The After Math (Our Family Album Series part 5) by Coffee

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Hello?" Lorraine Malone opened the door, smiling at the familiar faces in the familyroom before her.

"Hey Mama," McKayla climbed the flight of stairs, enveloping her Mother in a hug. "You're just in time."

"I'm sorry I'm late, it took forever to get a cab."

"You should have let one of us pick you up from the airport Mama," McKayla took Lorraines purse and set it in the closet.

"No, you two have too much going on here. Hi everyone!" Lorraine entered the family room and set to work hugging all of the various family members before her.

Today was a special day for the Malone-Timberlake clan. Little Joliet Timberlake was turning 3 years old. The party had a Disney princess theme, with pink balloons and a castle shaped cake. Everyone in attendance understood, because lil Jolie had decided the day she was born that she was a Disney princess as well. Her closet in her room was full of elaborate gowns and heels, the walls painted pink with murals of pumpkin carriages and fairy God-mothers.

In the beginning, McKayla had tried to help her daughter understand the difference between TV and reality, and that she couldn't go outside wearing her ballgowns. But Justin had done the opposite, allowing his daughter to have everything she'd ever asked for, and paraded her around in her gowns and heels every chance he got. She was Daddy's spolied little princess and he'd vowed to keep her that way forever.

"A Da a da a da a da!" Justin turned to his left to see a little girl, donning a light blue ballgown and a cinderella necklace come running towards him.

"Hey baby." He leaned down and opened his arms. He'd learned that a da a da a da was code for 'Hey Daddy.'

The little girl collapsed against her father, a smile on her face. She resembled McKayla more so than him. She had long black hair and big brown eyes. But there were characteristics from Justin's side, her skin was fair like his, and her hair was wavy like Lynn's. But personailty wise, she was a miniture McKayla, impatient, high-maintenace, and completely in love with one Justin Timberlake. Dorian Austin was like his father, he spoke before he thought, lived to be an annoyance to others, and was a mama's boy before all other things.

"Wanna dance with me? Dance with Daddy."

Jolie clasped one of her hands in her fathers', and Justin spun them in a circle while she giggled.

Standing in the sunlight laughing
Hiding behind a rainbow wall
Slipping and a sliding
All along the waterfall with you
My brown eyed girl

You're my brown eyed girl

Do you remember when we used to sing
Sha la la la la la la la la la la da di da
Just like that
Sha la la la la la la la la la la da di da
La di da

"Randall, my Mom's here," McKayla called to him as she passed through the foyer.

Justin paused in their dance, letting out an excited gasp, "Guess who's here."

He pulled her little thumb from her mouth.

"Grandma's here. Wanna go see Grandma?"

As he spoke, he carried her from the kitchen to the familyroom, watching her smile grow as she examined the people in the room. She knew them all ofcourse, but she was a secretive little girl who liked to be left to her own devices. She wasn't one to have a room full of people calling her name and paying her all kinds of attention. That part, Lynn had said, she got from Justin.

"Say hi to Grandma, Jolie," Justin stopped infront of Lorraine.

Jolie smiled, waving at Lorriane.

"Oh that's all I get? A wave? I get more than that, don't I?" Lorraine nuzzled her nose against the little girl, electing a giggle.

"Can I have a hug?"

Joliet leaned over, putting her arms around her Grandmother's neck. Justin handed the rest of her body over, hoping to leave the little girl so he could return to his duties in the kitchen. But before he'd even turned around all the way Joliet started to fuss. Lynn stood, hoping to help calm to little girl. She quieted, for a total of 10 seconds before she started to whine again, her eyes turning teary.

"That's a Justin cry," McKayla informed them, picking up empty plates and cups from the various tables.

"Uh-oh, Daddy Justin," Lynn called. "Baby wants you."

Lorraine set her granddaughter down, her plastic blue Cinderella heels clicking against the floor as she made her way in the direction her father had gone.

"She's got matching shoes for that princess gown."

"Ofcourse," McKayla sighed, standing next to her two Mothers. "She's got 13 of those dresses, all different colors, and a pair of matching shoes for each one. She refuses to wear real clothes. The other day she went in my closet and brought me a pair of black pumps and said, 'But your heels on Mommy. Mommy, put your heels on too."

