Never Again ( sequel to Still on my Brain) by JustinsGurl83

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Chapter 17

Two days later

Jen and the twins are finally able to go home. When they get

home Emma and Anna are put to sleep in there rooms. Jen goes

to sleep in her's and Justin's bedroom.

While they are all sleeping Justin is staring at his children.

Later on when Jen wakes up she sees Justin in the twins's rooms

and she wraps her arms around his waist.

" Hey J"

" Hi Jen" he says and kisses her

" I'm hungry"

" I'll make you something what do you want"

" Grilled Cheese"

" Okay I'll make it"

" No that's ok I'll do it"

While they are eating dinner they here a baby cry.

" Oh I have to go get her"

" Jen let me do it relax"

When Justin gets upstaris he sees that Anna is awake and rocks

here back to sleep.

Jen comes upstaris and watches him

" She went back after I rocked her"

" You are gonna be a great father J"

" I love you Jen"

" I love you too" she says and kisses him.

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