Everything In Between by Madcrazychick

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Note: I’m well aware that chances are "clumsfying" isn’t a word and I probably made it up.

Chapter 1: Sleep & Vampires

I was sleeping like any normal person would do at four in the morning, when Justin slipped into my room and into my bed. Trying to be quiet, I suppose, but even the Justin Timberlake has to succumb to the all clumsfying force called gravity. I had to restrain myself from laughing out loud when I heard the thud as undoubtedly his body collided to the ground, the cause probably being the junk that I’d dropped there hours before and had lazily left there.

Well, it serves him right. The fall, I mean. Barging in my apartment and in my room like he’s my boyfriend whom I haven’t seen in nearly two months, four days and three point five hours or something. Yep, he had some nerve.

Recovering from his sudden meeting with my bedroom floor, Justin made his way slowly to my bed. Pulling the covers back before he slid in, he allowed the cool air of the room to swiftly invade the warmth I’d created within my cover cocoon. But I was soon warm again, when I felt his arms wrap around my waist, pulling me gently in place against his chest.

Glad that he was there, but ever annoyed that he’d awoken me---sleeping is one of my favorite pastimes---I had to make him pay in some way. And since it was too early to think of some clever, yet devious scheme…being a brat was the plan.

"What are you doing?" I groaned, forcing as much annoyance into my voice as possible.

"What does it look like I’m doing?" was the answer my question received, as I felt a chill from his warm breath blowing against the back of my neck.

"Well considering there’s no light in this room, I wouldn’t know what it looks like you’re doing." I told you I was going to be a brat.

"Then I must have the wrong apartment. Cause my girlfriend’s a vampire. And surely a vampire could see in the dark."

"A vampire? What the hell are you talking about? Just cause I don’t see the point in getting up at the buttcrack of dawn doesn’t mean that I’m a vampire."

"Then what about the fact that you usually don’t like going outside in daytime?"

"I’m a creature of the night. So sue me." Actually I’m a creature of the couch, but that’s another story.

"And you’re always complaining about the brightness of rooms?"

"Let’s think about this logically okay? Do the lights really have to be on spotlight, staring directly at the sun levels for people to be able to see? Dimmer light settings…that’s all I’m asking for. Just dimmer lights. Is that too much to ask?"

"Of course not my vampire babe."

"What did I tell you about calling me babe?"

Justin sighed lightly, while rolling his eyes. "Babe is a name for a talking pig…and until you become a talking pig…if I value my life, I won’t call you that again."

"So you do listen." I teased.

"I try to make it a habit to pay attention when someone’s threatening my life."

“You know I’d never hurt you.” I said, smiling before adding, “I’d get someone one else to do it, naturally. Killing you would take more energy than this couch potato has.”

“Shame, and if you keep going this way…soon I’ll be allowed to call you babe.”

Thoughts of super-sized meals in which the only thing super-sized was the calories, cholesterol, sugar, and fat intake, ran through my mind at that moment. Those thoughts were trailed by memories of diets only half tried before I gave up, going back to the way I normally eat. I knew I’d gained some weight, but I wasn’t overweight. I wasn’t obese. I didn’t look in the mirror and have an immediate gag reflex. I didn’t look at the aneorix runaway models and think to myself, ‘man if only I could look like that.’ I didn’t want that. I loved food too much to ever want that. But I also didn’t want to have jiggly, cellulite thighs either. The only place I wanted dimples was in my cheeks. The ones on my face and no where else. Unfortunately this message hadn’t been delivered to my thighs yet.

I guess I’d been quiet too long for Justin because then next thing I know he’s poking my side saying, "Stop. Whatever you’re thinking…just stop it."

I hate how easily he could read me, no matter how hard I tried not to be such an open book he was like a bookmark that was always on the page he was looking for, no matter how much I tried to slam it shut on him.

"You’re not fat, okay? You’re beautiful."

"Justin, I’m gonna have to stop you there, before you proceed to frolic too far into the magical realm of the disgustingly sappy." I said, dying to change the subject. "Besides I wasn’t even thinking about that. I wasn’t thinking about anything."

"Beautiful and thoughtless…just the way I like my women."

"Your women?" I asked, eyebrow raised in question. "I didn’t realize I was part of your harem."

"Of course you are, honey. But you’re special...you’re my main lady."

Ignoring all but one of his comments, I said, "What did I tell you about calling me honey?"

"Honey is bee spit. And until the day comes that you become bee spit, ‘honey’ is a banned word in my vocabulary." He recited, as he failed to restrain from rolling his eyes.

