Almost Lost by Taccora

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Chapter 6

When I woke up Monday morning I went into my connecting bathroom and took a shower. After I dried my hair I went into my bedroom and started to get dressed. I put on my short jean Abercrombie skirt that had a scarf tied around the waist as a belt, my pink Abercrombie scoop neck short sleeved t-shirt, and my pink Guess slingback sandals. Once I was dressed I put my hair in a ponytail and I held it in place with my pink and white scrunchie. After I was finished done with my whole grooming process I went downstairs into the kitchen and ate breakfast with my parents, which I rarely do, and then I picked up my keys and my purse/book bag and headed to school. I found out that we were going to have the game earlier than usual because there was a weather forecast for a storm Thursday so we were to play the game Wednesday at 3 o’clock.

Britney was staying for the rest of the week and since we were in school in the days, she went to radio stations and did interviews and sometimes she went to the studio to perfect her dancing. Justin and I usually didn’t see her in the evenings because she would be out with Lance and his friends. As soon as I made it to the school I parked in my usual spot and walked into the school. I went to the side of the building where there were outside tables for people to eat lunch and breakfast. I sat on one of the benches and started to write in my journal. As I started to write my feelings into my journal I blocked out everything and let everything I felt flow through on paper. Since I was concentrating on my writing I didn’t hear anyone calling. Around the second stanza of my poem I heard someone calling my name. I turned around to see JC walking towards me.

“What’s up Josh?” I asked.

“Nothing really but I wanted to invite you to my party Friday. As you know my parents are going to be out of town, which makes it the perfect time to have a party. You know with the championship games coming up and all.” He said.

“Oh yeah. You know I’m down for a good party. What time is it?” I asked.

“It starts at nine.” He said.

“Thanks,” I said as the bell for 1st period rang. “Hey Josh I have to go but I’ll see you later aright.”

“Bye Ebony.” Josh said as I walked off.

I made it to World History right before the bell rung. Mr. White was talking about a paper he wanted us to write on what we would see ourselves as if we lived during the Dark Ages of Rome when he got a call from the office. It turns out that his wife went into labor so we had study hall for the rest of the class. Everyone had to go to the library and use our time ‘wisely’ the rest of the class period. I took my CD player out of my bag and played ‘Hey Lover’ by LL Cool J and started on my History paper. I loved my school because they were very lenient in the rules. We couldn’t listen to music while the teacher was talking or anyone for that matter but when we were on campus or in study hall we could listen to anything we wanted as long as no one could heart it, whether it be Eminem or Will Smith. While I was in the middle of my paper someone tapped me on the shoulder. I turned around to see Justin. He looked so good in his baggy black jeans, dark brown Timberlands, a kaki colored shirt that hugged his chest in all the right places and a black custom made JRT hat.

“What’s up Justin? What are you doing in here?” I asked after I took my earphones out of my ear.

“I was in here do some research for my English paper and I saw you sitting here writing so I decided to come over. Are you going to Josh’s party?” he asked.

“Yeah. He invited me earlier and I told him I would go. Now all I have to do is find something to wear.” I said thinking if I had to make a stop by the mall before I went home.

“Please you have more clothes than most of the girls at this school put together so don’t even try that I need to go shopping shit.” He said with a groan.

“Don’t you start with me Justin because you know that you love to go shopping just as much as I do so don’t try to act like I’m the only fashion crazed person in this friendship.” I replied.

“Yeah I must admit that I do like to shop…” He said as I cut him off.

“Like?” I questioned him.

“Aright so I love to shop but at least I don’t act like I don’t have clothes so that I could make up a new reason to go to the mall. Anyways, who are you going to the party with?” He asked.

“I don’t know. I might just go by myself and just chill and dance with whoever.” I said.

“Why don’t you go out with Craig?” He asked holding his breath waiting for her response.