"Jolie is a hand full," Lynn nodded.

"Well, she's good for my image. She won't let me leave the house without getting dressed up."

"Mom! Mom!" McKayla turned to her right, seeing Dorian come flying down the stairs, followed by Madison and Grayson. They were the children of a cousin, 5 year old twins.

"Mom, can we shoot my guns off the deck? Please Mom, please?"

Dorian had an extensive collection of bee bee guns, curtousy of Uncle Joey, and he liked to shoot them from the back balcony at the bushes below them.

"You know the rules Austin."

"If Uncle Chris comes can I? Please?" He took her hand, poked out his lips and stared up at her innocently.

"Ask Uncle JC."

"Yes! Thanks Mom," Dorian ran off without so much as a glimpse at his Grandmothers and went in search of his uncle.

"He's an energetic one." McKayla smiled. "Did you eat Mama? I saved you some food in the kitchen."

As McKayla led her Mother into the kitchen, Justin passed them on his way out, carrying a brown paper bag. A screaming Jolie was stumbling along behind him.

"A da a da a da," she was saying, holding onto one of his pant legs.

"Babygirl, Dad's got things to do. Don't you wanna go say 'hi' to your family? Uncle Jon and Uncle Steve haven't see you yet."

Ofcourse, that was because Jonathon and Steven had immediately taken his Fast and Furious: Tokyo Drift DVD and gone to his office upstairs to watch it.

"A da a da a da. Now." Was her reply.

Justin set down the bag in a corner, out of the way and curious glances of others. Jolie opened her arms, ready to be lifted up, and turned off her water works as soon as she was placed on her father's hip.

"What's wrong, huh?" Justin asked, wiping the water under her eyes. "Why are you being anti-social?"

Jolie meerly sighed and rested her head on his shoulder.

"Ooh, you're my sleepy baby girl."

"What's wrong?" McKayla exited the kitchen and stepped over to them.

"She's just tired," Justin replied, rocking the little girl back and forth.

"Well she's supposed to hand out the goody bags," McKayla rubbed the girls back, and adjusted the fur trim on her dress.

"Wanna do the questionaire, and I'll hang onto her for a minute?"


After JC and the boys were called in from the back, McKayla held up a piece of paper and called the attention of the room.

"Alright ya'll, let's get the game out of the way. When you came in, you got a piece of paper titled Everybody Love Joliet. There's 7 questions, winner gets a special prize."

"What are they?" Someone asked.

"They're surprises, you get to pick them after the game. So, everyone have your paper out? Question #1, Who is Jolie's favorite princess?"

A few people shouted out incorrect answers like Snow White and Anastacia.

"It's Cinderella, you crazies," Justin corrected, looking down at a paper of his own.

"The correct answer is Cinderella. Hence the Cinderella dress, shoes, and diaper." McKayla lifted the little girls dress to display the Cinderella face on Jolie's bottom.

"Question #2, What does Jolie say when she's done drinking the bottle?"

"Ta-da!" Was the common answer. Jolie did have the habit of saying ta-da after she accomplished anything she deemed to be interesting or special. Such as putting a toy away, or finishing her plate.

"She says 'all done-y now'," Dorian corrected.

"She says 'all done', or 'here'," Justin nodded. "I'm two for two, Daddy's doing good huh?"

"Question #3, What does Jolie like to do with her eyes closed?"

"Walk and spin."

Almost everyone had that question correct, since Jolie made sure to do it atleast three or four times every hour.

"What is Jolie's favorite color?"


Justin's face contored and he gave his father a look.

"Yellow? What?"

"It's a good guess."

"It's pink," replied Dorian, "See the pink balloons."

The little boy rolled his eyes at his grandfather, and squeeled when the older man reached for him.

"She's wearing a blue dress though," Lorraine defended her incorrect answer.

"Because it's Cinderella."

"Well if she likes a princess who doesn't wear her favorite color, how are we supposed to know?"

"Okay, okay," McKayla shushed the room. "Question # 5, what song does Jolie like to sing acapella?"

"The hockey-pockey."

"No, it's We Are the Champions. You can thank Justin for that one. Question # 6, Who does Jolie serve tea to, but requires him/her to come to the kitchen to get it?"

"Grandma Lynn," Paul answered, receiving a laugh from his wife.