"Good boy." I smiled. "You want a cookie for that?"

He smiled too. "Chocolate chip please."

"Sorry, but the chip is for me. You can have oatmeal raisin though."

"But I don’t like oatmeal raisin." Justin whined, poking his lower lip out.

"Well that sucks for you." I replied, smirking as his pout deepened. He still thought that pouting had some effect on me. Little did he know I’d built up immunity to it like insects do after generations of being overexposed to pesticides. "More for me then." I said, laughing.

Rolling his eyes, he moved up a little closer to me before shutting his baby blues to the world. I stayed laying on my side facing him, watching him as he fell into sleep. My gaze scanned his face as if checking to see if something might have changed since the last time I’d looked at it.

Nope, everything was in order. Same nose, same breathtaking blue eyes, same eye brows. Same kissable lips…same everything. He was just as I left him…unfortunately. I’d been hoping his hair would grow out of that close cut that everyone (except me) loves so much on him. I mean, I don’t hate it…but c’mon, there’s no way that that look tops the curls. Not to say that I was a fan of the ‘fro thing he had going on for awhile, but some curls are needed. It’s what I loved about his head. Now there was nothing to run my hands through.

And if you’re wondering, I’m not pouting over this. I try to leave the pouting up to Justin. There can only be so much of it done in one relationship.

But I digress, despite the lack of physical changes there was definitely changes of other sorts that have occurred. Things that I’m sure you’d want to know.

But why should I tell you any of this? I mean, I don’t even know you.

Alright, alright…you can stop your begging now. And get off your knees, you looked a little too comfortable there…like you’d been there a little too often.

I kid, I kid.

So anyways, ever since *NSYNC went on hiatus Justin has been working on what he still doesn’t want to admit “ but since I ain’t no fool, know is his solo album.

So-lo album. Humph. I figured the time would come eventually when he’d decide to step out on his own. But who’d ever thought it would happen so soon?! *NSYNC is far from over; their last album was a hit, sending them to places they never imagined themselves being (like on BET). But I guess, this is the perfect time for him to step out on his own though, you know, just in case it doesn’t work out there’s still *NSYNC to fall back onto.

Speaking of falling back onto something, Joey and Kelly are back together with a child now. You’re looking at me like I have three heads and they’re on fire, so I guess that means I should explain a little. You obviously missed more than I thought.

Okay, so previously on the Young & Hopelessly Restless, Joey met Kelly in high school when Kelly was dating Joey’s then archrival of drama nerdness, Calvin Parker. Joey being Joey haven’t finding out that Kelly was dating Calvin chased after her even harder than before, which caused her to then runaway from him even more. And to make a long story short, Joey and Kelly did finally get together several Kelly-Calvin arguments, Joey-Calvin slugging matches, Joey-Kelly flirting, teasing sessions later. So they were together for awhile, off and on. More off than on, once Joey officially joined *NSYNC. And now as you could figure out they are back together, for how long? Only God knows that. But things are different now though. Children will do that to a relationship ya know. But so far so good, Joey easily fell into the daddy role and Kelly seems to be adjusting to motherhood fine as well. And besides his new daddy role, Joey has taken over Broadway!

Speaking of Broadway…actually I don’t have a nice little segue to use to get to Chris so I’ll just jump into it. Chris is a sad little man with nothing going on whatsoever now that *NSYNC is on break. Well that’s the story that media would have you believe, since absolutely nothing has been said about him since they took their vacation. But actually, he’s been doing a lot. A lot of reading, believe it or not. Chris has turned into a little bookworm lately. I swear that man’s addicted to those self-help books, especially Dr. Phil’s books. And if I hear him quote one more line from those books I swear I’m going to have to put out a hit on Dr. Phil. Or Chris, maybe both.

Hits. JC’s been working on music with other artists a lot lately. Producing and writing songs. I’m not the one to spread gossip, so you didn’t hear this from me “unless it’s true- but there’s rumours going around that Mr. Chasez is going to spread his wings and fly into solodom too.

Lance wants to fly too. Not with wings, or in a plane. But as a space cadet. Yes, Lance is going into space. Or at least is trying to. Says it’s something he’s always wanted to do since he was a little boy. Well hell, I’ve always wanted to have a twin but you don’t see me spending millions of dollars trying to make myself a clone do ya? But that’s Lance and if he wants to get into space to do God knows what, then I can only hope for the best for him.

