Shines in the Darkness
General story details
Title: Shines in the Darkness
Author: Leeann
Category: Long Stories
Characters: Group, JC Chasez
Summary: The Jacob's Well team is going on a missions trip to Durban South Africa, there are many obsticales in their way as they raise money and get passports. They're in contact with others that are meeting up with them in Atlanta. JC Chasez wakes up after a dream and decides to do something good for once rather than waisting his money on stupid stuff. He decides to help fund a trip to Africa, bringing supplies to a relief station. Everyone around him is trying to persuade him not to go, but he knows he's been called to go. He meets up with Robin and the JW team, together they battle for the people of Durban and for their own lives.

*Authors Note* This story is been a long time in the making. I've always wanted to do a story similiar to this one, with the battle between angels and demons. I didn't know how to encorporate it into a story until I read about the "Humanitarian Challenge" over at Nsync Fiction. I feel as if I'm blessed, I finally got a reason to write it. I picked Durban South Africa, because two guys from my church really are going on a missions trip there in August. This is the first story like this I've attempted, so please bear with me.
Genre: Drama, Supernatural
Rating: PG
Warnings: violence/death
Chapters: 2 Submitted: 07/04/05
Words: 3325 Updated: 07/04/05
Completed: not completed
Series: is not part of any series
Challenges: none
1 PrologueLeeann Reviews (0) 389 words
Author notes:
2 Meet the TeamLeeann Reviews (0) 2936 words
Author notes:
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