Comments For All I Wanna Do...
Vikki (Signed) on Mar 03, 2010 07:14 pm (Ch. 39: Road Trippin' it With JC: Learning a Lesson)
ok this wont be long because I need to click next... lol!

But I LOVED this for the following reasons:

1. they are SO fucking cute! with the "i miss you"s and "i love you"s... ugh!

2. YES classic Serena with the whole, eight o'clock wtf moment. I love her so hard.

3. JC is full of awesome.... break stuff, go to the gym, wtvr just dont be mad when i get back. HAHAHAHA!

aaaaaand the rooftop! *sigh*

I love that she's all uber!girlfriend lets-rock-this-solo-tour-togetherness! she's loving and supportive and explained to him WHY and that's just... GAH! LOVE THIS!

Author's Response: I just realized I never responded to your reviews! so sorry. I think they're cute, too. She's such a twit. 

Jaimie (Anonymous) on Dec 28, 2009 10:53 am (Ch. 39: Road Trippin' it With JC: Learning a Lesson)
Its about damn time sister! GREAT Chapter!! I just love how JC is so calm about everything. And I love that Serina is sooooo supportive! Gosh. What I would give to be her lol! I don't wanna have to threaten you again so please update sooner rather than later!!!! PS LOVING the other story also! :)

Author's Response: LOL. Yeah I totally don't want another lecture. But it did kick me in the ass, so... sometimes we get what we don't want! Yeah, I think JC NEEDS to be the calm one. Serena seems to fly off the emotional handle a lot. If they were both emotional, the relationship would be so explosive and not at all stable. At the same time, he's really reserved on ALL fronts and her prodding him to let her in speaks volumes.  

azchickadee (Signed) on Dec 26, 2009 03:37 pm (Ch. 39: Road Trippin' it With JC: Learning a Lesson)
Loved it!  I've missed these two.  :)

Author's Response: Thanks for reading it! 

grishy (Anonymous) on Dec 26, 2009 01:21 am (Ch. 39: Road Trippin' it With JC: Learning a Lesson)

A christmas present! thanks = )

Writing mode...? well I think this right here proves you're in writing mode again. So go on with the road trip, and in the down time, finish with "Same time next week".

"I'm kind of a brat. Who knew?"

....When you weren't writing about this pair I was asking for them, now that you're back in Serena/JC mode, I'm asking for the others...hehehehe.

"Don't think of this as giving you money to go shopping, or any other weird argument you're coming up with in your head, right now. J  See, I know you"

...aparently he and you know me well, cause I was working my way to offended about the gesture.


It always amaze me, how close to reallity their relationship is, most of the fics, don't capture the twist and turns that being in a couple means. You show intimacy (the dressing scene), comunication problems (the 8pm not promise), their work out their issues (conversation in the rooft), romance (the singing in her ear part_ btw I'm so envious)...and other little things that complete the picture for a real relationship.


Author's Response: Thanks for your always throrough and thoughtful reviews! Much appreciated! 

kacavendam (Anonymous) on Dec 25, 2009 06:28 am (Ch. 39: Road Trippin' it With JC: Learning a Lesson)
Finally update. Thank you<3. I just hope we (the readers)won't have to wait this long for a new chapter. I am totally adicted to this story so you ca see how dificult the waiting is:))))

Author's Response: I know, finally!!! 

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