Craig was a guy who had been trying to get with Ebony since she was a freshman in high school but she just wasn’t interested but even though she was now a senior he still didn’t give up. “Please Justin, you know that I do not like him like that. Beside you of all people should know that if you take someone to a party they expect you to be with them the whole time. While I don’t have a problem with people this is my last year and I do want to spend time with my other friends, not some guy that I don’t even date let alone talk to all the time.”

“Why don’t you go to the party with me. I mean we do live right next to each other. I can drive us there and we can dance with whomever we want to but I want to leave around eleven. Are you cool with that?” Justin asked.

“Yeah. Justin you’re coming to my game right? I mean I’m coming to yours so I just wanted to know if I should expect you to be there.” Ebony asked.

“Of course I’ll be there. You know that I never miss a game. Look I have to go because I see Ms. Norris looking for me so I’ll see you later. Bye Eb.” He said.

“Why do you insist on calling me that? You know that I hate that name.” I replied.

“That’s why I call you that.” He said with a chuckle.

“Whatever. See you J.” and with that Justin and Ebony finished their conversation.


Wednesday finally came and it was time for the game. After Ebony and the team got out of the huddle they made, they walked onto the court. Jessica shook hands with one of the girls from the Devils and then we started the game. Jessie got the ball and passed it to Kim. Kim dribbled the ball down the court and made a 2-point shot. The Devils got the ball and they went down the court their defense was good but not good enough because Crystal ran down the court and blocked the ball right before it went in. We gained control of the ball and Crystal made a great 3-point shot. Everyone was surprised because she has rarely ever made that shot and we were happy she finally did, this being the championship game. The game stayed close and the Devils started to play hard but we studied all their moves so we blocked most of their shots.

At the end of the game we won, 82 to74. We were happy because the boys won their game yesterday, which meant that we were the champion in not only the girls’ championship but the guys also. That afternoon I just hung out with Britney and we just had our girl talk and such. She said that she was leaving two days after Josh’s party. At eight o’clock I went home to study for all of the end of the year exams. Friday came and everyone was happy because it was a beautiful day. The only thing that brought everyone down was the science test we had to do. I hated science even though I did well in it. When I was in junior high school I could never get anything higher than a C in science. But in the summer of my 7th year I got a private tutor and she taught me life lessons on how to understand science and since then I never got less than a B in science.

By the end of the day everyone I knew was ready for Josh’s party. I went home and looked through my closet for at least an hour trying to find something to wear. After a while of waiting in clueless ness I decided to wear a white mini skirt with a white tube top with a blue see through shirt to go over it. I had blue flower clips in my hair and I put on a pair of white sandals. By the time I walked outside Justin was on his way to my door. He came up to me and we got in his car. As we were driving to Josh’s house, Justin turned on the music and ‘Thank God I Found You’ by Joe was playing. It was my favorite song and Justin knew it so we sung the song together. Fifteen minutes later we were parked and waiting for Josh to open the door.

After we entered his house we separated and went our different ways. While I was talking to Britney Tyler, Josh’s brother, walked over to me and asked me if I wanted to dance. Now Tyler was a junior but he had all his brothers’ qualities. We started dancing and I was getting into it when all of a sudden I heard someone say, “Justin why is your girl dancing with Tyler?”

Tyler looked at me and said, “When did you start dating Justin?”

“I didn’t. People are always assuming something when they don’t know what they’re talking about.”

While I was talking to Tyler I heard Britney said, “Why don’t you shut the fuck up Kelly. You don’t know what you’re talking about. You’re just mad because Justin wouldn’t give you the time of day.”

“Why don’t you get the fuck out of my face to fake bitch!” Kelly screamed in Britney’s face.

By this time Justin and I had made it to where Kelly and Britney were having their showdown. I walked over to Britney and said, “Chill Britney this is about me and I’m going to settle this once and for all.”

Justin looked at me worriedly. “Ebony don’t…”

“Justin just chill, I’m not going to do anything unless I’m provoked.” Ebony said.

“Oh, so Ebony has a back bone now. Well bring it on bitch.” Kelly said.