"A da a da a da," Jolie lifted her head.

"That's right, it's Daddy."

"She made Justin come pick up his tea?" Lorraine smiled.

"Yeah. She was having a tea party and she offered him some. When he said yes she said, 'Well you better come here and get it'."

Justin smiled down at his daughter and kissed her cheek.

"That was good tea huh?"

"Question # 7, last one, what does Jolie call her pacifier?"


That answer was well known, since Jolie was rarely ever seen without one in her mouth.

"I win!" Justin announced, raising one arm in the air in victory. "Where's my prize?"

"Wait, you can't win," Lorriane protested.

"Why not? I got all my questions right."

"You're her father. You can't be in the game. That's an unfair advantage," Lynn sided with Lorraine.

"No it's not."

"Yes it is."


"Yes it is."

"Actually, it is Justin," McKayla agreed.

Justin rolled his eyes.

"Ya'll just don't wanna see me walk away with the prize. You're trying to keep a good Dad down."

"Right," McKayla gave him a look. "So, did anyone else get 7 out of 7?"

No one spoke up.

"What about 6 out of 7?"

"I did," Lynn raised her hand.

"Anyone else?"

No one else responded.

"Okay, than we have our winner. Grandma Lynn Harless." McKayla reached into her goodie bag, pulling out a mini-tin suitcase filled with candy.

"Lemonheads?" Lynn questioned.

"Old candy for old people."

Lynn's jaw dropped at her daughter-in-law's comment and pulled one of the lemonheads from the case, throwing it at her.


"Catfight!" Justin hollared, smiling at the two women. "Get her baby!"

Lynn's attention turned, preparing to throw one at her son.

"Hey, hey, careful Ma. I've got the girl," he shifted his daughter, holding her body in front of him.

"Baby protection is so unfair," Lynn muttered, popping the lemonhead into her mouth.

"Jolie baby, want to hand out goodie bags?" McKayla took the little girl from her husband.

Since she'd had a few minutes to rest and be held against her father, she was a little more energetic and up for the task of passing all of the bags to the various family members in the room. While Justin was retrieving the big brown bag from the corner he'd stashed it in, the phone rang, and he grabbed the cordless.

"Mom! Mom, can we go back outside with our guns now?" Dorian appeared next to her again.

"No, baby, you've done enough shooting for today."

"We barely got anything."

"You're not supposed to be playing with them at all. Remember the kitty-cat last week?"

His little face dropped and he bowed his head.


"Okay then, so according to Daddy you're not supposed to have them anymore, so so far I've done you a favor, right?"


"Okay then, go see what Jon and Steve are up to."

Dorian turned and headed up the stairs to find his uncles.

"The P-R-I-N-C-E-S-S is outside," Justin whispered into her ear.

"Okay. Hey Mama, Lynn, can you help her do this? We'll be right back." McKayla handed them the brown bag, filled with smaller goodies bags and headed out the door with her husband.

* * *

"Okay Jolie, this is the last one, give that one to Uncle Lance."

Jolie took the Cinderella goodie bag and headed over to the sofa where she had last seen her Uncle. But, his seat was empty.

"Uncle Lance isn't here? You wanna give it to me?" Lance's significant other held his hand out.

"Noooooo," Jolie sounded, tucking the bag behind her back.

"He's in the bathroom. I'll hold it for him. I promise I'll give it to him when he comes back."

"He'll give it to Uncle Lance when he comes back," McKayla reassured her daughter.

Jolie turned to the man, eyeing him carefully before handing over the precious bag.

"Thank you."

Jolie didn't respond, but turned and walked over to her Mother, fisting the fabric around her legs.

"Okay Jolie, all done, good job!"

The little girl closed her eyes and spun around in a circle, ending with a 'ta-da!' and a bow.

Then the doorbell rang and Justin's eyes lit up with mock excitement.

"Uh-oh Jolie, someone's at the door! Wanna come with Daddy to see who's at the door?" He picked up his camera from the table and held his hand out for Jolie.

She scurried over to her Dad, and took his hand, following him up the short flight of stairs to the front door. Justin pulled it open, and she stood back with curiosity. Her eyes lit up, and a smile graced her face as her eyes settled on the person standing there. Justin turned on the video camera, and zoomed in on his daughter as she glanced back at her Mother before turning to the guest before her. Everyone at the part 'oooh'ed and 'ahhhh'ed excitedly.

