Love Is Enough (Our Family Album Series part 4) by Coffee

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"So, you're delivery, wasn't as smooth as you had hoped for it to go, was it?"

"Oh no, it definately not. I was imaginaing, ya know, pain, but some very special blissful moments and surrounded by family and love and pain medications. It wasn't like that at all, it wasn't terrible, I mean Justin's parents were there, my mom was there, my bestfriend was there but still, it was, completely different. I don't think that there's really any way to prepare of it, especially when you have complications like I did."

"Ow! Oh, ow, please don't do that," McKayla sat up a little to look down at the doctor between her knees.

The baby had alrady been born, and was on the other side of the room being looked over. Justin smoothed a hand over McKayla's forehead and gently told her to lay back and relax. Inside his stomach was rollin into knots. He didn't know where to look, at the screaming baby or his screaming wife. He looked down at the door and she just glanced up at him in responce. There was blood on her hands, a lot of blood.

"McKayla, you just have a small taer that I need to sew up alright," the doctor moved the light so she could see better.

As soon as she started working again McKayla starting squeezing Justin's hand.

"A taer? A taer where? Is she gonna be okay?"

"You know what, she's going to need to go into surgery. Call down and tell them to ready an operating room."


"McKayla, we're just going to take you down stairs to take care of this okay?"

"Is she going to be alright?" Justin was speaking to a nurse. He didn't want McKayla to over hear him and get concerned.

The nurse however, was simply ignoring his question. She said that there wasn't enough light here and that he wasn't allowed to follow along and should stay with the baby.

"Did that worry you?"

"Ofcourse it worried me. That's my wife, ya know, I love her with everything that I am. We have a family together, and it wouldn't work with out her. Someone tells me she's hurt and she needs to go to surgery, and they wouldn't tell me anything else. It scared me to death."

"But she was fine?"

"But she was fine. It only took a few minutes and then she was back in her room and everything was okay. My parents came in, her mom came in, everything was perfect."

"Oh my God look at him, he is so beautiful," Lynn was gushing over the tiny figure in Lorraine's arms.

"What's his name?"

"Yeah, we finally get to know names. What is it?" Lynn turned towards her son eagerly.


McKayla managed a 'No' through her medically induced fog.

"Naw. Mama," his slid an arm around her shoulders, "this is Dorian Austin Timberlake."

Her eyes glazed over as if she were going to cry as she took the baby from Lorraine.

"Dorian. Hi baby Dorian. I'm your grandma."

"How is Justin as being a Dad?"

"Justin is a great father. He's calm, and patienct, and loving, and he's just incredible. He amazes me more and more every day."

"Does he ever do things that you feel are, a bit out there?"

"Yeah but who doesn't? I mean, he does somethings that really aren't all that major, that I just kind of freak out about and in his eyes over react to, but, it's not anything that's so terrible that we have these huge fights and I'm, ya know, screaming and he starts to worry me or anything like that."

"Naw lil' man, you gotta nod your head like this," Justin gave an example and laughed when his son followed along.

"There you go." He was only 3 but he was a straight up 'G' just like his Dad.

The car phone started to ring and Justin turned down the Cd before picking up it.



"Hey Kay, what are you doing?"

"Taking care of your daughter. Where are you guys?"

"Going to get burgers with the guys."

The car came to the top of a hill, but Justin didn't slow down as they went up and over. Dorian could be heard squealing with delight.

"What is that?"

"Dorian is having fun going over this hill."

"Daddy this is fast right? This is fast Daddy?"

"Yep," Justin smiled at his son. Although he was silently wishing he'd remember a conversation they'd had not to long ago about being quiet when Daddy was on the phone with Mommy. The kid was always getting him into trouble.

"Uh-huh, how fast is fast Randall?"

"Not fast at all."

"Liar," she could hear it in his voice, "Justin don't you speed with him. He could get hurt, hit his head on something."

"Kay he's like 2 feet tall. What's he gonna hit his head on, the floorboards?"

"How about the dashboard Randall?"

"Uh... seatbelt. Duh."

"Seatbelt? Justin, where is his car seat?"

"So tell me about your daughter."

"Lil' Jolie. She's my baby, that's my girl. We hang out together, she's prissy like me. She's just barely over one years old, and already scaring the crap out of her father. He wants her to be Daddy's little girl and he's already thinkin about when she gets older how he's going to lock her in her room and home school her so she doesn't know any boys outside of her brother and how it's going to feel to watch her get married. I'm thinking, "Justin, she just turned one, I think you have some time before you have to worry about that. Right now she know Mama, Dada, Dorry, and baabaa. There's no boys."

"Alright, what about Diane?"

"Too stuffy. Adrienne?"

"No. Ellenore."

"Justin, she's a girl, not a car. She needs something cool, something that'll be sexy for when she gets older."

Justin sat up next to her and gave her the look of death.


"Yes. She will grown up to become a woman. Woman like to have names that are seductive."

"She will not be seductive."

"Yes she will. I'll teach her, that's what Mom's are for."

"No. She's not going to be sexy or seductive. She's going to play basketball with me, and she'll never ever think about sex or boys. Boys are bad ya know. I know, I was one."

"You're absolutely right. I hope she meets someone just like you," McKayla pinched his cheeks and he pulled away from her.

"Well I don't. I know exactly how someone like me would think, and I don't want that for my baby girl."

"But you wanted that for me?"

"Well you were different. You were sexy."

"Having Jolie was fun because McKayla decided, right after Dorian, that we weren't having any more children, and then bam, right away she's pregnant again. Actually this past Christmas was our first Christmas with them both, and it was interesting. McKayla's always joking that I'm just a big kid, and usually I'm the one getting up at 3 am, but when you have kids suddenly you don't work like that and you wanna sleep. And then little people coming in and jumping all over you screaming and making noise it's.... it's interesting."

