Comments For All I Wanna Do...
Pumples (Signed) on Aug 06, 2014 04:00 pm (Chapter 49 Old Hen)

This happens every time. I get about 6 paragraphs in and I read something that makes me laugh out loud and have to come back on here to tell you!

"I'm bringing you back me."

"That old thing?"

"...I mean yay, you!"

Hilarious. I love their teasing banter, and how much of a loveable jerk he can be. The way you write his dialogue just fits for me. So much so that I hear his words in his voice. It really works.

Anyway, that's enough... Back to reading. Thanks for making the last hour before I fall asleep so fun, and for making it stretch into two, or three... This story is currently the reason I'm so brain-dead at work. Whoops.:/

Megan (Anonymous) on Jun 28, 2010 02:53 pm (Chapter 49 Old Hen)
Loved it!! I'm glad that Serena and Regina can finally have a good happy relationship after all they have been through! JC and Serena's relationship just makes me smile =). They are so supportive or one another and there is so much love there you just can't say anything bad about them!

Author's Response: *nods* In a weird way, everything falling into place for Serena is going to start stressing her out a little bit. The road to Happy seems to be bumpy for her. She'll make it, though. And JC will be there with her. It will just uhmmm be a  ways down the road. She has more growing to do! 

grishy (Signed) on Jun 27, 2010 08:08 pm (Chapter 49 Old Hen)
It has been all sweet and happiness since the holidays, but Im not complaining if there's coming a proposition...?

Author's Response: Just have to wait and see. All I can say is that it's coming but it will surprise you.

heartsevolve (Signed) on Jun 27, 2010 12:32 am (Chapter 49 Old Hen)
yaaaaayyyy. I love this. SO SWEET. Also, can I just say that I love how LONG your chapters are. I seriously could read this story forEVER. Basically, just write their entire life!

Author's Response:

Hahahaha! It's impossible for me to write short chapters. I start to worry once I hit about 8,000 words. This chapter just barely fit. 


Thanks for your review!  

azchickadee (Signed) on Jun 25, 2010 11:27 pm (Chapter 49 Old Hen)

oh my goodness!  so many thoughts!!  where do I start?!  This was a FANTASTIC chapter!  lol....I was cracking up through most of it and "awwing" through the rest. 

First off, I loved how JC was just lounging in bed with no intention whatsoever in getting up when Serena was leaving. Punk!  lol...Second, Serena's day with her mom was perfect.  I was curious, like everyone was I'm sure, about what Regina's request was going to be.  I bet it was hard for Serena to go through those questions and it's going to be hard for her to write that letter but it's going to be SO good for her to do this!!!

JC seriously cracks me up!  His whole demand for McDonalds and then complaining when she only brough back one burger for him had me litterally laughing out loud.  And Serena being all tongue-tied at talking to Joey?  lol...I hadn't thought about it, but she hasn't met any of the other guys, has she?  Heaven knows I would be tongue-tied if I were in her shoes!  I think she handeld it very well!! 

One thing I for sure wanted to comment on was the hug that JC gives to Serena.  Seriously, had me melting.  I've always imagined he would give good hugs....sigh....

The dinner with Serena's dad and his family was...interesting.  lol...Katrina is a piece of work!  Wow!  And again, JC's comment about dealing with screaming teenage girls for half his life made me laugh. I love the way you write him.  He's so funny and real and very close to what I imagine him being like in real life. 

And excuse me?  How can you end the chapter right there?!  lol...the next sweet and sappy chapter you're promising better be coming soon!  :)

Author's Response: *claps* I had fun writing this chapter. JC cracks me up, too. It's important to me for people to see JC as I see him.. sometimes serious but mostly pretty laid back and funny and sometimes a little bit of a sarcastic ass. He and Serena are totally made for each other-- he is almost her opposite, she's so high strung and emotional. And uh about the end? uhm... what had happened was... I ran out of room? Lol. I'll make up for it in the next chapter. *wink*

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