Comments For Stand By Me
Anonymous (Anonymous) on Jan 06, 2010 06:24 pm ("I'd like to think of this as another Lou Pearlman.")
JC has to make it. I am really happy to see that Justin wants nothing more than to remain by his side through this ordeal. And the idea of finishing the *NSync album...I wish that would really happen.

Author's Response: There are always two sides to the story and this one is gonna be a struggle to decide where I want it to end.  Hopefully, regardless of what I choose, everyone will like it :)

Vikki (Signed) on Dec 11, 2009 02:45 pm ("I'd like to think of this as another Lou Pearlman.")

oooooooo i LOVE these guys.


"Or what about that time in Europe when we had to bake cookies for some show? I was Cookie Man and you were my sidekick -"


hehe! I remember that.

srsly JC's dying talk blows but... totally understandable. And i had to choke back tears during his whole "i wanna be called daddy" speach *guh*

Author's Response: The first time I saw that clip, I nearly peed myself.  They were like Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum back then.  Dying!JC doesn't make me happy, either :(

grishy (Anonymous) on Dec 11, 2009 10:46 am ("I'd like to think of this as another Lou Pearlman.")
It doesn't seams hard, when you write so well. I like the candyness behind the deep talks, you put in this dialogue

Author's Response: Thank you, thank you, thank you!!  :)

shan030709 (Signed) on Dec 10, 2009 09:10 pm ("I'd like to think of this as another Lou Pearlman.")
This story looks like it is going to be a rough, but very thought provoking one.  It already has my mind running a million miles per minute.  I cannot wait to see what else comes down the line for JC and Justin.  Thanks for keeping us intrigued!!

Author's Response: Thank you :) It's really hard to write stuff like this, especially if you lack the experience of the disease/whatever is focused and if you prefer to write love/fluff ... this one has a little mix of some, I think ...

azchickadee (Signed) on Dec 10, 2009 08:52 pm ("I'd like to think of this as another Lou Pearlman.")

sigh...this story must be phsycially and emotionally draining for you to write!  I'm exhausted just reading the damn thing!  lol...

Loved the reference to "Pixie Gate 1996"....lmao!!

Is JC ever going to let his family now what's going on or is he just going to continue to be stubborn?  I think they should hire Lauren to be the private nurse!  *nudge, nudge*  lol...JC needs to find something to live and fight for and what better than love?  :D

Author's Response: I re-read your review and I now have 'Better Than Love' stuck in my head.  I'm inspired.  For this story, too.  I think you'll know when it comes up, too :)  I may have to credit you for the idea, haha

XxSmurfettexX (Anonymous) on Dec 10, 2009 06:13 pm ("I'd like to think of this as another Lou Pearlman.")
I love this story so much!! It's written very well. I love how close Justin and JC are. I love JC's sarcastic comments. I just love Justin as a whole in this story. I really like how you're writing about a topic that's hardly touched upon. Keep up the great work and update soon.

Author's Response: Thank you :)  I've been trying harder and harder to mature my craft; there are a bunch of great writers on here and elsewhere and I can only strive to be like them :)  And thank you for the compliment!  :)

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