katethegreat (Signed) on Mar 18, 2009 11:04 pm (Chapter Two : Beginning of the End (Pt. 2))

good god woman... what is with the tear-jerkers?!?!?! lol.

i'm loving this more and more, but holy crap... it's so damn depressing!

although... i did get a little shred of hope and thought maybe there was the small possibility he'd wake up. and i was definitely bummed when he didn't :(

anywho... more. now. lol

Author's Response: I know! I know. Depressing stuff, but it wouldn't leave me alone! I tried to think happy thoughts honestly! LOL. Me being the somewhat happy ending loving person that I am ALMOST made him wake up, but yeah...my fingers obviously had other plans! Sorry! I'm soooo glad you're loving it! You have know idea how much it means to me! It's kinda close to my heart this story. Thanks for reviewing my stuff! I'm not as witty in my responses am I? LOL. I'll get better at this response thing!

alimera (Signed) on Mar 18, 2009 12:04 pm (Chapter Two : Beginning of the End (Pt. 2))
OMG. In tears, cannot write.

Author's Response: I'm sorry! *hands you tissue* Thanks for reading and reviewing! It really means a lot!

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