Comments For Biker Boy(s)
camshazam (Signed) on Jun 28, 2010 02:18 am (Part Two: II)
Wait.  I am confused by Justin.  He's mad at her for assuming all this bad stuff about him, then he's mad that she's not holding to those assumptions?  He tells her at the door to not be afraid, then tells her she *should* fear him.  This is a head-scratcher!  A guy I dated told me "when a man tells you something (about himself), take him at his word."  If I heard the words "you shold fear me," I would take that man at his word and be OUT.  Sexy or no.  Bike or no.  JT or...welllll, maybe I'd stick around for JT.

Author's Response: haha I'd totally stick around too. Yes, I was going for this Justin to be hard to figure out since he had such distinct yet different traits about him. With Briana, he was someone totally different than with his friends. I guess you could say she was bringing out the better side of him even if at the core he was this dangerous bad boy; he had a softer side. He was cautioning her that she should be afraid of him because if you read the rest, there were times when his 'evil' side came out. idk, I just like writing the crazy drama. lol. In my head it makes sense but writing it out for the reader to get all the little hidden meanings and understanding of the characters can be challenging. Thanks for commenting.

treasure (Signed) on Mar 23, 2009 12:18 am (Part Two: II)
awwwww he really digs and respects Bri and that makes him even sexier to me. I know she had to be just about ready to pull her hair out when he wouldn't try anything with her...shit he coulda gave her a kiss or somethin'.

MochaB (Signed) on Aug 26, 2008 11:37 pm (Part Two: II)
crap i don't remember what i said from my comment that got deleted, but things are definitely very interesting and i really, really can't wait to read more. loooove it. and that comment from Anonymous was me. i have no idea why it showed up that way. haha. oh! and i do remember saying this: justin and his chocolate comments are going to kill me. in a good way though. *drools* haha. update soon! :o)

Author's Response: Oh girl well thanks so much for re sending your comment. I know some got deleted with the move of the archive. I really appreciate it and yes, things are heating up no doubt. hehe. And woo for Justin loving chocolate. I know i'd be estatic if he said that was his new fav flavor in real life. *winks* hehe. Glad you're enjoying. I'll update soon.

SexualCoco (Signed) on Aug 21, 2008 09:23 pm (Part Two: II)
Okay let just say that (according to that banner) I am HOT (haha). Great job on that girlie, it looks awesome.

Now see Justin is playing a game. I mean I understand that he wants to keep Bri at a distance because of what he's into, but he can't be putting the sexy on a silver platter in front of her and then snatching it away. But I guess he's just saving up for that moment when he makes her his so that he can tear it up. ; )

Lovin' this so far girlie, keep it up!

Author's Response: Oh bri, i love your analysis. He's just trying to uh be somewhat decent with her since he doesn't want to mess up before he has her. But you know, who could really resist all that sexiness. hehe. glad you love it. i'll update soon.

Schnessa (Signed) on Aug 21, 2008 08:00 pm (Part Two: II)
Wow....I wanna kiss him too!!! UGH.....sometimes I think this fascination I have with Jusitn and this story is too much! lol

Author's Response: Oh my gosh, you guys are killing me. hehe but so glad you're into it. I only now realised that the chapters have to be split into two parts since they're long with what I want to get out. So we'll see how it goes. Thanks for the feedback. :)

SJane (Signed) on Aug 21, 2008 07:38 pm (Part Two: II)
oh boy sensitive yet sexy justin just adds to the yummyness lol yes that is officialy a word

Author's Response: oh 'yummyness' nice! i like it and know what you mean girl! *drools* lol thanks for the feedback

MissM69 (Signed) on Aug 21, 2008 07:26 pm (Part Two: II)

she should had said *and with wip cream is even better* ;)

ummm I think I juat made myself hot lol :p

update soon :D 


Author's Response: Hahah I agree, some whip cream on top is always good. hehe. thanks.

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