One Sweet Day by Alicia

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Author's Notes:

I actually cut the original chapter 20 in half because it would have been too long. About 2-3 times longer than this. But you will get the 2nd half of it in the form of chapter 21. Hopefully soon.

***Chapter 20
He was physically shaking with anger, not mentally like he had been these past two weeks. Physically. Jordan knew how to irritate Justin for a person he did not even know. Justin watched as Jordan weaseled his way in between Christi and Justin’s growing relationship for two weeks. And for two weeks, Justin turned to his mother with his frustrations. But now Lynn was on a plane, headed back home, while Justin drove around downtown Houston to blow off some steam.

Justin did not understand how someone could go from not being around to practically smothering people with his presence. Christi did not know what “smothering” Justin was talking about. But Justin knew Jordan was using the whole “we have history together” and the situation with Kaci as his disguise. It was no secret that Christi wanted Jordan involved in Kaci’s life so that and the “good ol’ days” was his ticket to getting back with Christi. Why? Justin did not know but he’d bet all his money that Jordan had an alternate motive. A motive Justin was determined to find out. But for now, he needed to calm down before he crashed into a car. And Lord knows, another car accident was the last thing any of them needed.

Finally paying attention to where he was, Justin realized he was not far from Ben-Taub and decided to pay a visit to Kaci. Now that’s someone that would calm him down. He could always be around her, coma or not, and be at ease. Justin turned into the parking garage and laughed. Paparazzi would never now that he snuck passed them thanks to the tinted out windows of Serena’s unidentifiable minivan. No celebrity would be seen driving around town in a family car. A bachelor at that. But little did the paparazzi know that one of the people they camped out for was in this minivan. He parked the car and was on his way. 
Watching Kaci sleep peacefully, Justin continuously ran his fingers through her growing hair much he did always did Christi’s. He wondered how such innocence could come from a weasel like Jordan. But then again, Kaci had Christi for a mother. At the age of 23, Christi had experienced so much in life yet still stays grounded and fun to be around. She can dish out good advice like no other and did not have to go to some big university to get her intelligence. Christi learned everything she knew through her many jobs, loved ones, experiences, and off of pure instinct. Thinking of Christi’s instincts, Justin could not help but wonder where she went wrong with Jordan. How did such an amazing person end up with scum? How did someone Justin knew could read people like a book marry a jerk? Justin came to the conclusion that Jordan must have been that good at scheming. It doesn’t really surprise Justin considering everything hr watched Jordan pull over Christi’s eyes with him, Jordan that is, being that he has “changed for the better.” Justin snorted at the thought and his mind wondered to all the times Jordan cut off anything dealing with Justin and Christi and inserted himself into the picture because he is Kaci’s father. Justin didn’t give a rat’s behind that Jordan was the father. He did not understand what Justin and Christi did have to deal with that. Last time Justin checked, going out to dinner versus ordering in pizza had nothing to do with Jordan yet someway, somehow Jordan managed to guilt trip Christi into inviting him over for some pizza. Get this, because he did not feel right having a good time while Kaci was still in the hospital and felt lonely staying at home, alone. Justin did not laugh out loud when Christi told him the plans and why, but he really wanted to. Who ever said that going out to dinner meant having a good time? And for the whole being lonely bull, Justin highly doubted that he was after overhearing a woman’s voice through the phone that one time he was wheeling Christi to see Kaci.     
Justin stood there, off in his on little thoughts about Christi and Jordan. Not paying attention to the subtle movement of Kaci’s arms and legs or the opening of her eyes. He just kept on running his hands through the little girl’s hair. It wasn’t until Kaci actually started to cry that Justin realized what was going on. Somewhat in shock, he blinked his eyes several times at the sight of the brown eyes staring back at him before pressing the call button for a nurse. Dr. Daniels and two nurses came in less than a minute. Justin watched as they fused and busied about Kaci before making his trip down the hall to call Christi.
“Yeah. Who’s this?”
This was exactly what Jordan was talking about. Twice in one day had Jordan answered either Christi’s cell or her parents’ phone. And once again was Justin becoming frustrated with him in one day. If Justin did not know any better he would have sworn that Jordan had kidnapped Christi and stolen her phone.  
“Justin. Put Christi on the phone.”