"Hello Princess Joliet. I got your invitation," Princess Aurora, also known as Sleeping Beauty, knelt down before her.

Joliet hurried over to the Princess, squeeling happily.

"Look at your dress!" Jolie dropped to her knees, playing with Aurora's pink hem.

Lynn and Lorraine howled with laughter and McKayla meerly shrugged her shoulders.

"That's my girl," she said. "Clothes and shoes."

"Jolie, say hi to Princess Aurora. She came all the way from her castle to see you," Justin said.

"Your dress," Jolie repeated.

"Yes, I have a pretty dress. But I like yours better. You're dress is very pretty. Is this Cinderella?"

"Cinderella," Jolie closed her eyes and spun around.

"Well, you look very nice Princess Joliet. I got your invitation, and I wanted to come by and bring you your present."

The princess pulled a pink bag from her shoulder and dug into it. She pulled out two Barbie dolls.

"These are for you."

Jolie's eyes lit up even more, if that were possible, and she took the dolls from Aurora.

"This one is one of you." Aurora pointed to the blue one, "and this one is one of me." She pointed to the pink one.

"Me and you," Joliet sounded happily.

"That's right, that's me and that's you. So you can remember me. But you know what, I have one more present for you. Wanna come sit down?"

Princess Aurora took a stunned Princess Joliet's hand and lead her down the stairs and into the family room where the rest of the guests were waiting.

"Is that your castle Princess Joliet?" Aurora refered to the large pink Princess tent in the corner, courtesy of Lynn.

"My castle!" Jolie sounded.

"It's a pretty castle. Want to sit by the castle while I give you your other present?"

The two princesses moved over near the castle, occupying the sofa where Lance, Reichen, Joey, and Kelly had been.

"Okay, my other gift for you is something very very special. What do you think it is?"

Jolie looked to her Mother, and then Father, both shrugging as if they didn't know.

"Don't know," Jolie said.

"You don't know? Well, I'll tell you, it's something every princess needs." As she spoke, she began pulling things from her purse. "Every true princess is in need of a magic wand." She blew up a long orange balloon, tied the end, and handed it to the little girl.

Jolie marveled at the magic wand.

"Do you know where the magic comes from Princess Joliet?" Aurora asked, digging into her bag again.


"Yeah, do you know where the magic lives?"

"Don't know."

"Right here," Aurora touched the little girls chest, "in your heart."

And with that, Aurora blew another balloon, this one in the shape of a heart.

"And now that you know where the magic lives, and now that you have your own wand, you can get to work spreading goodness and happiness all around the world." Aurora twisted the orange balloon to create a handle and connected the heart to one end.

"Happy Birthday Princess Joliet," she tapped the little girl on the head with the magic wand.

Joliet stood, and spun around, once again ending with a 'ta-da!'.

"But I almost forgot one thing Princess," Aurora dug into her bag one last time. "Before you can go start all of your good deeds, you need some magic... fairy... dust." Aurora pulled a small tube of glitter and sprinkled it over Joliet's head.

"Can she fly now Princess Aurora?" Lorraine asked.

"You bet. She can fly all around the world now."

Jolie giggled happily, opening her arms and flying over to her Father, who immediately lifted her into his arms.

"Oh my Gosh, Princess Jolie, look at you. You're covered with fairy dusk. And look at your wand."

Princess Aurora stood, fixing her large pink dress.

"Shall we cut the cake?"

"Yes, let's go cut the castle. Justin could you...?"

Justin nodded, handing his daughter to her Mother. The little girl immediately launched into an explaination of where her dust and wand had come from, incase McKayla missed anything.

"Dorian, Jon, Steven, come down and sing Happy Birthday," Lisa called up the flight of stairs.

There was groaning and complaining before six year-old Dorian, and teenagers Jonathon and Steven appeared, slowly decending the stairs.

"Get the led out boys."

Jonathon and Steven snuck through the livingroom and into the dining room, while Dorian squeezed his way inbetween people and over to his two grandmothers. McKayla was next to Aurora, holding a mesmorized Jolie. Justin held a long knife in his hand, preparing to handle castle cutting duties. It was a complicated job, because it had to be done without the castle collapsing onto itself.

