Never Again ( sequel to Still on my Brain) by JustinsGurl83

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Chapter 7

Jen just looked at Justin in shock and says

" Justin stop kidding around"

Then Justin gets down on one knee and takes one of her hands in

his and says " Jen I love you will you marry me"

" Yes" she says kissing him

" YES YES YES YES YES" she contine's to say

Then Justin slips the ring on her finger

A couple of days later Jen and Justin are having dinner with Kara

and JC.

JC asks " Why are you guys acting so werid latley"

Justin says " Well Jen and I getting married"

Kara says " Well it's about time"

" Geez that was fast you just got back together"

" I know but Justin just asked me out of the blue"

" Congrats you guys" Kara says

A month later Jen is at the doctor's office again because she

thinks she has the flu.

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