Comments For All I Wanna Do...
elle-miranda (Signed) on Mar 10, 2014 01:07 pm (Something In The Air (pt1))

This story. This beautiful/wonderful/hysterical/heartbreaking/poignant AMAZING story!  So over the course of the past week this story became my guilty pleasure--not guilty because I'm ashamed of reading it, mind you. It's just that I was reading when I should've been doing, uh, important life type stuff. But I have such a talent and gift it was such a pleasure to fall head first into this story, and head first in love with Serena and JC. Thank you so much for sharing this with us!

Author's Response: Oh gosh! Thank you for reading this one! It was my baby... we called it The Epic. LOL! I loooooooove this story. THank you so much for loving it too! 

Heathurrrr (Anonymous) on Jan 25, 2011 10:49 pm (Something In The Air (pt1))
It took me a few days but I just fnished this story and I absolutely LOVE it. I dont' normally comment on these things but I just gotta say when's the next chapter!!?!!?!

Author's Response: I'm always amazed by people who read the whole story. THANK YOU! Glad you liked it! The next chapter is on its way! 

fastmelodic (Signed) on Jan 10, 2011 01:38 pm (Something In The Air (pt1))

This took a lot of my time to read, but I finished it! and I loved it, too. You're an amazing writer! Good story. :D

Author's Response: OMG you read this entire thing??!!!? *hands you a crown* HOLY COW!  THanks for doing that and for the compliment! 

grishy (Signed) on Apr 14, 2010 09:00 am (Something In The Air (pt1))
Futher of my intention to catch your typo, I though it was on purpose XD

Mandy (Anonymous) on Apr 11, 2010 10:59 pm (Something In The Air (pt1))

So I read this entire story in like, four days, and I AM SO INTO IT. Their relationship is presented in such a realistic way, and it's so refreshing, when so many fics out there completely skirt over a lot of not so easy to write about parts of relationships.

 Anyway, Serena and JC are adorable, and I can't wait for an update! 

OH!! AND I CAN'T FORGET! When JC smoked that blunt and said something like..."do I make you horny, baby?" I laughed out loud for a good minute. Hilarious! That whole chapter was hilarious actually - among other things! 

Author's Response: hahahaha. Story!JC cracks my stuff UP! I think he's hilarious. He makes me laugh in my head. 

Big Fan (Anonymous) on Dec 02, 2009 12:31 pm (Something In The Air (pt1))
This isn't really a review as much as it is a general comment....I found this site last week, and I don't know why I picked this story to read. The premise just apelled to me so much....I have literaly not been able to function since starting this story! haha. I have a deadline for some paperwork, and had 2 days off to do it, and instead I sat and read this story! haha! It's sooooo addicting and you are such an AMAZING writer! I used to read fanfiction when I was younger, but those stories were NOTHING compared to what you can produce! You are such a captivating author, and I'm enjoying every minute of my free time being sucked into this story! haha

Author's Response: Wow, I so so so appreciate hearing that! It's really encouraging, so thank you for taking the time to review! There's another story that I'm pretty proud of, that's in progress, called Same Time Next Week. If you're bored, pop into that one, let me know what ya think! ;)

Jay (Anonymous) on Sep 26, 2009 11:34 am (Something In The Air (pt1))
Please udate soon! I'm going thru withdrawls!

Author's Response: I'm trying.... it's coming slowly. I have to take a break for a little bit and get my bearings again, but I'll pick this back up soon!

grishy (Signed) on Sep 07, 2009 03:10 am (Something In The Air (pt1))
I bet you're having a great time writing this, they're really fun to read; I'm having good sessions of giggles, laughts, tears, butterflies in my stomach...everytime I read a chapter. The last  one made me laught through the entire thing, and then squish my heart for him. I'm looking forward the next step on the roadtrip. Thanks for making us Serena...

Author's Response: It's a LOT of fun. Now I see why people started writing. The story kind of tells itself. Thanks for reading!

grishy (Signed) on Aug 31, 2009 10:57 pm (Something In The Air (pt1))

I'm gonna review after a while coz I read various chapters... the visit to the lake house has some of my favorites "normal" scenes fics ever!

The broke up =( the make up =) chapters werre great too, I absolutly love your JC, how he manages her issues, without losing view of his issues. Im in 29 chapter right now...sretching the time with Serena and JC for a while.


Author's Response: Great! I hope you've enjoyed it! It has been my baby for... wow, a long time. Someday I'll finish it.

Liz (Signed) on Jul 01, 2009 05:54 pm (Something In The Air (pt1))
Did not see that coming! Awesome chapter, I can't WAIT for an update!!! 

Author's Response: Thanks for your review! Next installment coming up soon!! 

Jackie (Anonymous) on Mar 07, 2009 07:30 pm (Something In The Air (pt1))
I forgot to add that if you do end up writing other stuff I would read it. I know that this is an NSYNC board and I love how well you write about JC but to me the true magic happens when you are writing the Serena/Regina relationship. You capture the heartbreak and longing very well. The anger and uncertainty. You character development is very good. I read that you are a flegeling writer, keep up the practice and you'll get there. Like I said you are very talented.

Author's Response:

Thank you, SO much. I really appreciate your kind words. I feel like there is a story to tell, here, so I'm taking my time with it, but I think my next piece of work is going to be original fiction. I just need to figure out what the next story is that needs to be told.

Thank you, again, so much! :-D 

Joy (Signed) on Jan 29, 2009 10:53 pm (Something In The Air (pt1))
Yay! New fav story. -on to read more-

Author's Response: Wow, I am just now noticing this review! I'm so sorry I didn't respond earlier. I hope you've read further and enjoyed it!

CJasmine (Signed) on Jan 29, 2009 09:13 pm (Something In The Air (pt1))

I really love this story! Very very nice job! :-) You're super talented...



not to mention JC is super fucking hottttt

Author's Response:

He gives me so much to work with, lol!


Thank you! 

nikoleoncld9 (Anonymous) on Jan 29, 2009 12:26 pm (Something In The Air (pt1))
“The older I get, and the deeper I get into being an adult and having a job and responsibilities... by the time Friday rolls around, I’m just done. I feel like I’ve been beat with a stick and I just want to relax. Take a shower, get comfortable, watch a movie, fall asleep early. Isn’t that sad?”

This is me totally. When Friday comes, I am a LAZY ass bum.

Author's Response: Me. TOO!

PopDiva (Signed) on Jan 29, 2009 12:24 pm (Something In The Air (pt1))
Yay!  When I got the email saying you had posted a new story and I read the synopsis, I was hoping it was JC :)  and you delivered!  Loving it so far, can't wait to read the rest.  (and secretly wondering why stuff like this never happens to me).  :D

Author's Response: I have only written him so far, because he's so easy to write. The others, I can't quite grasp enough to write them, except for fleeting moments and guest spots. JC is too easy.  And also he's hot. :-D

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