Comments For All I Wanna Do...
ChaseznLuccaLover (Signed) on Mar 10, 2009 10:32 am (Mum's The Word (Pt1))

Okay so this story was suggested to me last night, and I have not read through this chapter!! I apologize for not leaving a comment on any of the other chapters, but I got so wrapped up in the story I just wanted to keep reading!! If it wasn't for having to go to stupid classes I would still be reading!

You have excellent characterization of JC. Very close to what I imagine he would be. And I must say I am very attracted to your fictional JC. 

I also LOVE the dialogue. It seems so very real to me, like it is exactly how people talk. There isn't all the mushy-gushy-how-we-WANT-people-to-talk bullcrap. It is very real and very fun to read. 

And the more I learn about Serena the more I want to know. It is great that we are starting to learn about who she is and what makes her tick, and not just how she is in bed (although the love scenes... HOT DAMN). I am really getting into her whole history. 

So now I am off to one of those pesky classes, but I hope I can procrastinate on some more of my homework and read a few more chapters tonight! 

Author's Response: Wow, thank you for such a great view, specifically on characterization and how the Serena character comes through for you. I appreciate hearing that! I hope you enjoy the rest of the story and the journey. Lots of fun to write it, and it's great knowing people are actually reading and enjoying it.

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