Oh, I guess I should tell you what I’ve been up to. Uh, well, let’s see…besides trying to get Justin to understand that the point of hiatus isn’t to keep working like you would have normally been doing, I’ve been doing the normal stuff a soon to be senior in college does. Freak the hell out. And when I’m not stressing myself out about the future, then chances are I’m stressing myself out about the present. And on reminiscent days, the past.

Justin shifted then, turning onto his back. His eyes opened, blinking into the dark, when he yawned, “Don’t you ever go to sleep?”

“It’s night. I’m a vamp, according to you…so what do you expect?”

“With you I’ve learned to always expect the unexpected, like waking up to you staring at me in the middle on the night.”

“First of all, I wasn’t staring. Gazing, perhaps. Looking, maybe.”

“What’s the difference?”

“Staring is like gawking. And gawking is completely different from gazing. If I wanted to stare at someone, I’d get out a Taye Diggs movie or watch Will Smith in the bedroom scenes of I-Robot. But you…” I purposefully eyed him with mucho distaste. “You, I was merely observing.”

He laughed. “Uh-huh, like you neva gawk, stare and drool over all this wonderfulness.” He said, his hands making Vanna White moves to showcase his body.

Smiling, I nodded before saying in a childish sing-song voice, “I could never resist you, baby. You’re simply irresistible.” I moved up closer to him then, kissing his neck, while my hand slipped under his wifebeater to tease his nipples.



“You’re 99.9% evil.”

“Only 99.9?” I pouted, my hands lightly trailing down his chest only to cease contact completely when my hand was centimeters from what my younger self used to call his “danger zone.”

“Now, you’re 100% pure evil.”

Laughing, I said, “Gracias.” And with a kiss and I rolled away to my side of the bed.

“So much evil shouldn’t be able to fit into such a tiny body.”

“Evil?” I said innocently enough. “I’m nothing but nice to you, Blue.”

“If you keep this up…blue is gonna stand for more than just baby blue.”

“What’s it gonna stand for then?”

“The color of my ba---”

“Eww, J, you’re so nasty.”

He laughed then, that slow manly laugh that secretly turned me on. “You know you love it when I talk dirty to you.”

Smirking, I said, “Shh, I’m a good church girl. I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“Well, those are the biggest, nastiest freaks of them all.”

“And you would know, wouldn’t you?”

“Oh no…don’t even try to turn this around on me, just because it was proven that you’re not that innocent.”

“How you gonna use Britney lyrics in our argument?”

“Our argument? I didn’t realize we were arguing, cause all I was doing was merely stating the truths as I know them.”

“Truths as you know them, huh? Well let me tell you some truths…as I know them. It’s nearly six in the morning. Yesterday was a long day and for all I know tomorrow’s gonna be even longer.”

“So whatchu tryna say?” He asked. “You want me to shut up or something?”

“That would be nice.”

Sighing, Justin said, “It’s nice to be missed.”

“You know I missed talking to you to all hours of the night, arguing over nothing.”

“For the record, your sarcasm is not appreciated.”

“Since when?” When he didn’t say anything, I sighed. “Tough crowd tonight.”

Rolling back over to him, I rested my head on his chest while curling the rest of myself toward him. “Besides God and your mom, who loves ya more than me?” And before he could open his mouth I added, “And besides the fan that paid a ridiculous amount of money for some of your half-eaten French toast.”

Laughing he said, “Now that’s love. Sure you don’t love me that much?”

“You say love, I say crazy.” I replied, smiling at him. “But now that we have that settled…”

“For someone who’s dying to go to sleep you sure do talk a lot.”

Laughing, I pinched him before moving away waiting for his retaliation. “Shut up, Blue.”

“Oh, you don’t get to just shut up Blue me after that. Oh no…it’s on now!”

What’s a person do to when an argument has moved beyond words?

Tickle the hell out of the other person, until victory is yours! Of course.

Tickling lead to wrestling and then as the tired saying goes, one thing lead to another. No, we didn’t do a little dance, but we did make a little love and we definitely got down tonight…if you know what I mean. Our strange version of humour as four play seemed to in some way enhance the homecoming lovemaking.

Hot, sweaty sex with some sarcasm and laughs…doesn’t get much better than that.

And as I fell asleep to the rhythmic sounds of my satisfied boyfriend’s snore, who was already fast asleep because I’d worn him out, Mary J’s “Real Love” popped into my head. With a small smile on my face, I knew I must have found that real love Mary was singing about, with Justin. What else could explain the fact that I used the word “rhythmic” to describe a sound that under any other circumstances would cause me to plot the source’s demise?

I don’t know if Mary J’s still searching for hers, but I definitely found my real love, trapped inside this adorable snoring monster.

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