"Daddy!" something heavy landed on the edge of the bed, and stumbled it's way into the middle not caring what it was stepping on.

"Daddy! Get up," now it had taken a seat on his shoulder blades and wrapped it's tiny hands around his face to was pull his head up, in the wrong direction.

"Ow! McKayla."

"Dorry don't pull Daddy's head like that. You'll break it."

The little boy let go, sending Justin face first into his pillow.

"Mommy! Get up! Santa 'ame, Santa 'ame. I gots all pwesents!" he jumped up and down better them before climbing down and running through the hall towards the stairs.

Jolie could be heard crying from her crib in the distance.

"I think your kids want you," Justin said, rolling onto his side.

"How come before dawn their 'my' kids, and the rest of the time they're 'our' kids?"

Justin shrugged sleepily, "It's a tough job, somebody's gotta do it. Might as well be you."

McKayla threw a glare at the back of his head, before using his body to push herself into a sitting postition.

"Go get Jolie," she instructed before climbing off the bed and heading down the hall after her son.

Justin ignored her and snuggled deeper into his pillow.

"Now Justin Randall!"

His eyes popped open before he glared at the wall. Grumbling to himself he extracted himself from the sheets and headed into his daughters bedroom. She was standing her crib, gribbing the railing, wanting to know what all the commotion was about. He lifted her into his arms and she leaned her head on his shoulders and she continued to wail in his ear.

It took him a few miutes to calm her down before he could take her down the stairs to join everyone else. The glow from the tree lead him to the family room where he spotted McKayla and Dorian on the floor.

"Wow, that is so cool," she was telling him excitedly.

"Daddy look! Inna car and you press it and it go 'vrooooooooooom' inna go up the stairrs inna to my room."

"Really?" he handed Jolie to McKayla and sat down next to Dorian.

"Yeah. It can go fasser than you!"

"Faster than me? I don't know Bud, we have to try it later and see about that one."

Dorian continued to rip open presents as Jolie crawled under the tree and sat down to suck on the corner of a box.

"Now, right before you had your first child, you and your wife weren't on the best of terms. You were seperated, there were rumors of a divorce in the works. Isn't that the second time in your relationship that you've nearly given up?"

Justin meerly nodded.

"So, can you talk alittl bit about what happened around the time you got back together, what made you decide to stay together?"

"A big part of it, I think, was that a good friend of McKayla's, Athena, passed away in a car accident. We had been kind of talking before that and were on the road to working everything out, but when that happened it just kind of, woke us up I guess. I think it was seeing how short and fragile life is that kicked us in the butt and made us act right. I didn't want to keep fighting with her and then wake up one day and find out she's gone. Then I'll be spending all my time wondering if she knew how much I loved her and that I'd do anything for her. And I know she didn't want that with me."

"We still don't fight alot about things. We know when something really is an issue, and when we're just being brats with eachother, and we don't let little things get in the way and we don't try to hid things," McKayla picked up his hand as she continued, "Athena is a big part of our relationship just because I don't know if we'd be sitting here if it hadn't been for her. I feel like, yes it sucks, it's terrible what happened to her, and she had so much to offer, but I also feel like she was supposed to come in and out of ours lives when she did.

"I'll miss her, but I feel content because she was always trying to help, and she did. She taught us about love and marriage and she, she helped us, more than anyone."

"What did you learn about marriage?"

"That what ever your thinking it's about, it's not. It's not about money, or family, or lifestyles, or anything else, but at the same time it's about everything. It's sacrifice and dealing, and communication. I always thought that either you got along and you made it work, or you didn't. You were the same person, with the same beliefs and the same plan, or you weren't and you weren't supposed to be together you messed up somewhere. But at the same while it is about that, because you do have to be united, you have to have a plan for your kids and you have to stick together, it's also about just letting that go and just letting it be what is it and not worryin about stuff so much. Like, if you love eachother you can make it work despite everything else."

"And who was trying to tell you this all along?" Justin nudged her.

"You were."

"Okay. Just checking."

"Justin's like that. He has to be right all the time, he's a freak."

"See! I told you. I said kids would be good, kids would help. But no, you had to say they wouldn't and you had to cause all these problems with pills and stuff."

He couldn't feel the dagers she was shooting at the back of his over privilaged, to in-to-himself head.

"But I said 'have kids' and then we had what?"

"Kids," she answered.

"And then everything got what?"


"Which would make me what?"


"Just wanted to point that out."

"You are such a brat."

"So what's next for you two?"

"More kids," Justin grinned.

"Oh no."


McKayla just looked at him.

"Well, I don't know about the future future, we haven't gotten there yet. But, Justin's gonna put out a new album right baby?"

"We're talkin about it. I've been doing some writing, well, as much writing as you can do in a house with a 3 year old and a 1 year old but yeah. I'm hoping to put something together for next year."

"What about you McKayla?"

"I think I'm just going to settle down for a little while, spend sometime with my family. I don't want to work to much because I feel like I'd be taking something away from them. I don't want my kids to be raised by their nanny, ya know. I want just stay home and take care of my," Justin sneezed loudly and she reached over to rub his head, "family. He's getting a cold. But anyways, yeah, I'm just gonna.... chill. I'm gonna chill for a minute."

"Chill for a minute? Or chill for forever?"

"Chill till I feel comfortable coming back. I have no idea of when that will be but, my children, my husband come first. This isn't gonna last forever. You're not going to be interested in me forever but my family will always be there and I need to take care of them. Do my job for them before I do a job for anyone else. I'm gonna be there for them first, foremost, forever."

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