"Princess! Princesses!" Jolie pointed from the small princess figurines on the cake to the real life princess next to her.

"Okay, we're gonna sing Happy Birthday. On the count of three, ready? One, two, three."

Now, with the two different families, came two different traditions. The Timberlake family was very old-fashioned, having haled from the backwoods of Tennessee. They cheerfully sang the traditional version of Happy Birthday, as a group. The Malone family, on the other hand, had a slightly different version. From the coast of California, they too sang the traditional version of Happy Birthday, but there was nothing group-like about it. Each member sang at their own pace, usually very loudly, very off-key, and often competing for who could do the worst. Members of the Timberlake clan had been introduced to it at Dorian's first birthday and were now used to it, and saw the humor in it. Princess Aurora however, had not been expecting the screeching noises at all, and couldn't keep herself from doubling over with laughter and plugging her ears half way through the song.

When the song ended, McKayla and Joliet leaned over, blowing out the three pink candles that sat on the castles veranda. Then both parents covered their little girl's cheeks with kisses.

"Who wants cake?"

"Serve the kids and Aurora first, Randall."

Justin cut the pieces and McKayla set up the birthday girl and her princess at the table before turning her attention to Grayson and Madison, then Jonathon and Steven, so on and so forth. Once everyone had their piece and had settled into their own various conversations, McKayla wandered over to her multiple sets of parents.

"Jolie is over there rambling on and on in words only she understands. Just blah blah nah nah nah a da a da."

"But to her, it's Princess gossip," Lynn said.

"They're talking about all kinds of things. About how one princess wore a dress twice, and who's got the better prince."

"Who's carriage is in the shop," McKayla went a long with Lorrianes explanation.

"Here baby," Justin appeared next to her, handing her a Cinderella plate with a piece of the tower on it.

"Thank you honey."

"Where in the world did you guys find a Princess Aurora?" Lisa questioned.

"It was simple. I strolled by Disneyland."

"What? That must have cost a fortune."

"A small one. But how many times is she going to turn three?" He glanced at his daughter with a smile.

"If it's up to you, every year until you're not here anymore," McKayla smiled.

Dorian strolled over, climbing in between his parents and setting his plate on the table.

"I'm done Mommy," he slouched against her side.

"All full baby boy?" McKayla set down her plate as well, putting an arm around her boy.


"Hey man, you can't be climbing all over your Mom like that. You gotta toughin up," Justin tickled Dorian's ribcage, causing the little boy to giggle and try to slink away, attempting to climb behind his Mom and to the other side of the sofa.

"Come back here. You can go crying to your Mommy, you gotta be a big boy." Justin lifted him into the air, turning him upside down.

"Justin, don't do that. He just ate cake," McKayla called after them.

"He thinks no one remembers that episode of Punk'd where he damn neared cried and called Lynn," Paul muttered, causing the others to chuckle under their breath.

* * *

After the cake, and a tour of Joliet's room, Princess Aurora had to leave. Prince Philip was due at her castle in a few hours, and she wanted to get back to Disneyland to greet him. After the cake, it was time for Princess Jolie to open her presents. First she recieved a pair of jeans and matching jacket, with princesses on the back and pockets. She also got a pink princess chair, and a carriage, which Justin had promised to push her around in later. She recieved several princess books and stuffed animals, and a purse.

"Oooh Jolie wanna open this one? It's from Grandma Lynn and Papa Paul." Justin handed the blue package to Jolie.

The little girl set it on the ground, tearing into the paper the way Justin had taught her. Then she stepped back and McKayla pulled out a yellow Belle ballgown. Everyone 'oooh'ed and Jolie began to take off her blue Cinderella gown.

"No, Jolie, we're not gonna put this on now. We'll save it for later."

"Nooo," Jolie whinned, throwing her arms in the air.

"We'll wear this one tomorrow, okay. Say thank you to grandma and grandpa."

"Noo... Mama," tiny tears started to spring from her eyes.

"We're opening presents right now baby."

Jolie turned on her heel, ignoring her Mother's calls and headed into her pink castle in the corner. Justin laughed at the exchange between the two. He remembered McKayla doing that same thing to him once or twice.

