Sick by Jessica

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When we’re on tour, it’s inevitable that we’re going to get sick. You can’t put five people around a crew of hundreds in different air temperatures, pollen counts and weather patters everyday for months without expecting us to get sick. It’s just a fact of tour life.

Throughout the years we’ve learned each others signs and try our best to not pass anything around.

Chris typically gets sick in Arizona and New Mexico. It’s the dry air. It starts as a nose bleed then two days later he has a cold that he can usually kick in a week while still performing. He just can’t hit the high notes during that time.

Joey’s starting to become immune to things now that he has a kid, but normally sometime during the second month he gets a cold that he chooses to ignore. It always turns into pneumonia. Sometimes it gets so bad he’ll have to go into the hospital to get rehydrated, but he’s gotten better about that.

I think Lance is allergic to his home state. It always happens that the morning after the Jackson concert he gets a cough. If we’re close to the end of the tour, he’ll take care of it immediately and he’s fine. If it’s not, then it becomes a runny nose before he starts medicating. The only time we’ve lost him was in the beginning before the heart stuff was found out. Once the doctors told him what it was, he started on meds and now he’s had it fixed.

Justin always catches everything from everyone. Back in the day, whenever one of us was sick, he’d be sick by the next day. Now he catches everything the girl he’s currently around has. We call it his sympathy pains.

Me, I’m like clockwork. After the third show and two weeks before the last show I get a chest cold that lasts for four days leaving me with no voice for two days and a shitty attitude for a week.

I hate being sick. We all do. But this…this is more than sick. It’s worse than sick and now time has stopped and we don’t know what to do.

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