Comments For All I Wanna Do...
Pumples (Signed) on Jul 05, 2014 03:01 am (Chapter 19)
I know this is a really fandom place to review, but I have to just to say I am loving this story! It took me a while to get into it-- I don't usually read JC fiction, but this is already turning into one of my faves. So much so I have saved it on my kindle to read again (as I know I will want to!) 

Author's Response: It's totally AWESOME that you're reading this story! It was my baby, I'm very proud of it. Enjoy. Many times! :D 

Jackie (Anonymous) on Apr 18, 2009 08:59 pm (Chapter 19)
I liked the rewrites. The original edit was really good but the rewrite added a little extra meat. Amazing as always. You bring true life to your characters.

Author's Response: Thanks!  The rewrite worked tons better for me.

ChaseznLuccaLover (Signed) on Apr 05, 2009 02:39 pm (Chapter 19)

A) I want to stay in this condo place. Sounds like heaven.

B) I am glad that JC didn't go running when she told him those three words. Hopefully he will say them back soon.

C) I cannot wait for another update! 

Author's Response: Lol, Thanks! I usually do a google search and find a few good places and sort of combine characteristics. That place does exist in Palm Springs! :-D  I was thinking about this update today, trying to follow the next logical step. May be a while before there is an update. This story is.... intense and I don't want to write myself into a hole.  Thanks for the review, as always I appreciate your thoughts.

Vikki (Signed) on Mar 30, 2009 09:19 pm (Chapter 19)

eeeeeeep! *happy dance*

He somehow ended up next to me, an arm behind me and curling around my waist, tucking me close to his chest while he kept the beat with a sock clad foot on the ottoman in front of us. After a few minutes, I felt soft lips on my temple and a whisper tickled my ear. "Better?"

GUH! *dies*

and OMG ... weekend getaway!

I had to laugh at the fact that they recognized Serena by her voice, lol! but seriously, if i was planning a weekend with Mr. JC I would probably nitpick the little details too. :)

and i love the art museum... "It's a big ass four. I don't know. But do you get what I was saying?"  LMAO! I love him!

and then! their discussion on Family Guy! OMGZ! and then! Blowin Me Up! *dies*

and then... sexytime... mmmmmmmmmmm




and I love that she talked to him about... whatshisface ... that was good. good for them, the openness and honesty. and it got him to open up more too... which was a big yay moment. I like when talks to her... they're growing. :)

Author's Response: LMAO. Your reviews are always awesome, lol. They totally let me know what worked. Thanks!

Keediluv (Signed) on Mar 28, 2009 05:48 pm (Chapter 19)

She admitted it, like for real this time!  I hope that this is just the beginning of her opening up.  And I'm so proud of him!  He didn't open up like that before and I think this new direction is so sweet.  Great update honey!


Author's Response: \o/ It's so great when something just .. happens... you don't plan for it or mean for it to happen, it just comes out. I worked hard at this chapter but the end part just came out. I think every relationship has these little hurdles that you jump and you hope you jump them together, but sometimes not. They each have their own individual things to work out-- but there are hurdles now that they can jump together and hopefully that's comforting and gives the relationship some strength.

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