“She’s busy.”
“It’s important. Just give her the damn phone!”
“Like I said she’s busy. Would you like to leave a message?”
“Just tell her that Kaci’s awake.”
Justin had actually hung up on him. The nerve of him. Jordan had questions he wanted answered, and the little punk had the nerve to hang up n him. Yeah, he had done it to Justin plenty of times in the past two weeks, but never had Justin done it to him. And never had Jordan been so frustrated. ‘That’s ok,’ Jordan thought, ‘the little punk going to get his.’ And with that Jordan deleted the incoming call from Christi’s cell.
From the foyer, Jordan looked over at Christi channel surfing in the living room. So sue him. Christi wasn’t really busy.
“Hey, Christi?”
Setting down the remote, Christi turned to Jordan. “What?”
“Dr. Daniels just called.”
Christi’s forehead wrinkled in confusion. “I didn’t hear the phone ring.”
Jordan tossed her the cell. “Because you were so ‘busy’ flipping through channels. Anyways, she called to tell us that Kaci’s up.”
Nearly falling off the sofa, Christi grabbed her cell, keys, and jacket. “Let’s go. My shoes are by the front door.”  
Before Jordan could even stop his car, Christi was out of the car and hobbling as fast as she can on her crutches. Reporters were shouting her name left right upon seeing Christi head for the hospital’s entrance. She tried her hardest to push her way through the crowd while trying to concentrate on each step she took with the stupid crutches, which she wished she didn’t have at the moment. Twice in one day now has the paparazzi practically engulfed her in their frenzy to get the first scoop on what was going on. And quite frankly she didn’t have the strength to deal with them again nor the time. More than half through the crowd, Christi felt someone grab her elbow and yank her around. In pain, she dropped one of her crutches and nearly fell to the ground. But Christi could not have been more grateful for Jordan to catch her before she hit the ground. Jordan picked Christi up and carried her the rest of the way into the hospital.
Once inside, a nurse came to Jordan with a wheelchair already unfolded and ready for him to place Christi in. For the past two weeks, the nurses always welcomed her with a wheelchair at the door for each of her visits to Kaci, and this time was no different. Jordan wheeled Christi into the elevator and out as they reached Christi’s floor. Christi spotted Justin through the window as soon as soon as Jordan and she reached NICU.
“Justin? What are you doing here?”
Thoroughly confused, Justin asked, “What are you talking about? I’m the one that called your phone about Kaci.”   
“No. Dr. Daniels called. Jordan told me so.”
Justin rolled his eyes, “Right. And you believed him?”
“Why would he lie about such a thing, Justin?”
Justin let a snort, “I don’t know but for the same reason he more than likely didn’t tell you that I called while at the airport or any other time the past couple of weeks.”
Justin sighed and looked at Christi. She really did not know what Jordan was doing. “Think about it, Christi. No, better yet look at your phone. I should be the last caller.”
Christi looked at her phone just like Justin told her to but he wasn’t the last caller. Jessi was, yesterday. She showed Justin the phone, and his eyebrows bunched together.
“He must have deleted it.”
“Justin, Stop! Now you’re just making stuff up. Jordan had nothing to do with any of this.”
Justin pulled his phone out and showed her his outgoing calls and the times. “Well, I can’t just type these in can I?”
Christi looked at his phone and back at hers. Both the times registered next in her head. And distinctly remember Jordan being around both times. Christi turned to confront him about. Only to find he wasn’t behind her anymore. Christi wanted to turn the wheelchair around and hunt him down for some answers, but she remembered she came to the hospital for someone more important. Her daughter.
Christi started to stand up but fell right back in the chair as pain shoot through her ankle. She looked up at Justin from her spot, “Can you help to my daughter?”
Justin took the place Jordan once occupied and wheeled Christi to Kaci. He watched the tears rolled down her cheeks upon feeling Kaci squeeze her outstretched hand. Christi wiped away as much as the tears as she could but they kept on coming. Similar to the moment in the bathroom a couple of weeks ago, Justin did not know what to say. He comfortingly massaged Christi’s shoulders. “You look worn out.”
“I feel worn out. Having those vultures tug at you kinda makes a person agitated.”
Christi closed her, enjoying the feeling of Justin giving her a massage as well as Kaci playing with her fingers.
Justin stopped his hands once he realized she wasn’t paying attention to anything and repeated himself. “What are you talking about?”
“Earlier to day they were full of questions and determined to get some answer. Started spouting off at the mouth about possible headlines. I still didn’t give the answers they wanted. So they followed Jordan, Jessi, and me back to my parents house. They finally gave up when we made it into such a regular ol’ neighborhood. And then again just now. On the way in, they started up again, except this time they actually yanked around and I fell--”
