Comments For All I Wanna Do...
SJane (Signed) on Feb 23, 2009 02:34 am (Chapter 15)
Its not a good thing but him showing his insecutrities is just so cute and endering I def think she's good for him

Author's Response: Thanks for your review! Appreciate your thoughts! :)

Vikki (Signed) on Feb 23, 2009 12:55 am (Chapter 15)

*squeal* ... OMG this chapter was just all kinds of cute!

i loved how she predicted his call on Christmas night, already learning him, awww!

and how excited and flustered she was about him coming, her shyness at the airport! lol! that'd SO be me! and then he was all like "you can kiss me now" in the car... GAWD! i would've raped him in the backseat... LOL!

thank you btw for making this NC-17 ... so damn hot!

but awwwwwww .... she cried! and i love how JC was all worried and didnt get freaked. he's just... I love him!

they were just so normal! its great to see that, dinner, talk, tv, cookies... just normal and enjoying each other.

and I love that gap JC Chasez! leave your teeth alone! lol!

i want more! now! :)

Author's Response:

LOl. you're awesome for my ego! Yes I am still awake, but was getting ready to snuggle down. I had an idea for the next chapter and wanted to start on it.;)

You know, I'm not 'in love' with this chapter. It's rather lackluster and I didn't really 'wow' myself. I guess it's probably from reading it so many times and fretting over how I want the story to come out, but I'm really happy that the things I am thinking about and what I am trying to accomplish is coming through- setting the pace, relationship building, getting to know one another. I've struggled with the sex scenes but I really feel like they do so much random 'relating' during them -- and seriously when you dont' see your man for weeks at a time, what's the first thing ya'll are doing? Right? So... in the end I left it because I needed some very close moments in there. Intimacy and ease with eacht other, etc.

Blah blah, yap yap all about me. LOL. Anyway! 

Thanks for your review, I always appreciate what you have to say! 

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