a street sign “Saxton”
“Kendall Saxton” he smiled as he gave me a quick look, “Where are you from Kendall?”
“Um” ok we need to stop these questions, I’m going to get caught, “Jacksonville”
“You don’t sound so sure” he said with a slight chuckle, “I thought you said your mother was in Atlanta”
“Yeah, well she is” shit… I did say that didn’t I… “That’s why I wasn’t sure, it’s confusing… I’ve lived pretty much everywhere, we traveled a lot… for doctors and stuff… but I grew up in Jacksonville, I still consider it home” good save Kendall
“Oh, I see” he smiled
“Yeah” I smiled, “So where are we going?”
“That’s a surprise” he laughed and there were a couple seconds of silence
I wonder if he’s thinking of breaking up with Kristen… “So, are you still with your girlfriend?” shit why did I just ask that? Ok I’m really not being myself now, I’m not focusing… focus Kendall focus. See as soon as he starts asking these questions I just go off and say stupid stuff…
“Yeah” he said softly as he merged onto the highway, “I’d rather not talk about that”
“Oh yeah, I’m sorry I didn’t mean” I paused, ok quick, “So I haven’t seen you at the gym recently”
“Yeah, I haven’t been in a few days” he said with a slight laugh, “I’ve been slacking”
“Yeah me too” I laughed slightly, “I’ve been pretty good this past week though”
“Good job” he smiled as he pulled into the parking lot of a restaurant on the water. It was really beautiful.
We ate a wonderful meal, complete with a bottle of white wine, and a meal that cost more than a family of five would spend on groceries for the week. After dinner we went for a nice romantic walk on the beach. We sat down on the beach, looking up at the stars, neither one of us saying a word. He took my hands in his and brought them up to his mouth and kissed them gently. I smiled and grabbed his hands in mine and moved them to my legs, and the lead them up my thighs. He kissed me gently and we both fell so we were now lying in the sand, “Have you ever had sex on the beach?”
He smiled that sexy smile, “Just the drink”
“Yeah, me too” I said as I kissed his neck and then stopped and looked up at him, “I’ve always wanted to though” I said with a half smile as I moved his hand to my chest and started to unbutton his belt. He smiled and kissed me passionately as he slid my skirt up.
Just as he pulled his pants off there I noticed a flashlight being shone around us…“What’s going on down there?” we heard a voice and we quickly pulled apart… shit
“Shit” Justin said as he quickly pulled his pants up, “Shit, Kendall, come on,” he whispered as he grabbed onto my hands and pulled me behind the dunes. I laughed as we hid from the security on patrol of the beach, Justin laughed too and put his hand over my mouth, “Shh”
“He’s gone,” I said, but it came out muffled since his hand was covering my mouth
“What?” he whispered with a chuckle as he moved his hand away
“I said he’s gone,” I laughed
“Oh, right” he smiled and I looked up into his eyes that were sparkling in the moonlight, I smiled when he did, he had one of those contagious smiles, “Maybe we should try it again some other time?”
I looked at him seriously but could not control myself from laughing, “Yeah like at a beach where there’s not security?”
“Yeah, I was thinking that” he smiled as he stood up and reached his hand out to help me up, “Next time we’ll be more careful”
“We’ll have to” I smiled as I took his hand and we walked out to the parking lot together. I sat down in his car and as he drove away, “Shit”
“What?” he asked, stopping the car
“I forgot my shoes on the beach” I laughed, “It’s ok”
“No we’ll go back and get them”
“Black shoes on the beach? On the dark beach? We’ll never find them, it’s ok”
“I’ll buy you new ones,” he said with a smile
I laughed, “It’s fine”
“Well we better hope that the security doesn’t find them and go Cinderella on your ass” I laughed, that was cute. We drove the rest of the way home in silence, neither of us wanted to say anything to ruin the moment… it was perfect, we were just enjoying each other’s company…. Oh my God Kendall, listen to yourself… I’m getting way too into this, this is a job… I am doing my job…. I rested my hand on his inner thigh to get my mind off it, to hopefully ruin the moment a little? I don’t know what I was doing, all I know is I can’t just sit here and enjoy his company, it doesn’t work that way.
He stopped at my apartment and I swear I let out a sigh, I didn’t want this night to end, it was too perfect. He walked me to the door and we both stood in front of it in silence… I didn’t want it to end… “Well” I spoke up, “Thanks so much I had a lot of fun”
“Yeah, me too” he smiled
“We should do it again sometime” we both said at the same time and laughed… ok this is so lame Kendall, I’m like falling for his spell… end it quick…
“Well thanks” Justin said before kissing me… I felt my knees go weak… why is this happening?
“Do you want to come in for a drink or something?” I asked and then realized what I said… what is happening? Please say no, please say no
“Yeah, sure” he said with a smile shit… I was glad he said yes, never glad… but I knew he shouldn’t, and I shouldn’t have asked him in… I led him into my house apartment… shit
“Can you just wait out here while I clean up my room?” I asked and he nodded his head, “There’s beer in the fridge, I’ll just be one second” I smiled as I opened my bedroom door and quickly hid the radio thingy and the pictures all over my room… what are you doing Kendall? You’re not in control anymore… you don’t have him right where you want him……..

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