“They what?!”
Christi took Justin’s hand and put them back on her shoulders. Justin took the hint and resumed the massage.
“I’m going send for Mike.”
“When are they going to go away?”
“I don’t know. But I think we should get away for awhile and maybe they’ll get the hint.”
“I’m not leaving Kaci, Justin?”
“I never said anything about leaving her. I mean when she gets out of here and Dr.
Daniels gives us the okay.”
“That would be nice. Haven’t been much of anywhere since Kaci was born. Where would we go?”
“I don’t know you pick the place. Someplace relaxing. You’re good at that.”
“Silver Leaf is out of the question because I night as well be at work. I don’t know, Justin.”
“Where’s the last place you’ve been that you really liked. Outside of Texas.”
Opening her eyes, Christi answered, “New Orleans. Jessi and I went there for one of her photo shoots before I found out I was pregnant. It was just the two of us.“
“Okay then, we’ll go there.”
Christi’s eyes lit up with excitement, “Really?”
“Yes. Just Kaci, you, me, and New Orleans—“
Overhearing Justin’s last statement, Jordan interrupted, “You cannot possibly be thinking of taking away Kaci at a time like this?”
Almost as if she didn’t hear him, Christi didn’t answer him, She just kept on playing with Kaci’s hand.
“Hello??!! Is either of you going to answer me?”
Christi pulled her hand away from Kaci and turned to Jordan. “You and I need to talk. Outside. Now.”
Justin went to push the wheelchair but she told him no and started to roll herself out. Jordan on the other hand was somewhat baffled by Christi’s attitude. For the past couple of weeks, he’d had her wrap around his little finger. But now she was showing some new act of defiance. Wondering what or who could have brought that about, Jordan couldn’t help but think Justin had something to do with it.
Once they made it their way to an empty hallway, Christi ripped into Jordan, “You ever tell me what I can or cannot do with my child again, so help me God, that will be the end of you seeing her outside of the supervised visits the court appointed you.”
“Christi, what did I do? All I want is to be able see my child now that she has woken up from a COMA.”
Undistracted by Jordan’s supposed innocence in everything, Christi asked, “Truthfully answer me this. Who called earlier when we were getting back from the hospital the first time?”
“I told you already. It was a wrong number.”
“You have one more chance to answer correctly. And I want the truth to this one. Who called my cell to tell me about Kaci?”
“Dr. Daniels. Now, why do think I’m lying? Did Justin put you up to this?”
Christi was disgusted with how easily Jordan was able to fool and if she hadn’t of seen Justin’s phone she might have actually believed Jordan. “Justin hasn’t put me up to anything. What he did was make me see right through you. Through your lies and schemes, everything. And to think, I actually sat there defended your ass to him for weeks, and you go and pull some shit like this.”
“So you’re going to take my daughter away because I told exaggerated the truth little? You can’t do that!”
“Jordan, you didn’t exaggerate. You outright lied to my face numerous times and when I ask for the truth you continue to lie thinking I don’t know the truth. What else did you lie about Jordan? Huh? Are you capable of telling the truth? Did you really change? Or is that bull, too? I mean really. I want to hear this. For the sake of OUR daughter. Should I fear that you may break her heart like did mine or even go as far to lay a hand on her? And about me ‘taking’ her away from you, you have got to be kidding. I can go anywhere I damn well please with my daughter because you can’t stop me. I’m the one who has been there for OUR daughter from day one and am not going to limit myself to Houston’s city limits because it cuts into you seeing Kaci. That’s your problem not mine. The only reason you even see her as much s you do is because you actually had me fooled into being around more than the court allowed. But how stupid was I to actually believe you after everything you have put me through?”
“You can’t be serious? You’re—“
Christi tried to wheel herself away, not wanting to hear another word at of Jordan’s mouth. But the jerk actually had the nerve to pull back his arm as if he was going to lay a hand on her.
“I’d think about that long and hard if I were you. Before that hand even makes it to my face or another part of my body, this HARD cast on my leg will be so far up an area you don’t want it. It’s a lot closer your bodily parts than your hand is to me.”
Jordan watched her face the whole conversation and knew that what she was saying was no joke. And knowing Christi, Jordan put his arm down by his side and stepped out of her way.
Wheeling herself back into NICU, Christi sat beside Justin, watching Kaci.
“So New Orleans, it is?”
“Definitely. We need to get out of this place. Away from all the drama.”      

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