Never Again ( sequel to Still on my Brain) by JustinsGurl83

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Chapter 14

Two months later

In the middle of the night Jen wakes up with pain in her stomach.

Justin wakes up and says " what's the matter"

" I am having a contraction"

" Okay baby relax just breathe"

When they arrive at the hospital a nurse comes up to them

and says " Can I help you"

" Yes my wife might be in labor"

" Ok sir can you fill out some forms"

Later on when they get home Jen says

" I can't belive that was a false alarm"

" I know Jen it's not your fault"

" I know I guess the babies want to come earlier"

The next night Jen walks up again because her waterbroke.

" Justin get our bags" she says to him

" why" he said just as he is waking up

" Because my water just broke"

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