“You know, I’m trying very hard not to beat your ass because this is JC’s house but if you keep on running you fucking mouth I will have to take action. Now as far as Britney being fake, I think you got her mixed up with yourself because you’re the one that talks about your friends behind their back. Remember we used to be cool so I know how you get down. See I know that you’re a hoe because I know people you have dated. I know that you have had 2 abortions since you been in high school you see I didn’t want to let all your shit out but you just keep on pushing. Let me let you in on a little secret. Justin doesn’t date you because he doesn’t like girls that has went around almost the whole male population at the school. How do you like them apples?” Ebony asked while the whole party looked at Kelly in disgust.

“You bitch, you had no right to tell my business like that! See now I’m going to have to beat your ass.” Kelly yelled.

Kelly went to punch Ebony but Ebony ducked and did a clean sweep and Kelly ended up falling on her back. Ebony kicked her in the stomach and said, “I told you’re ass that I wasn’t going to hit you but you had to provoke me and now I have to kick your ass. You see I was trying with all my might not to hit you but you had to push me didn’t you?” Ebony asked and she straddled Kelly and started punching her. “Didn’t you bitch! See you kept calling me a bitch and you’re going to see one you stupid ass hoe.”

After everybody got out of shock from seeing the fight erupt, they tried to stop it but it wasn’t that easy. After a couple of more punches Ebony grabbed Kelly’s hair in a tight grip and punched her in the face one more time and said, “That was for Britney.” Ebony got up and kicked Kelly in the stomach and said, “That was for me,” and she walked away.

“Ebony you said you wasn’t going to fight her.” Justin said.

“So you expected me to stand there and let her punch me?” Ebony asked him in disbelief.

“No but you didn’t have to beat her like that, I mean she had been laying there since you got up. What if she press charges?” Justin said.

“Please, if anyone would be able to press charges, that would be me. She’s the one to made the first swing. I was just using self defense so if she wants to bring the police in it then let her because she started it and all of you are my witnesses.” Ebony said.

By that time Kelly was up and her nose was bleeding. Her blood was falling right on her while silk blouse. When she noticed that she walked up to me and said, “You fucking made me mess up my $150 shirt. You must pay.”

She caught me off guard and punched me in my stomach. I doubled over and caught my breath. Once I was breathing correctly I grabbed her hair and punched her in her face and I kept punching her until Justin and Britney pulled me off of her. “When are you going to learn that you can’t beat me. You’re lucky I’m not in my street clothes or I would stomp you. I try to be nice. When you first called me a bitch I let it slide. When you came up to me at the club and started cussing me out, I let that shit slide. But when you start throwing punches, that’s when I take action and let me tell you now, you will never beat me. I took kick boxing lessons and I exercise on a regular basis so I can be one of the best players on the b-ball team and I will be damned if you think that I’m gonna sit here and let you hit me. I’m only going to tell you this once, stay away from me and mine and do not let me hear you saying anything about me out of your mouth because if I do you will regret the day you ever crossed me. Do I make myself clear?” I asked in a menacing voice.

Kelly stared at me for a second trying to tell if I was joking or not. When she realized that I was serious she nodded and with that I walked over to Josh so that he could give me an ice pack for my hand. After I had my ice pack Justin walked up to me and said, “Well I think that we should go, I mean after the fight and all. You can’t be in the mood to party now.”

“Look Justin, I don’t want to spoil your fun so why don’t I take a cab and you can go home when you’re ready.” Ebony said as she pulled out her cell phone.

“It makes no sense for you to take a cab when I’ll end up going home anyway. A party just isn’t fun without you so why don’t you just get in the car and let me drive you home.” Justin said.

A few minutes after Justin started driving, Ebony looked over to Justin and said, “Thank you.”

“For what?” Justin asked confused.

“For being you. For driving me home and being worried after I fought Kelly. You’re always there for me and I just wanted to thank you.” Ebony said.

“No problem Eb.” Justin said as he parked the car in front of his house and walked her across the street to her house. Once they were at the door, he turned to her and said, “Good night Eb.”

“Night J.” Ebony said before she entered her house.

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