"Jolie, come open presents. You're missing it," McKayla tried to entice her. But nothing in the castle moved.

"I'm gonna open this one without you then. I wonder what it is." McKayla pulled open the tape, and pulled out a pink boa, tu-tu, and angel wings.

When everyone 'ahhh'ed, Jolie stuck her head out of the castle. She was still crying, but she was also curious.

"Look what Uncle JC got you. Now you can be a fairy princess ballerina."

"All the dreams rolled into one," Justin laughed.

Jolie left her castle, waddling over to her father and sitting in his lap.

"Bet you didn't get any weird looks while you were buying that, huh, Jayce?" Justin teased.

"No, but the sales girl though it was cute and gave me her number." He pulled a piece of paper from his pocket. Then his brow furrowed as he examined it, it started with 1-888.

"That's not her number," Joey laughed, leaning over JC's shoulder, "that's the number to a hotline."

"Jolie, say thank you Uncle C."

Jolie stood, walked over to him, looked him in the eye, and immediately ran back to her Dad.

"That meant thanks," McKayla explained. "I'm still mad, but thanks."

"That is really pretty JC, you did a good job," Lynn complimented.

"Thank you."

"What's this?" Dorian picked up the bag with the boa.

McKayla opened it, and wrapped it around his neck.

"It's a boa. Now, sing the theme from FAME."

"Hey, hey, hey," Justin reached over, unwrapping the boa. "Stop that. Go give that to Uncle Lance."

Lance glared back at his brother, while his young nephew did as told and brought him the feather boa. Justin laughed harder, trying to explain that it was all out of fun and love. Lance then wrapped the boa around his own neck and sat back to pout.

"Open ours next, open ours!" Lisa pointed happily to a Disney box.

McKayla pulled it over.

"What do you think this one is Jolie?"

Jolie meerly curled in Justin's chest, peeking one eye over at her Mother. McKayla opened the box, pulling out a Snow White dress.

"Look at this! It's Snow White. You out grew your last one, huh?" McKayla held it up, and Jolie reached out to touch the hem.

"Say thank you Grandma Lisa and Grandpa Randy. Look at all the pretty dresses your family got for you."

Jolie stood, going over to the Belle gown, and started to pull at the straps of her Cinderella dress.

"Jolie..." McKayla started.

"Noo... ma ma... no. A da a da a da."

"Oh let her," Justin commented. "She is her Mother's daughter. She's gotta make a costume change."

McKayla sighed.

"All right. Whatever. Here Jolie, let's put this one on."

The little girl lifted her dress over her head, and happily spun around in a circle in her diaper.

"That diapers hanging a little low," McKayla said.

"I'll change it."

"We're in the middle of a costume change."

"Perfect time to change a diaper. Come on Jolie, let's change your di-di," Justin took the dress, and Jolie's hand, and led her upstairs.

* * *

Hours later, after Jolie had made three costume changes and the guests had filtered out, Justin and McKayla stood in the kitchen alone, surrounded by dishes. Dorian was in the familyroom, occupying himself with a Spongebob DVD and trying to see how long he could stay up past his bedtime. Maybe if he was quiet enough, they'd forget he was there. Princess Jolie was in her princess bed fast asleep. She'd skipped her nap, and passed out around six or seven. Lorraine had retired to her guestroom. She'd be staying with them for the rest of the weekend before returning back home.

"Well, we got her third birthday down. Just fifteen more to go," Justin reached up to rub his wife's shoulders.

"Yeah. Fifteen more for Joliet. Twelve more for Dorian."

"Just don't make them go by too fast."

"Doesn't it seem like we were just bringing her home from the hospital yesterday?" McKayla paused in her loading of the dishawasher.

"Or Dorian was just learning to walk."

"Time flys. Hey, how come people don't wish us a Happy Birthday?" McKayla wondered outloud.


"Well, they're our kids, we had a lot to do with their being born, and I did actually give birth on this day. How come we don't get a Happy Birthday?"

Justin smiled at his wife. He supposed she did have a point. He leaned down, putting an around around her waist and resting his chin on her shoulder.

"Happy Birthday to us."

"Happy Birthday to us in deed."

Brown Eyed Girl by: Van Morrison

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